A template repository you can use to create (entirely free!) an Azure Static Web App, with Blazor WebAssembly front-end, and Azure Functions + CosmosDB backend; in order to develop a webpage to organize your Secret Santa!
This solution is based on 3 projects, as the Azure Static Web App service expects:
- SecretSanta.API - Azure Function that will serve as the backend for our webpage, which will connect to CosmosDB to retrieve and update data.
- SecretSanta.Client - Blazor WebAssembly project used for our Static Web App front-end.
- SecretSanta.Shared - Class library in .NET Standard that contains the model definition used by both the API and the Client project.
To start using it you just need to press the green button "Use this template" on top of the file list and create your repository.
Then, after cloning the project locally you will need just a simple step to be able to develop and debug easily on your PC, and to rebuild the connection to your personal Azure Resources.
So, add a file named local.settings.json into SecretSantaTest.API/, containing the following code:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"Host": {
"LocalHttpPort": 7071,
"CORS": "*",
"CORSCredentials": false
Replace the values of MyDatabase, MyContainer and CosmosDBConnectionString to the respective values of your personal Azure resources that tou will create on the next step.
At the moment in the web app there is not a way to create new friends, so for each one you will need to manually add them to CosmosDB as a json element with just a name property.
As anticipated, you can provision everything with the Azure trial account (how to create one).
Then just follow these documentation links to create the Azure resources:
- CosmosDB
You can use the free tier, but remember that you can have only one free tier database, in the case you already have one, just create a new container in it
- Azure Static Web App
Use the entire name SecretSanta.Client for the App location property, and SecretSanta.API for the API property during the initial setup
- Configure settings of the Web App
Where you will insert the same key and values you'll replace on the JSON file described before.
I would like to thank @Guenda_S for the original idea she developed in python (you can find it here), which I translated into these Microsoft technologies.
P.S. Now you know to who is referred the easter egg image you will find in the repo 🙄 😁
If you have any question or idea to improve this repository please feel free to write it in the Discussion tab 💬, reach me on Twitter @Dragonriffi92 🐲, or even directly contribute to the repo! 👨💻