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EveryAuth is the easiest way for your app to access APIs like Slack, Salesforce, or Github.


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EveryAuth is the easiest way for your app to access APIs like Slack, Salesforce, or Github.

import everyauth from "@fusebit/everyauth-express";
import { WebClient } from "@slack/web-api";

// Rapidly add support for users to authorize access to Slack APIs
  everyauth.authorize("slack", {
    finishedUrl: "/slack/finished",
    mapToUserId: async (req) => "user-123", // in production

// Easily use these credentials with the native Slack SDK
router.get("/slack/finished", async (req, res) => {
  const userId = "user-123"; // in production
  const userCredentials = await everyauth.getIdentity("slack", userId);

  const slack = new WebClient(userCredentials.accessToken);
  const result = await{
    text: "Hello world from EveryAuth!",
    channel: "#general",

  res.send("Success with EveryAuth");

Key benefits:

  • Express middleware enabling users of your Node.js app to authorize access to third party APIs.
  • Out of the box, shared OAuth clients with basic permissions to get you started quickly.
  • Full control of the OAuth client configuration when you are ready (bring your own).
  • Secure and durable storage of OAuth credentials of your users.
  • Flexible identity mapping to reference credentials using concepts native to your app.
  • Automatic token refresh.
  • Active monitoring and alerting for expired or revoked credentials (coming soon).

EveryAuth consists of Express middleware, a management CLI, and a Fusebit service. If you need additional context of the key benefits, check out our EveryAuth announcement or ask us a question on Twitter @fusebitio.


Getting started Supported services Concepts Security Authentication Identity mapping Service configuration Reference: CLI Reference: middleware FAQ

Getting started

Let's assume you have a working Express application you want to integrate with Slack to send messages to your users' Slack workspaces. If you don't have an Express app handy, you can quickly scaffold a new one.

First, install the EveryAuth CLI:

npm install -g @fusebit/everyauth-cli

Then, create a free Fusebit account to use the shared Slack OAuth client. In the root directory of your Express application, run:

everyauth init

The command will create the .fusebit directory with details of your Fusebit account, including a generated private key. Do not commit this directory to your source control! If you are using Git, add .fusebit to your .gitignore.

Then, add the EveryAuth Express middleware dependency to your app:

npm install --save @fusebit/everyauth-express

Ensure you install the official Slack SDK for our example:

npm install --save @slack/web-api

In your Express app, add a route that allows your users to grant your application authorization to call Slack on their behalf:

import everyauth from "@fusebit/everyauth-express";

// When you want to ask your users for authorization to Slack, redirect
// their browser to
  everyauth.authorize("slack", {
    // When authorization process completes, user will be redirected to /slack/finished
    finishedUrl: "/slack/finished",

    // The credentials obtained during the authorization process can be later
    // obtained using the identifier returned here, typically a unique user ID in your app
    mapToUserId: async (req) => "user-123", // in production

Next, add a route the user of your app will be redirected to once the authorization process has finished. This example uses the freshly obtained credentials to send a message to the user's Slack workspace:

import { WebClient } from "@slack/web-api";

router.get("/slack/finished", async (req, res) => {
  // Get Slack credentials of the user of your app making this call
  const userId = "user-123"; // in production
  const slackCredentials = await everyauth.getIdentity("slack", userId);

  // Use the Node.js Slack client to send a DM message to
  // the user's Slack workspace
  const slack = new WebClient(slackCredentials.accessToken);
  const directMessageChannel = slackCredentials?;
  const result = await{
    text: "Hello world from EveryAuth!",
    channel: directMessageChannel,

  res.send("Success with EveryAuth");

Note that the user credentials are securely and durably stored in your Fusebit account - you can obtain and use them in any other place in your application and at any time.

Congratulations, you are done! To test the end-to-end flow, navigate your browser to to start the Slack authorization flow. Once you are done, you should see a new message in the #general channel of the Slack workspace you authorized.

Supported services

EveryAuth supports authorization to the following APIs out of the box:

Asana: Docs • Example
Atlassian: Docs
Discord: Docs
GitHub: Docs • Example
GitLab: Docs • Example
Google API: DocsExample
Hubspot: DocsExample
Linear: DocsExample
PagerDuty: Docs
QuickBooks: Docs
Reddit: Docs
Salesforce: DocsExample
Slack: Docs • Example
StackOverflow: Docs

Don't see the service you are looking for? We are constantly adding support for new services. Check if yours is in the backlog or file a request for one.


  • User - A person using your web application; it could be you, your friends, or your customers.
  • Tenant - A large multi-user system uses a tenant concept to identify the larger organization to which a particular user may belong. For example, your user might be Janet, but the tenant might be Sonicity, a large multinational corporation. Generally, users authenticate on behalf of tenants, though for single-user environments the user and the tenant might be effectively the same.
  • Service - A service is a remote SaaS your users are already using, upon which you would like to act on their behalf. For example, your application may modify a HubSpot record, send a message to Slack, or update a Salesforce company on behalf of your application users.
  • Identity - The necessary tokens, refresh tokens, or other secrets that are used to authorize API calls to a service on behalf of a user.
  • Tag - A key-value pair, for example ("userId", "user-123"). A number of tags can be associated with an identity. EveryAuth enables you to lookup an identity or identities associated with a specific set of tags.


EveryAuth is backed by Fusebit. Fusebit is a SOC2-compliant integration Provider as-a-Service ("iPaaS") that provides a broad and full-featured integration platform. All data stored in Fusebit is:

  • Encrypted at rest using AES-256 encryption
  • Encrypted in transit using TLS 1.2
  • Secured by a powerful authorization engine that powers the Fusebit integration platform itself, trusted and used already in production by Fusebit customers
  • Identity backed by either private keys or OAuth 2

Fusebit is committed to maintaining a high standard of security practices and welcomes any bug reports or security advisories. Don't hesitate to get in touch with for any further questions.


EveryAuth CLI and middleware communicate with the Fusebit APIs to do their job and need to authorize those calls. The credentials are established when you run everyauth init and stored in the .fusebit/settings.json file on disk.

The express middleware locates credentials in the following way, in priority order:

  1. Programmatically through code via the everyauth.config() method.
  2. Use a token generated via everyauth token in the EVERYAUTH_TOKEN environment variable.
  3. Use a base64-encoded profile generated via everyauth profile export | base64 in the EVERYAUTH_PROFILE_JSON environment variable
  4. The EVERYAUTH_PROFILE_PATH environment variable points to the settings.json file in a directory.
  5. The settings.json file in the .fusebit subdirectory of the current or closest parent directory.

The EveryAuth CLI is always looking for credentials in the ~/.fusebit/settings.json file created when you run everyauth init. You can copy the ~/.fusebit directory between machines to access the same underlying account.

Identity mapping

One of the features of EveryAuth is the durable and secure storage of your users' identities. You can retrieve those identities using tags representing concepts native to your app. For example, a user ID, a project ID, or a tenant ID.

To enable looking up identities using tags, you must first associate a tag with an identity. Fusebit defines two types of commonly used tags: fusebit.userId, and fusebit.tenantId. You can associate an identity with those tags as part of the EveryAuth middleware configuration:

  everyauth.authorize("slack", {
    mapToUserId: async (req) => "user-123",
    mapToTenantId: async (req) => "company-contoso",

The mapToUserId is a customization point you need to override to set the value of the fusebit.userId tag for the identity that is established in the authorization process (in the example above, to Slack). This value would be typically derived from the authentication mechanism you are using to protect the endpoint above. For example, it could come from a cookie-based session.

The mapToTenantId is used to set the value of the fusebit.tenantId tag for the new identity. The concept of a tenant is specific to your application. For example, the specific authenticated user of your app may be part of a particular company or organization which is the tenant of your app. If you don't provide an explicit value for the fusebit.tenantId tag, its value will be the same value you provided for fusebit.userId.

Once the authorization process completes, the resulting identity is durably and securely stored by EveryAuth and associated with the respective tags. Later on in your app, you can look up the identity using the value of the fusebit.userId tag:

const userId = "user-123";
const slackCredentials = everyauth.getIdentity("slack", userId);

You can also look up an identity that has multiple tags:

const slackCredentials = everyauth.getIdentity("slack", {
  "fusebit.tenantId": "company-contoso",
  "fusebit.userId": "user-123"

The getIdentity function will return exactly one matching identity or undefined if no matching identity is found. An exception will be thrown if there is more than one matching identity.

In cases where you expect multiple identities matching the search criteria (for example, multiple identities with fusebit.tenantId tag set to "company-contoso"), use the getIdentities function instead.

Service configuration

EveryAuth comes with shared OAuth clients to services it supports so that you can get up and running quickly. Those clients have limited permissions. Once the needs of your app exceed those permissions, you will need to create your own OAuth client in the respective service and configure EveryAuth to use it.

Service configuration is performed using the EveryAuth CLI. Documentation of specific services talks about service-specific parameters that need to be set. Still, in a typical case you would need to specify your own client ID, client secret, and scope, for example:

everyauth service set slack \
  --scope "chat:write users:read channels:read channels:join chat:write.public" \
  --clientId "{your-client-id}" \
  --clientSecret "{your-client-secret}

EveryAuth durably stores the configuration parameters of a service as part of your Fusebit account.

You can check the current configuration of a service with everyauth service get {name} and list available services with everyauth service ls.

EveryAuth CLI reference

The EveryAuth CLI manages the configuration of the services you want to authorize from your app. You can install the CLI with:

npm install -g @fusebit/everyauth-cli

Below is a short synopsis of the CLI commands. For detailed options, specify the command name followed by --help.

everyauth init

Performs one-time initialization of EveryAuth on a developer machine. This command will create a free Fusebit account and store the credentials necessary to access it in your home directory's ~/.fusebit/settings.json file. Keep this file secret. You can also move the .fusebit directory to a new machine from which you want to access your EveryAuth configuration, like a CI/CD box or a second development machine.

everyauth profile export

Exports to stdout a JSON-encoded profile object which can be used with everyauth profile import, or set in the environment after base64 encoding within EVERYAUTH_PROFILE_JSON to support generating keys in production to authenticate to the EveryAuth backend.

Example: Encode the profile to generate short-lived JWT keys dynamically in production, and store it in a .env file.

echo EVERYAUTH_PROFILE_JSON=`everyauth profile export | base64` >> .env

everyauth profile import

Supports importing, from stdin or a file, a previously existing profile.

everyauth token

Generates a token that can be placed within the EVERYAUTH_TOKEN environment variable to be automatically used by the middleware to communicate with the EveryAuth backend.

Supports a --expires parameter that allows for a custom expiration time specified via standard ms interval encoding. The default expiration interval is 2h (two hours).

Example: Generate a token valid for 12 weeks, and store it in a .env file.

echo EVERYAUTH_TOKEN=`everyauth token --expires 12w` >> .env

everyauth service ls

Lists services available to use from your app. See the Supported services section for details on the usage of individual services.

everyauth service set

Configures a specific service. This can be used to specify your custom OAuth client ID or secret or a custom set of scopes you want to request the authorization for. See the Supported services section for details on the usage of individual services.

everyauth service get

Get the current configuration of a specific service and the OAuth callback URL necessary to set up a custom OAuth application with that service.

everyauth service add

Add a new service.

everyauth service rm

Remove existing service.

everyauth service log

Get logs of an existing service.

everyauth identity ls

List existing identities for a specific service (users who authorized your app to use the service on their behalf).

everyauth identity get

Get details of a specific identity of a particular service.

everyauth identity rm

Remove a specific identity of a particular service.

everyauth version

Display CLI version.

EveryAuth Express middleware reference

The EveryAuth Express middleware and module can be installed in your Node.js project with:

npm install @fusebit/everyauth-express --save

Below is the synopsis of the methods and types the module offers.

authorize(serviceId, options)

An Express middleware that defines the necessary endpoints on your web application that enable you to take a browser user through an authorization flow for a particular service. To start the flow, you need to direct the browser to the endpoint where this middleware was installed. When authorization flow has finished, control is returned to your application by redirecting to the finishedUrl URL you specified in the middleware's configuration. The query parameters of the final redirect indicate the operation status.

NOTE The endpoint you would add this middleware to is typically authenticated using the same mechanisms as other browser-facing endpoints of your app.

import everyauth from "@fusebit/everyauth-express";

  // The endpoint you need to redirect the user to to start the authorization flow
  // The service you want get the authorization for, in this case Slack
  everyauth.authorize("slack", { 
    // The endpoint of your app where control will be returned afterwards:
    finishedUrl: "/slack/finished", 
    // The user ID of the authenticated user the credentials will be associated with
    mapToUserId: async (req) => "user-123", // in production

The finishedUrl may receive the following query string parameters on completion:

name type description
error string (optional) A short description of the error that occurred, if any.
errorDescription string (optional) A longer description of the error that occurred, if any.
name type description
serviceIdOrFunc string | (req: Express.request) => Promise<string> The name of the remote service to get authorization from the user, or a function to extract that from the request.
options EveryAuthOptions Options controlling the behavior of the middleware.

getIdentity(serviceId, identityOrIdsOrTags)

Returns the identity of a specific user and service, including the current access token that can be used to call APIs of the service. This method uses search criteria specific to your application (e.g., userId or tenantId) to look up a unique, matching identity in EveryAuth. It also ensures the access token is current and refreshes it if needed.

If more than one identity matches the search criteria, this method will throw an exception. If there are no matching identities, it will return undefined. It will only return an identity if exactly one match is found.

import everyauth from "@fusebit/everyauth-express";

// Get Slack credentials of the user of your app
const userId = "user-123"; // in production
const slackCredentials = await everyauth.getIdentity("slack", userId);
// Use slackCredentials.accessToken to call the Slack API

See the Supported services section for details on the contents of the return value from getIdentity. All return values will have the access token normalized to userCredentials.accessToken.

name type description
serviceId string The name of the remote service the user should be authenticated with.
identityOrIdsOrTags string | 
  string |
  number |
  undefined |
If a string is supplied, this is treated as either as a unique identity id in the EveryAuth system, or the value of the user id tag.

If the parameter is an object, it is treated as a set of tags the returned identity must have.

Returns an object of type IEveryAuthCredential with an accessToken property guaranteed to be current or undefined if no matching identities are found.

getIdentities(serviceId, idsOrTags, [options])

Returns all identities matching the specified search criteria. For example, you can query EveryAuth for all service identities that have a specific value of the fusebit.tenantId. This method supports paging and continuation.

import everyauth from "@fusebit/everyauth-express";

// Get Slack identities of all users from company Contoso
const tenantId = "company-contoso"; 
const identities = await everyauth.getIdentities("slack", { "fusebit.tenantId": tenantId });

for (const item of identities.items) {
  const credentials = await everyauth.getIdentity("slack",;
  // credentials.accessToken
name type description
serviceId string The name of the remote service the user should be authenicated with.
idsOrTags Record<string,
  string |
  number |
  undefined |
A set of tags returned identities must have.
options object (optional) Specify the next property as returned by a previous call to getIdentities to get a next page of matching identities. Specify the count property to indicate the desired maximum number of results to return.
name type description
items IEveryAuthIdentity[] An array of EveryAuth credential objects.
next string | undefined If present, indicates that additional results may be obtained by supplying the next parameter to another call to getIdentities

deleteIdentity(serviceId, identityId)

Deletes an existing identity.

import everyauth from "@fusebit/everyauth-express";

// Delete single identity
const identity = await everyauth.getIdentity("slack", { userId });
await everyauth.deleteIdentity("slack", identity.fusebit.identityId);
name type description
serviceId string The name of the remote service the user should be authenticated with.
identityId string The identity ID returned as part of getIdentity or getIdentities call.

deleteIdentities(serviceId, identityId)

Deletes all identities matching the search criteria.

import everyauth from "@fusebit/everyauth-express";

// Delete all identities tagged with tenantId 'contoso'
const tenantId = "contoso"; 
await everyauth.deleteIdentities("slack", { tenantId });
name type description
serviceId string The name of the remote service to delete identities of.
idsOrTagsOrNull Record<string,
  string |
  number |
  undefined |
A set of tags identities to be deleted must have. Specify null if you want to delete all identities of the service.


name type description
finishedUrl string The absolute or relative path to send the user to after completing the authorization flow.
finishedUrlOrFunc string | (req: Express.request) => Promise<string> The absolute or relative path to send the user to after completing the authorization flow, or a function to extract that from the request.
mapToUserId async (req: Express.request) => string This method is called to generate a string user id to identify the user in your system and later allow querying EveryAuth for credentials owned by that user.
mapToTenantId async (req: Express.request) => string This method is called to generate a string tenant id to identify the tenant in your system, and allow querying EveryAuth for credentials owned by that tenant. If you don't specify this callback, the value of the tenant id will be set to the same value as the user id.
onCompleted async (req: Express.request, ctx: IEveryAuthAuthorizedContext) => void Called after a user successfully authorized to a target service but before their identity has been persisted. Perform any side-effect operations like removing prior identities that are no longer needed.


name type description
serviceId string The name of the remote service the user authorized to.
tags object A set of tags associated with the established identity.


name type description
accessToken string An access token to call the service APIs. The token is guaranteed to be valid.
native object A representation of the security credential native to the service that generated it. See the Supported services section for details of a specific service.
fusebit object A collection of values, including the identityId, that uniquely identify this credential.


name type description
id string A unique string identifying this particular identity that can be used in a call to getIdentity.
tags object A set of tags associated with this identity.
dateModified string (optional) The date the identity was last modified.


What problems does EveryAuth solve that OAuth does not?

In addition to abstracting away the OAuth implementation quirks of various APIs, EveryAuth does a few extra things that pure OAuth does not:

  • Provides out-of-the-box, shared OAuth clients with basic permissions to get you started quickly.
  • Implements durable and secure storage of OAuth credentials of your users so that you don't have to.
  • Supports flexible identity mapping to reference credentials using concepts native to your app so that you don't need to touch your databases.
  • Implements automatic token refresh when needed.
  • Provides proactive monitoring and alerting for expired or revoked credentials (coming soon).

Why do I need a Fusebit account?

You need a Fusebit account for three reasons:

  1. To ensure your users' identities are stored securely and isolated from identities of other apps' users.
  2. To ensure your OAuth client configuration is protected.
  3. To enable the use of the shared OAuth clients provided by EveryAuth.

What is Fusebit anyway?

Fusebit is a code-first integration platform that helps developers add integrations to their apps. Authorization to third-party services and management of your users' credentials is a fundamental feature of the platform, which we are making available to developers through EveryAuth. Follow us on Twitter @fusebitio for great developer content, and check out some cool OSS projects at

What if you don't support the service I need?

Please check if it is already on the roadmap and file an issue if it is not.


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EveryAuth is the easiest way for your app to access APIs like Slack, Salesforce, or Github.




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