In this documentation, you will learn:
- What is the Qualcomm Intelligent Multimedia Product SDK
- How to sync and build the Qualcomm Intelligent Multimedia Product SDK
- How to install and uninstall the Qualcomm Intelligent Multimedia Product SDK
Let's get started!
The Qualcomm Intelligent Multimedia Product SDK is a Product SDK across Internet of Things (IOT) segments encompassing QIM SDK, TF-lite SDK, SNPE SDK and QNN SDK enabling seamless multimedia and AI/ML application deployment. This SDK utilizes GStreamer, an open-source multimedia framework and exposes easy APIs and plugins in both multimedia and AI/ML domain.
The Qualcomm Intelligent Multimedia Product SDK provides advanced features as below:
- APIs and tools for multimedia/AI application development.
- Add your own application recipes based on QIMSDK for multimedia development and use AI acceleration using TFLITE-SDK/QNN/SNPE SDKs.
- Standalone compilation based on Yocto Project.
The Qualcomm Intelligent Multimedia Product SDK consist of :
- recipes: has recipes to build individual qimsdk/tflite/qnn/snpe packages
- packagegroups: has qimsdk/tflite/qnn/snpe packagegroups
- classes: has base and qimsdk/tflite/qnn/snpe packaging classes
- conf: has layer.conf with qimsdk/tflite/qnn/snpe layer specific configurations
Refer to QCOM Linux Yocto BSP releases setup the host environment and download Yocto Project BSP.
mkdir [release]
cd [release]
repo init -u -b [branch name] -m [release manifest]
repo sync
To download the qcom-6.6.28-QLI.1.1-Ver.1.1
repo init -u -b qcom-linux-kirkstone -m qcom-6.6.28-QLI.1.1-Ver.1.1.xml
repo sync
Run below command to download "meta-qcom-qim-product-sdk" layer in [release] directory where you have downloaded Yocto Project BSP.
cd [release]
git clone -b [meta-qcom-qim-product-sdk release tag] layers/meta-qcom-qim-product-sdk
Note: Find the latest meta-qcom-qim-product-sdk release tag names at
To download the qcom-6.6.28-QLI.1.1-Ver.1.1_qim-product-sdk-1.1.3
release tag
git clone -b qcom-6.6.28-QLI.1.1-Ver.1.1_qim-product-sdk-1.1.3 layers/meta-qcom-qim-product-sdk
export SHELL=/bin/bash
export EXTRALAYERS="meta-qcom-qim-product-sdk"
MACHINE=qcm6490 DISTRO=qcom-wayland source setup-environment
Run the following command to compile and generate flashable image with Yocto Project BSP plus QIM Product SDK layers
bitbake qcom-multimedia-image
Image output path: $[release]/build-qcom-wayland/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/qcm6490/qcom-multimedia-image.
bitbake qim-product-sdk
QIM Product SDK output path: $[release]/build-qcom-wayland/tmp-glibc/deploy/qim_prod_sdk_artifacts.
To flash the generated build, see the Flash software
To start Developer’s application development journey, Yocto project offering two different SDK’s (Standard SDK and extensible SDK) with including cross-development tool chains, libraries, headers, and symbols specific to the image to empower the developers. The Standard SDK is suitable for straightforward cross-compilation tasks, while the eSDK extends the capabilities to more complex workflows, making it a valuable choice for developers who need additional flexibility and functionality. To generate Standard SDK and eSDK for qcom-multimedia-image, please use following commands.
Standard SDK:
bitbake -c do_populate_sdk qcom-multimedia-image
Standard SDK output path : [release]/build-qcom-wayland/tmp-glibc/deploy/sdk/
Extensible SDK:
bitbake -c do_populate_sdk_ext qcom-multimedia-image
Extensible SDK output path : [release]/build-qcom-wayland/tmp-glibc/deploy/sdk/
- Chandra Bothsa
- Gautam Naidu Bodala