Diagnostic-oriented MQTT client tool. Supports MQTT 5.0 and 3.1.X protocols, connections to multiple brokers, MQTT operations logs and multiple subscribe widgets with unique/history topic filtering mode. Saves configuration in browser's local cache.
Live version available here: MQTT-Board.
- ES6 Javascript
- Vue.js (Quasar)
- Writing .vue files
- Vuex
- Webpack
- Responsive layout
- NPM ecosystems
- Material theme
- Dev Hot Reload
- and many more!
# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/flespi-software/mqtt-board.git mqttboard
# go into app's directory and install dependencies
$ cd mqttboard
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
$ quasar dev
# build for production with minification for flespi.io
$ quasar build
You must have a Quasar-based app.
# install like repo
$ npm install git+https://github.com/flespi-software/mqtt-board.git
in quasar.conf.js
framework: {
components: [
directives: [
plugins: [
import MqttClient from 'mqtt-board'
export default {
components: { MqttClient }
<mqtt-client :initSettings="settings" whiteLabel="My MQTT"/>
Name | Description | Default |
initSettings | Init settings for clients | undefined |
configuredClients | Full configured clients | [] |
whiteLabel | Label in component | '' |
useLocalStorage | local storage usage flag | true |
clientsCloseable | can clients close to clients page | true |
needInitNewClient | Need create and init new client with default settings | false |
secure | Need validate by security host | true |
initEntities | Start-pack entities in new clients | [SUBSCRIBER, PUBLISHER] |
color | Color of bars by quasar color palette | 'dark' |
accentColor | Secondary color by quasar color palette | 'light-blue-7' |
Name | Description | Payload |
change | Any change in clients | [] |
You must integrate it on /integration
Name | Description | Params |
SetSettings | Init app | |
SetActive | Activate client | clientIndex |
AddPublisher | Add configured or empty new publisher | |
AddSubscriber | Add configured or empty new subscriber |
SetSettings params:
Name | Description | Default |
settings | Init settings for clients | undefined |
configuredClients | Full configured clients | [] |
whiteLabel | Label in component | '' |
useLocalStorage | local storage usage flag | true |
clientsCloseable | can clients close to clients page | true |
secure | Need validate by security host | true |
entities | Start-pack entities in new clients | [SUBSCRIBER, PUBLISHER] |
color | Color of bars by quasar color palette | 'dark' |
accentColor | Secondary color by quasar color palette | 'light-blue-7' |
Name | Description | Payload |
updateSettings | Any change in clients | {configuredClients: []} |
ready | Iframe mounted | Empty |
let settings = {
clientId: `mqtt-board-${Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 8)}`,
host: 'wss://mqtt.flespi.io',
keepalive: 60,
protocolVersion: 5,
clean: true,
username: 'FlespiToken XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
password: '',
properties: {
sessionExpiryInterval: undefined,
receiveMaximum: undefined,
maximumPacketSize: undefined,
topicAliasMaximum: undefined,
requestResponseInformation: false,
requestProblemInformation: false,
userProperties: undefined,
authenticationMethod: undefined,
authenticationData: undefined
will: {
topic: undefined,
payload: undefined,
qos: 0,
retain: false,
properties: {
willDelayInterval: undefined,
payloadFormatIndicator: false,
messageExpiryInterval: undefined,
contentType: undefined,
responseTopic: undefined,
correlationData: undefined,
userProperties: undefined
subscriber structure:
let subscriber = {
topic: '#',
mode: 0,
options: {
qos: 0,
nl: false,
rap: false,
rh: 0,
properties: {
subscriptionIdentifier: undefined,
userProperties: undefined
publisher structure:
let publisher = {
topic: 'my/topic',
payload: '{"hello": "world"}',
options: {
qos: 0,
retain: false,
dup: false,
properties: {
payloadFormatIndicator: undefined,
messageExpiryInterval: undefined,
topicAlias: undefined,
responseTopic: undefined,
correlationData: undefined,
userProperties: undefined,
contentType: undefined
init entity structure:
let initEntity = {
type: 'subscriber', // publisher || subscriber required
rendered: true, // need show flag
settings: {<publisher> or <subscriber>}
entities structure:
/* linked entity for sorting all entities */
let entity = {
type: '', // publisher || subscriber required,
index: 1, // array index of current entity (subscriber, publisher) in array of full configured client
id: 's3rdsf' // unique generated id of entity
client structure:
let client = {
config: <settings>, // settings like structure
publishers: [<publisher>], // array of publisher like structures
subscribers: [<subscriber>], // array of subscriber like structures
entities: [<entity>] // array of entity like structure
used for init empty state board to flespi by token. Modes for now: onetime
- make client to flespi w/o saving to local storage.
MIT license.