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A FungibleToken-compatible fiat coin on the Flow blockchain, ERC20-alike with additional support for pausing and blocklisting.


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The CENTRE Fiat Token, on Flow (flow-usdc)

An implementation of the CENTRE Fiat Token in Cadence, on the Flow Blockchain.

standard-readme compliant Tests Static Analysis

A FiatToken on the Flow blockchain, written in Cadence, which implements interfaces defined in the following contracts:

  • FungibleToken (a.k.a. ERC20), which provides the baseline Vault (a.k.a Ownable) resource and interfaces for compatibility.
  • FiatTokenInterface, implemented in this codebase. It provides resource interfaces, as well as the related states and events for FiatToken to support the following functionalities:
    • Delegated Minting: MasterMinter, MinterControllers and Minters: MasterMinter can set states in managedMinter to delegate MinterControllers to control the allowance / removal of a Minter. Both MinterController and Minter resources are created by the users and the unique resource uuid is stored in the managedMinter and minterAllowances states. Please see delegation process for details.
    • Pausing and Unpausing: PauseExecutor and Pauser: If a situation like a major bug discovery or a serious key compromise, a Pauser will be able to halt all transfers and approvals contract-wide, until a mitigation takes place. Pauser is granted the capability to pause / unpause a contract by the contract owner by sharing the PauseExecutor capability. Please see delegation process for details.
    • Blocklisting: BlocklistExecutor and Blocklister: If a resource (Vault, Minter, etc) has been flagged and required to be blocked, the Blocklister will be able to such resource to the blocklist. The contract owner shares the BlocklistExecutor capabilities with the Blocklist to delegate such action. Blocklisted resources are prevented from minting, burning, transferring or approving token transfers. Please see delegation process for details.
    • Allowance: Vault: In addition to FungibleToken interfaces, the Vault is enhanced with with the Allowance which allows the vault owner to set a withdrawal limit for other vaults.
  • OnChainMultiSig, are implemented for MasterMinter, MinterController, Minter, Pauser, Blocklister, and Vault resources which allows for multiple signatures to authorise transactions without time restrictions.


The FiatToken, FiatTokenInterface, and OnChainMultiSig contracts are currently deployed to the Flow Testnet account 0xa983fecbed621163.

Transactions and Scripts

You can interact with the FiatToken contract using transactions and scripts. Examples of each can be found in the doc/ folder:

Beyond Usage

If you're developing an app using the FiatToken contract, you should only need to reference the Cadence code in this repo. However, if you're looking to try it out locally or run the tests, you will a couple other tools.



To run and test the code in this repo, it's required that you install:

  • The Flow CLI tool, for manual usage
  • The Go programming language, to run the automated tests

Installing flow-usdc

Once you have flow and go installed, then simply clone the repo to get started:

git clone

Environment Variables

For local testing via the Flow emulator, a typical configuration file will look something like:

# Emulator settings
# --------
TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS=[ emulator account generated from TOKEN_ACCOUNT_PK ]

To generate the necessary values, choose a 32 byte seed (can use a random hex string), and pass it to the flow keygen tool:

SEED=$(hexdump -n 16 -e '4/4 "%08X" 1 "\n"' /dev/random) # Non-safe but usable random numbers
TOKEN_ACCOUNT_KEYS=$(flow keys generate --seed="$SEED" -o inline --filter=Private)
TOKEN_ACCOUNT_PK=$(flow keys generate --seed="$SEED" -o inline --filter=Private)
TOKEN_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS=$(flow accounts create --key="$TOKEN_ACCOUNT_PK" -o inline --filter=Address)

You can see this in action in our testing script, described in the next section.

Deploying to Testnet for the first time

  1. Once account private / public key pair has been generated and they are saved in .env, make testnet-create-accounts will create all the accounts and signed by testnet-owner
  2. When new accounts have been created, add those new addresses to flow.json.
  3. Transfer some flow tokens to the created account via make testnet-transfer-flow-tokens
  4. You can now run make test

Testing Script

In order to mitigate skew between emulator testing and testnet testing, this repo provides a script, ./test/, that automates all of the necessary setup and teardown for running the Go tests. This includes running and stopping the Flow emulator if necessary. Once the environment variables described above are properly set up, you can simply run this script from the repo root.


Additional testing information can be found in doc/


Issues and PRs accepted. Over time more details will be added here.

Repo Layout

  • contracts - contains all of the contracts and the scripts required to interact with them
  • doc - contains manual and auto-generated documentation for contracts, scripts, and transactions
  • lib/go - Test code in Golang.
  • scripts - contains examples of scripts used to interact with the contract
  • transactions - contains examples of transactions one can perform with the contract
  • env.example - example file to be populated with values and copied to ./test/.env
  • flow.json - configuration file for the flow CLI tool.


MIT License, Copyright (c) 2018-2021 CENTRE SECZ


A FungibleToken-compatible fiat coin on the Flow blockchain, ERC20-alike with additional support for pausing and blocklisting.








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