walrus is a small tool for executing data analysis pipelines using Docker containers. It is very simple: walrus reads a pipeline description from either a JSON or YAML file and starts Docker containers as described in this file. We have used walrus to develop analysis pipelines for analyzing whome-exome as well as RNA sequencing datasets.
A pipeline has a name, a list of pipeline stages, optional comments and variables. See below for an example pipeline.
A pipeline stage has a name, a Docker image it is based on, a list of pipeline stages that it depends on (e.g. if it relies on output from these), and a command it runs on start up.
Each pipeline stage should write any output data to the directory
that is automatically mounted onside the docker container
on start-up. walrus automatically mounts input directories from its dependencies
on start-up at /walrus/INPUT_STAGENAME
. The user specifies where this
directory is on the host OS by using the -output
command line flag
(see Usage for more information).
On default it writes everything to a walrus
directory in the current working
directory of where the user executes the walrus command.
Pipeline stages that could be run in parallel are run in parallel by default.
You can declare variables in the pipeline description as well. You declare these
as {"Name": "variableName", "Value": "variableValue"}
and use them in the
pipeline description by wrapping them like this {{variableName}}
. See
for an example.
Since walrus requires that tools are packaged within Docker containers, it provides a simple mechanism to ensure a reproducible execution envirionment.
We reccommend that you use git to version control your pipeline descriptions. This will ensure that you can keep track of the different parameters to the different tools as you develop your analysis pipeline.
walrus automatically tracks data in the pipeline with git-lfs. When users start a pipeline walrus will track any output data from any of the pipeline stages and commit them to the repository versioning the pipeline description, If you do not have a repository walrus will set one up for you.
Using git to version control your pipeline data is completely
optional, and users can of course opt out of versioning data with git-lfs
using the walrus -version-control=false
git-lfs requires a server for hosting the large files, and while
provide hosting opportunities, we have added a -lfs-server
flag that starts a
local git-lfs-server for use with
. Users can use this server to store files with git-lfs
or push them
to some other remote.
You may experience that git-lfs
uses some time to start keeping
track of your data. Adding the NA12878 WGS (270GB) bam file takes roughly 1 hour
on our fat server (80 Intel xenon CPUs, 10 cores/CPU, ~1TB memory). Bear in mind
that git-lfs
runs on a single CPU. Most of the time spent is simply copying
the data into the .git/lfs
folder. Hopefully this will improve in later
versions of git-lfs
There are two options for installing and using walrus: install walrus and its
dependencies natively on your system, or use our walrus Docker image. It may
sound a bit silly to have a Docker container orchestrate other containers, but
by sharing the Docker socket (/var/run/docker.sock
) with the walrus container
it works! There are
to sharing the Docker socket and we only encourage this approach if you want to
try out walrus without thinking about setting up your own environment.
There's only a single command needed to start analyzing data using the walrus
Docker container. Let's assume you have a pipeline.json
pipeline description
in your working directory. You can analyze it by running
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -t fjukstad/walrus -i $(pwd)/pipeline.json -o $(pwd)/output
and it will write the output to a directory output/
in your current working
While there's a single command you also have to take special care when specifying the volumes in your pipeline description. You must use the full path, not just relative path, where your data is on your host.
Below is a short example to analyze the fruit_stand
example, that assumes that you have downloaded walrus to
. Before you can run the pipeline you have to modify one line of
the first stage in pipeline.json from
"Volumes": ["data:/data"],
"Volumes": ["GOPATH/src/github.com/fjukstad/walrus/example/fruit_stand/data:/data"],
where you have to substitute GOPATH
with your actual GOPATH. If your data is
elsewhere you'll have to substitute the path with the full path on your system.
Once you have updated the path you can then run the pipeline using
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -t fjukstad/walrus -i $(pwd)/pipeline.json -o $(pwd)/output
We are working on simplifying the installation process. In short you need to install go, git-lfs, libgit2, git2go, and the Docker Go packages before you can install walrus. You also need cmake to compile libgit2 (install it via your preferred package manager. In addition to the instructions below you can also have a look at the Dockerfile which lists all the necessary commands.
Follow the instructions on golang.org to install Go. You also need to set up your GOPATH.
First install libgit
, specifically version 26.
wget https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/archive/v0.26.0.zip
unzip v0.26.0.zip
cd libgit2-0.26.0/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install
Make sure that you have added the install directory to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
before continuing. For example, like this:
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib" >> ~/.bash_profile
After libgit2
is installed you can install version 26 of git2go
go get gopkg.in/libgit2/git2go.v26
Install git-lfs
following the instructions on the
git-lfs homepage.
We need to do some wrangling of the Docker Go packages before we can install
walrus. First download the packages, then remove the vendor
before continuing.
go get -u github.com/docker/docker github.com/docker/distribution
rm -rf $GOPATH/src/github.com/docker/docker/vendor $GOPATH/src/github.com/docker/distribution/vendor
You also need to set your environment variable DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.35
go get github.com/fjukstad/walrus
Once you have installed walrus you can start analyzing data with
is the filename of a
pipeline description you've created. For more details run $ walrus --help
Here's a small example pipeline. It consists of two stages: the first writes all
filenames in the /
directory to a file /walrus/stage1/file
, the second writes
all filenames with bin
in the name to a new file /walrus/stage2/file2
name: example
- name: stage1
image: ubuntu:latest
- sh
- -c
- ls / > /walrus/stage1/file
- name: stage2
image: ubuntu:14.04
- sh
- -c
- grep bin /walrus/stage1/file > /walrus/stage2/file2
- stage1
comment: This is the first example pipeline!
Because every data analysis framework has to be named after a big animal. Right?
There is something remarkably fantastic and prehistoric about these monsters. I could not help thinking of a merman, or something of the kind, as it lay there just under the surface of the water, blowing and snorting for quite a long while at a time, and glaring at us with its round glassy eyes.
- Fridtjof Nansen on walruses