A Fusebit function that exposes an Express-based programming model and supports returning a variety of content types (HTML, SVG, PNG etc.).
fuse function edit --template fusebit/samples/express express
A Fusebit function template that demonstrates how to scaffold configuration settings for the function. The .env file of the template specifies placeholder values of the configuration settings required by the function. Developer creating a function from the template needs to replace these placeholder values with actual configuration settings.
fuse function edit --template fusebit/samples/configuration configuration
A Fusebit function that presents the end user with a custom JavaScript programming model. Key elements of this template:
- The index.js entry point implements a programming model tranformation logic that delegates the implementation to the onPayment.js handler exposing a domain-speific programming model to the end user.
- The details of the transformation logic are hidden from the end user of the Fusebit editor using the hideFiles property of fusebit.json. In addition, the CRON settings are hidden in the editor, since they are not relevant to the use case.
- The fusebit.json specifies a custom runner property that invokes the function with HTTP POST and a payload allowing for quick ad-hoc testing of the implementation.
fuse function edit --template fusebit/samples/dsl dsl
A special case of a domain specific language is a Fusebit function that performs data mapping of two data sets by implementing logic that creates a destination record from a source record. In this example, the function maps the database of Nobel prize laureates to a custom format.
- The index.js entry point fetches the source data from the specified URL, and then processes every record through a user-specified data mapping function in mapping.js.
- The details of the data loading and transformation logic are hidden from the end user of the Fusebit editor using the hideFiles property of fusebit.json. In addition, the CRON settings are hidden in the editor, since they are not relevant to the use case.
fuse function edit --template fusebit/samples/data-mapping data-mapping
This sample demonstrates an application that embeds individual components of the Fusebit Editor to achieve better integration with the desired UI and UX. Specifically:
- The default action and status panels of the Fusebit Editor are hidden.
- Custom application toolbar exposes the Save and Run buttons that trigger the saving and running of the Fusebit function.
- Custom application status bar is located between the editor and the logs panels.
- The logs panel of the Fusebit Editor is used separately from the main editor panel in a custom location on the page.
- Custom CSS to style individual components of the editor.
The index.html is a sample HTML page that embeds the customized Fusebit Editor. Before opening it in the browser, replace the {accountId}, {subscriptionId}, {baseUrl} and {accessToken} placeholers with values specific to your deployment. You can generate an access token to experiment with during development using fuse token -o raw
The fusebit-custom.css is a sample CSS file with customized editor CSS. For instructions on how to customize the Fusebit Editor with CSS please see Styling the Editor.
NOTE Functionality demonstrated in this sample requires Fusebit Editor version >= 1.4.
This sample shows how to create a simple React component to host the Fusebit Editor in a React application.
The FusebitEditor.tsx contains the React component code in TypeScript.
You can embed this component in your React application as follows:
version="1" // can be major, major.minor, major.minor.patch, or undefined for latest version
accountId: '{accountId}',
subscriptionId: '{subscriptionId}',
baseUrl: '{baseUrl}',
accessToken: '{accessToken}'
template: {}, // IFunctionSpecification
editor: {} // IEditorOptions
onLoaded={(editorContext: any) => {}}
onError={(e: any) => {
alert('Fusebit Editor error: ' + e.message);