A presentation about Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code for Tche Linux 2021
- Python 3
- Pulumi CLI
- Google Cloud Platform CLI
Python 3
$ brew install python
Pulumi CLI
$ brew install pulumi
Google Cloud Platform CLI
Please following the detailed instructions here.
Google Cloud Platform CLI
Initialize the Cloud SDK:
$ gcloud init
To list accounts whose credentials are stored on the local system:
$ gcloud auth list
Set the project:
$ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
Check the default project:
$ gcloud config get-value project
Create new Pulumi project:
$ mkdir tchelinux-2021 && cd tchelinux-2021
$ pulumi new gcp-python
Define the GCP project:
$ pulumi config set gcp:project PROJECT_ID
Define the GCP Zone:
$ pulumi config set gcp:zone europe-north1-a
Deploy everything:
$ pulumi up
Curl the HTTP server:
$ curl $(pulumi stack output instanceIP)
SSH into the server:
$ gcloud compute ssh $(pulumi stack output instanceName)
$ pulumi destroy
$ pulumi stack rm