Add block with main indicator on my page and project page
On your page, can you add
- my issues by priority
- my issues by status
- my issues by tracker
- my issues due
- my issues next
- my issues today
- my issues opened closed today
- my issues opened closed on 10 days
- my issues opened closed on 10 weeks
my issues summary
- my spent time on 10 days
- my spent_time on 10 weeks
You can add same block in project's page "overview" with change value of custom field of projet:
- indicator_left_top
- indicator_left_bottom
- indicator_right
$ cd redmine/plugins
$ git clone
$ rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_indicator
restart Redmine
for uninstall, you can use
$ cd redmine/plugins
$ rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_indicator VERSION=0