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Next.js starter for a blog with Flotiq source

Kick off your project with this blog boilerplate. This starter ships with the main Next.js configuration files you might need to get up and running blazing fast with the blazing-fast app generator for React. Check our live demo:

Quick start

  1. Start the project from the template using git clone

    git clone flotiq-nextjs-blog-starter
  2. Import example data from starter to Flotiq

    cd flotiq-nextjs-blog-starter
    npx flotiq-cli import .flotiq [flotiqApiKey]

    Note: You need to put your Read and write API key as the flotiqApiKey for import to work. You don't need any content types in your account.

  3. Configure application

    The next step is to configure our application to know from where it has to fetch the data.

    Flotiq provides a tool named flotiq-setup for automatically populating .env files with your Flotiq API keys.

    npx flotiq-setup --nextjs

    After executing this command, a browser window will open with the Flotiq login screen. Upon successful authentication, the command will automatically generate appropriately filled .env files for you.

    Note: If there are existing .env files in the project, flotiq-setup may overwrite them.

  4. Install dependencies

    Navigate into your new site's directory and run

    yarn install
  5. Flotiq API SDK - types

    This starter uses @flotiq/flotiq-api-sdk package as an API client. It includes type generation for autocompletion of user data types.

    Types generated using our typegen command enable fast and typesafe development with Flotiq as a data backend. You can still use all the API features without type generation. TypeScript user types can be added or removed at any point in development without code changes required.

    Generated flotiq-api.d.ts types can be either committed with your code, or .gitignore-d and generated during development and CI/CD. For ease of use, we have already included a flotiq-api.d.ts file with types containing type definitions for this starter.

    To regenerate Flotiq SDK you can use flotiq-api-typegen CLI, simply run the command:

       npm exec flotiq-api-typegen

    Usage examples:

    import { Flotiq } from "@flotiq/flotiq-api-sdk";
    const api = new Flotiq({
      apiKey: "<YOUR API KEY>",
    await api.content._media.list().then((response) => {
      console.log("media > list", response);

    You can find more examples of its usage in the @flotiq/flotiq-api-sdk readme

    Note: If you make any changes (additions or deletions) to the content type definitions in your Flotiq account, you will need to rerun the flotiq-api-typegen command. If you are making changes during development, you can use the --watch option, which will regenerate types for you every time you change the content type definition.

  6. Developing

    Navigate into your new site's directory and start it up.

    yarn dev

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:3000!

    Open the flotiq-nextjs-blog-starter directory in your code editor of choice and edit src/app/page.tsx. Save your changes, and the browser will update in real-time!

  7. Manage your content using Flotiq editor

    You can now easily manage your content using Flotiq editor

    Note: If you make any changes (additions or deletions) to the content type definitions in your Flotiq account, you will need to rerun the flotiq-api-typegen command. If you are making changes during development, you can use the --watch option, which will regenerate types for you every time you change the content type definition.


Deploy this starter with one click on Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

You can also deploy this project to Heroku in 3 minutes:


Or to Netlify:


Env variables:

Project requires the following variables to start:

Name Description
FLOTIQ_CLIENT_AUTH_KEY The key used to revalidate cache
FLOTIQ_API_KEY Flotiq Read API key for blogpost content objects

Next.js Data Cache

This starter utilizes a data caching mechanism in the Next.js application. After fetching, the data is cached, which means that the cache must be cleared to see the latest data. In this starter, we provide a special API endpoint that clears the cache. You can call it directly or use webhooks that will do it automatically after saving a blog post (both for adding a new entry and editing an existing one).

API Endpoint

To send a request to the endpoint that clears cache, use following command:

curl -X POST \
     -H "x-editor-key: <FLOTIQ_CLIENT_AUTH_KEY>"

Replace with your actual URL and FLOTIQ_CLIENT_AUTH_KEY with the appropriate authorization key value.

Webhooks in Flotiq space

To add a webhook that automatically clears the cache after saving a blog post, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Flotiq dashboard
  2. Go to the Webhooks page and click Add new webhook
  3. Name the webhook (e.g. Clear Blog Post cache)
  4. Paste the URL to your revalidate endpoint, eg.
  5. As a webhook type choose Content Object Changes Asynchronous (non-blocking)
  6. Enable the webhook
  7. As a trigger, choose Create, Update and Delete actions on the Blog Post Content Type
  8. Add new header with following fields:
    • Header Name - x-editor-key
    • Header Value - value for FLOTIQ_CLIENT_AUTH_KEY env variable in your deployment
  9. Save the webhook

Example webhook configuration:

Example webhook configuration

Warning! The webhook URL must be public. In development mode, caching is not applied, so the user does not need to worry about manually clearing the cache on http://localhost:3000.

Learning Next.js

Looking for more guidance? Full documentation for Next.js live on the website. Here are some places to start:

  • To dive straight into code samples, head to the Next.js documentation. In particular, check out the Guides, API Reference, and Advanced Tutorials sections in the sidebar.


If you wish to talk with us about this project, feel free to hop on our Discord Chat.

If you found a bug, please report it in issues.