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Workstation test case report template

Conor Schaefer edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 5 revisions

When reporting the results of ad-hoc tests against SecureDrop Workstation, please include the following information:


  • Environment type: one of: [Qubes dev/staging/prod, non-Qubes].
  • OS version: e.g. Qubes 4.1
  • Client version: either installed version on sd-app or git branch/tag/commit used to build client
  • Workstation version: either installed version on dom0 or git branch/tag/commit used to build workstation
  • Server version: either SecureDrop core version or git branch/tag/commit

Test purpose:

What were you trying to test?

Test steps:

How did you set up and perform your tests? (Consider copy/pasting from e.g.

Test results:

What was the outcome?


Anything else to add?