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json yaml bundle inherit dereference **

This lib allows to manipulate json and yaml documents:

  • bundle a collection of related documents into one
  • inherit documents using JSON-Patch
  • dereference - remove all internal and external references and make a flat document

Good example


npm i jybid




  • Split big documents into parts
  • Reference and inherit one documents from another
  • Have differences between documents in form of JSON-Patch

Why would somebody want that?

Well, when I was writing some API docs in OpenAPI I had troubles:

  1. One doc for whole API is too big
  2. Docs sometimes logically extend one another, especially when new versions of API added
  3. How to get pretty diff between versions of API? It would be great to have JSON-Patch and visualize it somehow

So I wanted to:

  1. Use json and yaml files
  2. Be able to split big files into several smaller
  3. Have some inheritance technique based on JSON-Patch

1 comes easy, it can be solved by json-schema-ref-parser
2 also has a solution like ajv-merge-patch
But all together it doesn't work out of box.

So I made a little patch to json-schema-ref-parser that enables inheritance based on JSON-Patch syntax.
Also I extended JSON-Pointer with more pretty array indexes in selectors.



bundle(filepath, options) returns Promise with object - to bundle a file.
File filepath is read, all its external references are collected and added into resulting document.
Resulting document may contain internal references.


dereference(filepath, options) returns Promise with object - to bundle a file and resolve even internal references.
Bundles file filepath and then resolves all internal references.


For both

  • if options.inherit==true then json-patches under keyword $inherit will be compiled and jybid selectors are available
  • if options.inherit is a string then this value is used as keyword instead of "$inherit". If options.inherit="$patch" then document automatically complies by ajv-merge-patch and jybid selectors are not available.


const { bundle, dereference } = require('./index')
const fs = require('fs')
const files = {
    'a.json': `
    "a": 1,
    "c": {
        "$ref": "#/d"
    "d": 4
    'b.json': `
    "$inherit": {
        "source": {"$ref": "./a.json"},
        "with": [{"op": "add", "path": "/b", "value": 2}]
for (const [filepath, content] of Object.entries(files)) {
    fs.writeFileSync(filepath, content, {encoding: 'utf8'})

bundle('b.json').then((doc) => {console.log('\nSimple bundle:\n', JSON.stringify(doc));})

bundle('b.json', {inherit: true}).then((doc) => {console.log('\nBundle and compile inheritance:\n', JSON.stringify(doc));})

dereference('b.json', {inherit: true}).then((doc) => {console.log('\nDereference:\n', JSON.stringify(doc));})
Bundle (external references resolved):

Bundle and compile inheritance:



compilePatchOps(source, patch) returns Array

If we use jybid selectors in JSON-Patch, we can compile patches to JSON-Patch with JSON-Pointer

When source document is bundled we check every patch operation:

  1. if it contains selector in path
  2. corresponding object in source is array

then we replace it with equal operation with JSON-Pointer path, for example we have an object:

  arr: [
    {a: 1},
    {c: 2},
    {c: {$ref: '#/d'}},
    {d: 4}

And we want to replace all {c:*} with {c:2}
We could write a selector for that: /arr/[c=]
And after compilation we would have ordinary JSON-Patch object

[ { op: 'replace', path: '/arr/1', value: 2 },
  { op: 'replace', path: '/arr/2', value: 2 } ]

Full example:

const { compilePatchOps } = require('./index')

    {arr: [{a: 1}, {c: 2}, {c: {$ref: '#/d'}}, {d: 4}]},
    [{op: 'replace', path: '/arr/[c=]', value: 2}]

[ { op: 'replace', path: '/arr/1', value: 2 },
  { op: 'replace', path: '/arr/2', value: 2 } ]


by property value
with property
with value

In JSON-Patch path must be a JSON-Pointer, but referencing array elements does not look good: what means path: '/2'? You never know until you see the object to which you apply the patch.

object = [1,2,234]
patch = [{op: 'remove', path: '/2'}]

Now we know, we wanted to remove 234.
Why not select element by its properties or value like in jquery? For particular example it could be like this:

// selector by value
patch = [{op: 'remove', path: '/[=234]'}]

// compiling patch
compilePatchOps(object, patch)

// patch with JSON-Pointer path
[{op: 'remove', path: '/2'}]

So you can have documents with easier to understand JSON-Patch operations and compile them when needed.

Note that inside selectors quotation is used:

  • \" is "
  • \\ is \
  • / is /
  • ~ is ~, not ~1 and ~0 like in JSON-Pointer

so, selectors are:

by property=value pairs

Value is treated as string if possible and as number if it can't be string

  • [prop=value] == {prop: 'value'}
  • [prop="13"] == {prop: '13'}
  • [prop=42] == {prop: 42}
  • ["string attr name"=name] == {'string attr name': 'name'} To reference compicated property name use double quotes

with property

  • [prop=] == {prop: 1} or {prop: 'a'} or {prop: null}
  • ["string attr name"=] for quoted property name
  • [prop=null] == {prop: null}
  • [prop="null"] == {prop: "null"}

with value

  • [="name"] == 'name'
  • [=13] == 13

multiple conditions

Logical and
[prop=name][date=] == {prop: 'name', date: 'anything'}


Long story short

Suppose we have a weather service API version 1 file api_v1

node index.js bundle --file examples/api_v1.yaml

And you have bundled API file for version 1.

Now we write version 2 in file api_v2, look how short it is! Compile it to have full API file for version 2

node index.js bundle --file examples/api_v2.yaml

Without JYBID you would have to write it manually: bundled

Long story long

Suppose we have a weather forecast database and want to build a readonly service for it. We have data only for Russia and Finland and we supposed that cities in these countries always have different names so we dont need to specify country in request to our service. Of course this is not the best idea, but just for example..
So, we have a sevice API api_v1.
Also there are bundled and dereferenced documents.
You can try bundling or dereferencing like this

node index.js bundle --file examples/api_v1.yaml

Ok, next month we add forecasts for Belarus and we have troubles now: for example a town named 'Kamenka' exists in Russia and in Belarus.
Of course we need to add parameter country but we can't add it to v1 because some people already use our API in their app and it works ok in Russia and in Finland. If we add country with some default value many requests will fail. Well, we could make some workarounds based on city name being checked against list of all cities in our 3 countries but.. it is just better to make next version of API correct and ask our clients to use it instead of incorrect v1.
So we need to replace unclear parameter 'names' with 'cities' and add 'country', this api_v2 is how we could do it with jybid
Without inheritance you would have to make one of these documents manually bundled dereferenced

In api_v2 you can find examples of inheritance

    $ref: ./api_v1.yaml

Keywords are

  • $inherit
  • source
  • with

Also there is an example of array selector

    path: '/paths/~1city/get/parameters/[name=names]'




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