The two sections of the project have been maintained in two separate branches of the repository, the two have been listed below, click on the branch name to see that branch.
Usually in a real life scenario, if someone’s met with an accident and needs blood urgently, his/her family has to contact the nearby blood bank or the hospitals for the specific blood group but due to lack of communication and unforeseen conditions, either the hospital has a shortage of that blood or no amount of blood available and at this point of time it becomes very difficult for the recipient's family members to arrange blood for the recipient and if none of the family members have same blood group then that situation becomes very critical for the recipient. Some of the reports bring out these issues even better.
"In India, the ratio of usage of blood components to whole blood is 15:75, while globally it is 90:10, and there are many reasons. Many blood banks in India still lack the needed facilities to make blood components and thus most of them issue whole blood; thus, contributing to the shortage of blood and unnecessarily overburdening the patient cause harm at times, as blood transfusion reactions are more common in with whole blood transfusions." -Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
"Blood transfusion service in India continues to be unorganized and fragmented. In India, fragmented blood bank systems that lack coordination are unlikely to have the resources required to build effective donor education programmes; without which, drawing adequate and consistent numbers of voluntary donors will be an unachievable task. Therefore, one of the imperatives for a scalable improvement in voluntary blood donation in India is also the commitment and support of the government to an effective national blood programme."
By making the Online Blood Bank management system we intend to bridge the gap between the recipient and the donor where we get the donors to register themselves with all the personal information and also the date when the donor donated for the last time (to keep a gap of 3 months from the last donation to be able to donate). The recipient may request for blood based on his/her location within a certain radius. From the search results, the recipients may request blood from the donor, where the donor will be notified of the request by a text message and an email.
- Flask
- Flutter/Dart
- Maps API