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EvgOz committed Oct 28, 2024
1 parent c5595a4 commit 28b5bd8
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Showing 28 changed files with 1,882 additions and 818 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: fetchNOMe
Type: Package
Title: Package for fast and convenient retrieval of NOMe-seq data from BAM files
Version: 0.4
Version: 0.5
Date: 2024-05-09
Authors@R: person(given = "Evgeniy A.", family="Ozonov", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: This R package is tailored for fast and convenient retrieval of NOMe-seq data from BAM files aligned with QuasR, Bismark and BISCUIT.
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ useDynLib(fetchNOMe, .registration=TRUE)
importFrom(Rcpp, evalCpp)
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions R/RcppExports.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

fetch_cooc_ctable_from_bams_cpp <- function(infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, max_spac, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, absIsizeMin, absIsizeMax, min_read_size, max_read_size, alignerUsed) {
.Call(`_fetchNOMe_fetch_cooc_ctable_from_bams_cpp`, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, max_spac, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, absIsizeMin, absIsizeMax, min_read_size, max_read_size, alignerUsed)
fetch_molec_data_list_from_bams_cpp <- function(whichContext, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, alignerUsed, min_frag_data_len, min_frag_data_dens, data_as_rle) {
.Call(`_fetchNOMe_fetch_molec_data_list_from_bams_cpp`, whichContext, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, alignerUsed, min_frag_data_len, min_frag_data_dens, data_as_rle)

fetch_data_matrix_from_bams_cpp <- function(whichContext, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, absIsizeMin, absIsizeMax, min_read_size, max_read_size, alignerUsed) {
.Call(`_fetchNOMe_fetch_data_matrix_from_bams_cpp`, whichContext, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, absIsizeMin, absIsizeMax, min_read_size, max_read_size, alignerUsed)
fetch_cooc_ctable_from_bams_cpp <- function(infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, max_spac, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, alignerUsed, min_frag_data_len, min_frag_data_dens) {
.Call(`_fetchNOMe_fetch_cooc_ctable_from_bams_cpp`, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, max_spac, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, alignerUsed, min_frag_data_len, min_frag_data_dens)

fetch_protect_stats_from_bams_cpp <- function(infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, absIsizeMin, absIsizeMax, min_read_size, max_read_size, alignerUsed) {
.Call(`_fetchNOMe_fetch_protect_stats_from_bams_cpp`, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, absIsizeMin, absIsizeMax, min_read_size, max_read_size, alignerUsed)
fetch_data_matrix_from_bams_cpp <- function(whichContext, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, alignerUsed, min_frag_data_len, min_frag_data_dens) {
.Call(`_fetchNOMe_fetch_data_matrix_from_bams_cpp`, whichContext, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, alignerUsed, min_frag_data_len, min_frag_data_dens)

fetch_protect_stats_from_bams_cpp <- function(infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, alignerUsed, min_frag_data_len, min_frag_data_dens) {
.Call(`_fetchNOMe_fetch_protect_stats_from_bams_cpp`, infiles, regionChr, regionStart, regionEnd, seqstring, seqStart, seqEnd, remove_nonunique, clip_until_nbg, max_protect_frac, max_bisC_meth, min_bisC_size, mapqMin, mapqMax, alignerUsed, min_frag_data_len, min_frag_data_dens)

37 changes: 11 additions & 26 deletions R/get_ctable_from_bams.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
#' @param regions \linkS4class{GRanges} object for regions of interest.
#' @param genome \code{character} path to fasta file which was used as reference for alignment.
#' @param alignerUsed \code{character} that defines which aligner was used to generate BAM files. Currently supported aligners are QuasR, Bismark and BISCUIT.
#' @param min_frag_data_len \code{integer} ignore fragments that have genomic lengths from most-left to most-right data points less than \code{min_frag_data_len}.
#' @param min_frag_data_dens \code{numeric} ignore fragments that have density of data-containing positions lower than \code{min_frag_data_dens}.
#' @param collapseBySample \code{logical} indicating whether to collapse counts for bam files with same \code{samplenames}. If \code{FALSE} prefix \code{s} followed by index is added to \code{samplenames}.
#' @param max_spacing maximum spacing length for which to collect co-occurrence counts.
#' @param remove_nonunique \code{logical} if \code{TRUE} only unique fragments are analyzed. Uniqueness is defined by fragments start, end and methylation states of all cytosines.
Expand All @@ -22,12 +24,8 @@
#' i.e. only fragments with number of non-GCH, and non-WCG cytosines higher then \code{min_bisC_size} are subject to filtering based on bisulfite conversion efficiency.
#' @param mapqMin \code{integer} setting minimum MAPQ of reads to be included into analysis.
#' @param mapqMax \code{integer} setting maximum MAPQ of reads to be included into analysis.
#' @param absIsizeMin \code{integer} or \code{NULL} (default). For paired-end experiments, minimal absolute insert
#' size (TLEN field in SAM Spec v1.4) of alignments to be included.
#' @param absIsizeMax \code{integer} or \code{NULL} (default). For paired-end experiments, maximal absolute insert
#' size (TLEN field in SAM Spec v1.4) of alignments to be included.
#' @param min_read_size \code{integer}. minimum read length to be included.
#' @param max_read_size \code{integer}. maximum read length to be included.

#' @param max_read_size \code{integer}. maximum read length which is expected in the data. This parameter controls only extension of regions for extracting reference sequence.
#' @param ncores number of cores to use.
#' @return \code{tibble} where each row corresponds to sample - region combination.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,6 +53,8 @@ get_ctable_from_bams <- function(bamfiles,
alignerUsed = c("QuasR","Bismark","BISCUIT"),
min_frag_data_len = 50L,
min_frag_data_dens = 0.05,
collapseBySample = TRUE,
max_spacing = 300,
remove_nonunique = TRUE,
Expand All @@ -64,9 +64,6 @@ get_ctable_from_bams <- function(bamfiles,
min_bisC_size = 10,
mapqMin = 0,
mapqMax = 255,
absIsizeMin = NULL,
absIsizeMax = NULL,
min_read_size = 25L,
max_read_size = 1000L,
ncores = 1L){

Expand All @@ -93,28 +90,17 @@ get_ctable_from_bams <- function(bamfiles,

alignerUsed <- match.arg(alignerUsed)

if (is.null(absIsizeMin)) # no tlen filtering
absIsizeMin <- -1L
if (is.null(absIsizeMax))
absIsizeMax <- -1L

message(paste0("Collecting co-occurrence frequencies from BAM files generated by ",alignerUsed,"."))

## load refsequences for regions
## extend regions from left and right
if(absIsizeMax > 0)
ext_len <- absIsizeMax
ext_len <- max_read_size

fa_index <- Rsamtools::scanFaIndex(genome)
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(regions) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(fa_index)
GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(regions) <- suppressMessages(GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(seqnames = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(fa_index)),
seqlengths = GenomicRanges::width(fa_index)))
refseq_gr <- suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::resize(regions,width = GenomicRanges::width(regions) + 2*ext_len,fix="center"))
refseq_gr <- suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::resize(regions,width = GenomicRanges::width(regions) + 2*max_read_size,fix="center"))

## trim to remove parts out of chromosomes
refseq_gr <- GenomicRanges::trim(refseq_gr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,11 +136,10 @@ get_ctable_from_bams <- function(bamfiles,
min_bisC_size = min_bisC_size,
mapqMin = mapqMin,
mapqMax = mapqMax,
absIsizeMin = absIsizeMin,
absIsizeMax = absIsizeMax,
min_read_size = min_read_size,
max_read_size = max_read_size,
alignerUsed = alignerUsed)
alignerUsed = alignerUsed,
min_frag_data_len = min_frag_data_len,
min_frag_data_dens = min_frag_data_dens

#coocmatr <- outlist[["CoocCountTable"]]
Expand Down
33 changes: 9 additions & 24 deletions R/get_data_matrix_from_bams.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
#' \item{"allC"}{methylation states of all cytosines combined.}
#' }
#' @param alignerUsed \code{character} that defines which aligner was used to generate BAM files. Currently supported aligners are QuasR, Bismark and BISCUIT.
#' @param min_frag_data_len \code{integer} ignore fragments that have genomic lengths from most-left to most-right data points less than \code{min_frag_data_len}.
#' @param min_frag_data_dens \code{numeric} ignore fragments that have density of data-containing positions lower than \code{min_frag_data_dens}.
#' @param collapseBySample \code{logical} indicating whether to collapse counts for bam files with same \code{samplenames}. If \code{FALSE} prefix \code{s} followed by index is added to \code{samplenames}.
#' @param remove_nonunique \code{logical} if \code{TRUE} only unique fragments are analyzed. Uniqueness is defined by fragments start, end and methylation states of all cytosines.
#' @param clip_until_nbg \code{integer} controlling clipping partial footprints at both ends of fragments. Namely, protected states are omitted from each end until \code{clip_until_nbg} unprotected states are met.
Expand All @@ -27,12 +29,7 @@
#' i.e. only fragments with number of non-GCH, and non-WCG cytosines higher then \code{min_bisC_size} are subject to filtering based on bisulfite conversion efficiency.
#' @param mapqMin \code{integer} setting minimum MAPQ of reads to be included into analysis.
#' @param mapqMax \code{integer} setting maximum MAPQ of reads to be included into analysis.
#' @param absIsizeMin \code{integer} or \code{NULL} (default). For paired-end experiments, minimal absolute insert
#' size (TLEN field in SAM Spec v1.4) of alignments to be included.
#' @param absIsizeMax \code{integer} or \code{NULL} (default). For paired-end experiments, maximal absolute insert
#' size (TLEN field in SAM Spec v1.4) of alignments to be included.
#' @param min_read_size \code{integer}. minimum read length to be included.
#' @param max_read_size \code{integer}. maximum read length to be included.
#' @param max_read_size \code{integer}. maximum read length which is expected in the data. This parameter controls only extension of regions for extracting reference sequence.
#' @param ncores number of cores to use.
#' @return \code{tibble} where each row corresponds to sample - region combination.
#' Columns of the returned \code{tibble} represent:
Expand All @@ -59,6 +56,8 @@ get_data_matrix_from_bams <- function(bamfiles,
whichContext = c("GCH","WCG","bisC","otherC", "allC"),
alignerUsed = c("QuasR","Bismark","BISCUIT"),
min_frag_data_len = 50L,
min_frag_data_dens = 0.05,
collapseBySample = TRUE,
remove_nonunique = TRUE,
clip_until_nbg = 1L,
Expand All @@ -67,9 +66,6 @@ get_data_matrix_from_bams <- function(bamfiles,
min_bisC_size = 10,
mapqMin = 0,
mapqMax = 255,
absIsizeMin = NULL,
absIsizeMax = NULL,
min_read_size = 25L,
max_read_size = 1000L,
ncores = 1L){
Expand All @@ -96,11 +92,6 @@ get_data_matrix_from_bams <- function(bamfiles,

alignerUsed <- match.arg(alignerUsed)

if (is.null(absIsizeMin)) # no tlen filtering
absIsizeMin <- -1L
if (is.null(absIsizeMax))
absIsizeMax <- -1L

message(paste0("Fetching data from BAM files generated by ",alignerUsed,"."))

Expand All @@ -110,15 +101,11 @@ get_data_matrix_from_bams <- function(bamfiles,
## load refsequences for regions

## extend regions from left and right
if(absIsizeMax > 0)
ext_len <- absIsizeMax
ext_len <- max_read_size
fa_index <- Rsamtools::scanFaIndex(genome)
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(regions) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(fa_index)
GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(regions) <- suppressMessages(GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(seqnames = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(fa_index)),
seqlengths = GenomicRanges::width(fa_index)))
refseq_gr <- suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::resize(regions,width = GenomicRanges::width(regions) + 2*ext_len,fix="center"))
refseq_gr <- suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::resize(regions,width = GenomicRanges::width(regions) + 2*max_read_size,fix="center"))

## trim to remove parts out of chromosomes
refseq_gr <- GenomicRanges::trim(refseq_gr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,11 +143,9 @@ get_data_matrix_from_bams <- function(bamfiles,
min_bisC_size = min_bisC_size,
mapqMin = mapqMin,
mapqMax = mapqMax,
absIsizeMin = absIsizeMin,
absIsizeMax = absIsizeMax,
min_read_size = min_read_size,
max_read_size = max_read_size,
alignerUsed = alignerUsed)
alignerUsed = alignerUsed,
min_frag_data_len = min_frag_data_len,
min_frag_data_dens = min_frag_data_dens)

data_mat <- outlist[["DataMatrix"]]
# invert rows if strand is -
Expand Down

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