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Merge pull request #1064 from fstaffa/nunit3
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NUnit 3 support
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forki committed Jan 11, 2016
2 parents 25f0120 + 973a0f1 commit 88d730f
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Showing 4 changed files with 314 additions and 2 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/app/FakeLib/DotCover.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ open System
open System.IO
open System.Text
open Fake.Testing.XUnit2
open Fake.Testing.NUnit3
open Fake.MSTest

type DotCoverReportType =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,6 +195,36 @@ let DotCoverNUnit (setDotCoverParams: DotCoverParams -> DotCoverParams) (setNUni

traceEndTask "DotCoverNUnit" details

/// Runs the dotCover "cover" command against the NUnit test runner.
/// ## Parameters
/// - `setDotCoverParams` - Function used to overwrite the dotCover report default parameters.
/// - `setNUnitParams` - Function used to overwrite the NUnit default parameters.
/// ## Sample
/// !! (buildDir @@ buildMode @@ "/*.Unit.Tests.dll")
/// |> DotCoverNUnit
/// (fun dotCoverOptions -> { dotCoverOptions with
/// Output = artifactsDir @@ "NUnitDotCoverSnapshot.dcvr" })
/// (fun nUnitOptions -> { nUnitOptions with
/// DisableShadowCopy = true })
let DotCoverNUnit3 (setDotCoverParams: DotCoverParams -> DotCoverParams) (setNUnitParams: NUnit3Params -> NUnit3Params) (assemblies: string seq) =
let assemblies = assemblies |> Seq.toArray
let details = assemblies |> separated ", "
traceStartTask "DotCoverNUnit" details

let parameters = NUnit3Defaults |> setNUnitParams
let args = buildNUnit3Args parameters assemblies

DotCover (fun p ->
{p with
TargetExecutable = parameters.ToolPath
TargetArguments = args
} |> setDotCoverParams)

traceEndTask "DotCoverNUnit" details

/// Runs the dotCover "cover" command against the XUnit2 test runner.
/// ## Parameters
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
<Compile Include="UnitTest\NUnit\Common.fs" />
<Compile Include="UnitTest\NUnit\Sequential.fs" />
<Compile Include="UnitTest\NUnit\Parallel.fs" />
<Compile Include="UnitTest\NUnit\NUnit3.fs" />
<Compile Include="UnitTest\XUnit\XUnit.fs" />
<Compile Include="UnitTest\XUnit\XUnitHelper.fs" />
<Compile Include="UnitTest\XUnit\XUnit2.fs" />
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/app/FakeLib/UnitTest/NUnit/Common.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ type NUnitParams =
/// ## Defaults
/// - `IncludeCategory` - `""`
/// - `ExcludeCategory` - `""`
/// - `ToolPath` - `""`
/// - `ToolPath` - The `nunit-console.exe` path if it exists in a subdirectory of the current directory.
/// - `ToolName` - `"nunit-console.exe"`
/// - `DontTestInNewThread`- `false`
/// - `StopOnError` - `false`
/// - `OutputFile` - The `nunit-console.exe` path if it exists in a subdirectory of the current directory.
/// - `OutputFile` - `"TestResult.xml"`
/// - `Out` - `""`
/// - `ErrorOutputFile` - `""`
/// - `WorkingDir` - `""`
Expand Down
280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions src/app/FakeLib/UnitTest/NUnit/NUnit3.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
module Fake.Testing.NUnit3

open System
open System.Text
open System.IO
open Fake

/// Process model for NUnit 3 to use.
type NUnit3ProcessModel =
| DefaultProcessModel
| SingleProcessModel
| SeparateProcessModel
| MultipleProcessModel with
member x.ParamString =
match x with
| DefaultProcessModel -> ""
| SingleProcessModel -> "Single"
| SeparateProcessModel -> "Separate"
| MultipleProcessModel -> "Multiple"
/// The --domain option controls of the creation of AppDomains for running tests. See [NUnit-Console Command Line Options](
type NUnit3DomainModel =
/// The default is to use multiple domains if multiple assemblies are listed on the command line. Otherwise a single domain is used.
| DefaultDomainModel
/// No domain is created - the tests are run in the primary domain. This normally requires copying the NUnit assemblies into the same directory as your tests.
| NoDomainModel
/// A test domain is created - this is how NUnit worked prior to version 2.4
| SingleDomainModel
/// A separate test domain is created for each assembly
| MultipleDomainModel with
member x.ParamString =
match x with
| DefaultDomainModel -> ""
| NoDomainModel -> "None"
| SingleDomainModel -> "Single"
| MultipleDomainModel -> "Multiple"

/// The --framework option in running NUnit 3. There are three kinds - VXY, which means either .NET framework or Mono, NetXY (use .NET framework with given version)
/// and MonoXY (Mono framework with given version). You can use Net or Mono to let NUnit select the version.
/// You can pass any value using Other.
type NUnit3Runtime =
/// Uses the runtime under which the assembly was built.
| Default
| V20
| V30
| V35
| V40
| V45
/// NUnit should use .NET framework but can select it's version
| Net
| Net20
| Net30
| Net35
| Net40
| Net45
/// NUnit should use Mono framework but can select it's version
| Mono
| Mono20
| Mono30
| Mono35
| Mono40
/// NUnit should use runtime specified by this value
| Other of string with
member x.ParamString =
match x with
| Default -> ""
| V20 -> "v2.0"
| V30 -> "v3.0"
| V35 -> "v3.5"
| V40 -> "v4.0"
| V45 -> "v4.5"
| Net -> "net"
| Net20 -> "net-2.0"
| Net30 -> "net-3.0"
| Net35 -> "net-3.5"
| Net40 -> "net-4.0"
| Net45 -> "net-4.5"
| Mono20 -> "mono-2.0"
| Mono30 -> "mono-3.0"
| Mono35 -> "mono-3.5"
| Mono40 -> "mono-4.0"
| Other(name) -> name

/// Option which allows to specify if a NUnit error should break the build.
type NUnit3ErrorLevel = TestRunnerErrorLevel

/// The NUnit 3 Console Parameters type. FAKE will use [NUnit3Defaults](fake-testing-nunit3.html) for values not provided.
/// For reference, see: [NUnit3 command line options](
type NUnit3Params =
{ /// The path to the NUnit3 console runner: `nunit3-console.exe`
ToolPath : string

/// The name (or path) of a file containing a list of tests to run or explore, one per line.
Testlist : string

/// An expression indicating which tests to run. It may specify test names, classes, methods,
/// catgories or properties comparing them to actual values with the operators ==, !=, =~ and !~.
/// See [NUnit documentation]( for a full description of the syntax.
Where : string

/// Name of a project configuration to load (e.g.: Debug)
Config : string

/// Controls how NUnit loads tests in processes. See [NUnit3ProcessModel](fake-testing-nunit3-nunit3processmodel.html)
ProcessModel : NUnit3ProcessModel

/// Number of agents that may be allowed to run simultaneously assuming you are not running inprocess.
/// If not specified, all agent processes run tests at the same time, whatever the number of assemblies.
/// This setting is used to control running your assemblies in parallel.
Agents : int option

/// Controls how NUnit loads tests in processes. See: [NUnit3ProcessModel](fake-testing-nunit3-nunit3domainmodel.html).
Domain : NUnit3DomainModel

/// Allows you to specify the version of the runtime to be used in executing tests.
/// Default value is runtime under which the assembly was built. See: [NUnit3Runtime](fake-testing-nunit3-nunit3runtime.html).
Framework : NUnit3Runtime

/// Run tests in a 32-bit process on 64-bit systems.
Force32bit : bool

/// Dispose each test runner after it has finished running its tests
DisposeRunners : bool

/// The default timeout to be used for test cases. If any test exceeds the timeout value, it is cancelled and reported as an error.
TimeOut : TimeSpan

/// Set the random seed used to generate test cases
Seed : int

/// Specify the NUMBER of worker threads to be used in running tests.
/// This setting is used to control running your tests in parallel and is used in conjunction with the Parallelizable Attribute.
/// If not specified, workers defaults to the number of processors on the machine, or 2, whichever is greater.
Workers : int option

/// Causes execution of the test run to terminate immediately on the first test failure or error.
StopOnError : bool

/// Path of the directory to use for output files.
WorkingDir : string

/// File path to contain text output from the tests.
OutputDir : string

/// File path to contain error output from the tests.
ErrorDir : string

/// Output specs for saving the test results. Default value is TestResult.xml
/// Passing empty list does not save any result (--noresult option in nunit)
/// For more information, see: [NUnit3 command line options](
ResultSpecs : string list

/// Tells .NET to copy loaded assemblies to the shadowcopy directory.
ShadowCopy : bool

/// Turns on use of TeamCity service messages.
TeamCity : bool

/// Default: [TestRunnerErrorLevel](fake-unittestcommon-testrunnererrorlevel.html).Error
ErrorLevel : NUnit3ErrorLevel

/// The [NUnit3Params](fake-testing-nunit3-nunit3params.html) default parameters.
/// - `ToolPath` - The `nunit-console.exe` path if it exists in a subdirectory of the current directory.
/// - `Testlist` - `""`
/// - `Where` - `""`
/// - `Config` - `""`
/// - `ProcessModel` - `DefaultProcessModel`
/// - `Agents` - `None`
/// - `Domain` - `DefaultDomainModel`
/// - `Framework` - `""`
/// - `Force32bit` - `false`
/// - `DisposeRunners` - `false`
/// - `Timeout` - `2147483647 milliseconds`
/// - `Seed` - `-1` (negative seed is ignored by NUnit and is not sent to it)
/// - `Workers` - `None`
/// - `StopOnError` - `false`
/// - `WorkingDir` - `""`
/// - `OutputDir` - `""`
/// - `ErrorDir` - `""`
/// - `ResultSpecs` - `"TestResult.xml"`
/// - `ShadowCopy` - `false`
/// - `TeamCity` - `false`
/// - `ErrorLevel` - `Error`
/// ## Defaults
let NUnit3Defaults =
ToolPath = findToolInSubPath "nunit3-console.exe" (currentDirectory @@ "tools" @@ "Nunit")
Testlist = ""
Where = ""
Config = ""
ProcessModel = DefaultProcessModel
Agents = None
Domain = DefaultDomainModel
Framework = Default
Force32bit = false
DisposeRunners = false
TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((float)Int32.MaxValue)
Seed = -1
Workers = None
StopOnError = false
WorkingDir = ""
OutputDir = ""
ErrorDir = ""
ResultSpecs = [currentDirectory @@ "TestResult.xml"]
ShadowCopy = false
TeamCity = false
ErrorLevel = Error

/// Tries to detect the working directory as specified in the parameters or via TeamCity settings
/// [omit]
let getWorkingDir parameters =
Seq.find isNotNullOrEmpty [ parameters.WorkingDir
environVar ("")
"." ]
|> Path.GetFullPath

let buildNUnit3Args parameters assemblies =
let appendResultString results sb =
match results, sb with
| [], sb -> append "--noresult" sb
| x, sb when x = NUnit3Defaults.ResultSpecs -> sb
| results, sb -> (sb, results) ||> Seq.fold (fun builder str -> append (sprintf "--result=%s" str) builder)

new StringBuilder()
|> append "--noheader"
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.Testlist "--testlist="
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.Where "--where="
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.Config "--config="
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.ProcessModel.ParamString "--process="
|> appendIfSome parameters.Agents (sprintf "--agents=%i")
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.Domain.ParamString "--domain="
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.Framework.ParamString "--framework="
|> appendIfTrue parameters.Force32bit "--x86"
|> appendIfTrue parameters.DisposeRunners "--dispose-runners"
|> appendIfTrue (parameters.TimeOut <> NUnit3Defaults.TimeOut) (sprintf "--timeout=%i" (int parameters.TimeOut.TotalMilliseconds))
|> appendIfTrue (parameters.Seed >= 0) (sprintf "--seed=%i" parameters.Seed)
|> appendIfSome parameters.Workers (sprintf "--workers=%i")
|> appendIfTrue parameters.StopOnError "--stoponerror"
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.WorkingDir "--work="
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.OutputDir "--output="
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.ErrorDir "--err="
|> appendResultString parameters.ResultSpecs
|> appendIfTrue parameters.ShadowCopy "--shadowcopy"
|> appendIfTrue parameters.TeamCity "--teamcity"
|> appendFileNamesIfNotNull assemblies
|> toText

let NUnit3 (setParams : NUnit3Params -> NUnit3Params) (assemblies : string seq) =
let details = assemblies |> separated ", "
traceStartTask "NUnit" details
let parameters = NUnit3Defaults |> setParams
let assemblies = assemblies |> Seq.toArray
if Array.isEmpty assemblies then failwith "NUnit: cannot run tests (the assembly list is empty)."
let tool = parameters.ToolPath
let args = buildNUnit3Args parameters assemblies
trace (tool + " " + args)
let result =
ExecProcess (fun info ->
info.FileName <- tool
info.WorkingDirectory <- getWorkingDir parameters
info.Arguments <- args) parameters.TimeOut
let errorDescription error =
match error with
| OK -> "OK"
| TestsFailed -> sprintf "NUnit test failed (%d)." error
| FatalError x -> sprintf "NUnit test failed. Process finished with exit code %s (%d)." x error

match parameters.ErrorLevel with
| DontFailBuild ->
match result with
| OK | TestsFailed -> traceEndTask "NUnit" details
| _ -> raise (FailedTestsException(errorDescription result))
| Error | FailOnFirstError ->
match result with
| OK -> traceEndTask "NUnit" details
| _ -> raise (FailedTestsException(errorDescription result))

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