Halo: Combat Evolved PC Speedrunning Tools
Blog stuff: https://scaless.github.io/HaloTAS/
Development has halted for the TAS of the 2003 version of the game. All new efforts will be on the Master Chief Collection (MCCTAS).
Video Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEBJUeXLTlo
- Have fun
- Go fast
- Beat human world record time
MCCTAS is the latest version of the project aimed to create a TAS for the Master Chief Collection version of the game.
TASDLL was the original project used to develop a TAS for the 2003 Gearbox port of the game. It is no longer being actively maintained.
- Visual Studio 2019 with the following components installed:
- "Desktop development with C++"
- Windows 10 SDK
- .NET desktop development
- Boost v1.73 or higher (sorry)
- Default location: C:\boost_1_73_0
- .NET Core 3.1 SDK
- Windows 10 (Might still work on 7/8 I just haven't tried)
- Visual Studio 2019
- Retail Halo:CE Installed
- Updated to
- Graphics card/driver capable of OpenGL 3.2 or higher
- NVIDIA or AMD, integrated Intel has problems
- Boost v1.70 or higher
- Default location: C:\boost_1_70_0
- Several binaries are required to be built. To build boost, unzip the boost folder and run bootstrap.bat followed by b2.exe in a command prompt in the boost directory.
- DirectX 9 SDK
- Default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)