This is a agent for the Redborder platform through New Relic Custom Plugin environment.
- Common resources (CPU, Memory, Packets received, Disk metrics, services by memory)
- Druid (Every metrics)
- Nginx (Status code received)
- Chef (Configuration errors)
- Health checks for: Kafka, Zookeeper, Druid, Hadoop, Memcached, Nprobe, PostgreSQL, Riak and many more.
The installation process consists on:
- Create a free account in New Relic
- Copy your License Key (you can find it in your account settings)
- Clone this repo:
$> git clone
$> cd newrelic_rb_plugin
- Configure the agent as follow:
Wait a few minutes and you will see the angent automatically added to your plugin section in New Relic platform
You can do this in two ways:
A. Using service script:
$> service rb_nr_agent start
Then it will be running in background
B. Directly with the main file
$> nohup ./newrelic_redborder_agent &
By default loggin is enabled in INFO mode. Log file is located in the following path:
You can enable DEBUGG mode as follow:
$> ./newrelic_redborder_agent --log debug