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RISE ABB IRB-120 ROS Manipulation Package

© 2020, Francisco Yumbla

1. How to Install

1.1. System Requirements

This package is written an tested on Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic environment. Dependencies are also for this environment.

Note: the same package can work in Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic

1.2. Dependencies Prerequisites

There are a number of dependencies in this package, since the ABB robot is operated by ROS-Industrial package. Please install all the packages listed below in your Ubuntu PC, in the given order. These packages can be installed by apt package manager.

  • ros-melodic-desktop-full
  • ros-melodic-industrial-core
  • ros-melodic-industrial-msgs
  • ros-melodic-industrial-robot-client
  • ros-melodic-industrial-robot-simulator
  • ros-melodic-industrial-utils
  • ros-melodic-abb
  • ros-melodic-moveit
  • ros-melodic-joint-state-publisheser-gui
  • ros-melodic-joint-trajectory-controller

Now,Extract the metapackage IRB120-ABB into ${ros_workspace}/src. catkin_make your workspace.

WARNING: If you planing use grippers with this robot. You need copy the gripper package

*If you want control with the joystick control. You need install: sudo pip install ds4drv

2. Structure of Packages

  • irb120_description: This package contains the URDF and XACRO files for diferents configuration of the robot with grippers.
  • irb120_master: This pasckage contains a diferrents examples of motion used MoveIt and the joystick&keyboard control of the real robot.
  • irb120_vrep: This package contains the communication with V-REP simulator including examples and scenes
  • irb120_configuration_moveit: This package contains the diferent MoveIt configuration of diferents configuration of the robot

3. How to Use

3.1. Simulation

Open terminal and roscore and Enter.

3.1.1 Rviz Visualization

  1. Launch the robot visualization Rviz

    roslaunch irb120_description irb120_display.launch

    If you need see other configuration you can space and include gripper_2f:=true or gripper_3f:=true

    roslaunch irb120_description irb120_display.launch gripper_2f:=true
  2. Launch the robot with Moveit configuration

    roslaunch irb120_description irb120_moveit.launch

    If you need see other configuration you can space and include gripper_2f:=true or gripper_3f:=true

    roslaunch irb120_description irb120_moveit.launch gripper_3f:=true

3.1.2 V-REP Simulation

  1. V-REP execution (Since simulation is performed with vrep remote api and PLAY, roscore must be executed first): Open the scene of the irb120_vrep/scenes folder

  2. Run the step 3.1.1 visualization Rviz or MoveIt

  3. Run the next node for the communication Vrep to ros

    rosrun irb120_vrep comunication
  4. You can control with publishes direct the Jointstates or generate other but you need change the subscribe in the vrep_control.cpp file

You can find a example to publishes a new joint mesage:

To see the list of movement, type rosrun irb120_vrep program, introduce the number do you want to move 1 2 3 4 5 and Enter. This node publishes the joints goals in the topic /joint_goals or the joints states in the topic /joint_states

3.1.2 Gazebo Simulation (in construction)

  1. Launch the robot in gazebo

    roslaunch irb120_gazebo gazebo.launch
  2. Run the next node for the communication ROS to Gazebo

    rosrun irb120_gazebo 

To see the list of movement, type rosrun bioloid_gp_master program, introduce the number do you want to move 1 2 3 and Enter. This node publisheses the joints goals in the topic /joint_goals

3.2. Real Robot

The real robot work with the moveit_configuration package for precaution collision in our workspace or environment

Setup the Robot and turn on.

  1. Launch the robot

    roslaunch irb120_description real_robot.launch robot:=true
  2. If you need see other configuration you change robot:=true for gripper_2f:=true or gripper_3f:=true. First connect the gripper and run the next line

    sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
    roslaunch irb120_description real_robot.launch gripper_2f:=true








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