This client allows you to submit free-form change events to the FireHydrant API from your infrastructure. When incidents are opened on FireHydrant, recent change events will be automatically suggested to the responding team.
- Deploys
- Docker image builds
- Terraform runs
- Cronjobs
New tags automatically create a release using goreleaser and can be found on the releases page of this repository.
Our releases follow the standard format of fhcli_{version}_{os}_{arch}.tar.gz
- To grab the latest on your CI environment (as an example), you can run something like:
$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ wget -c -O - | tar -xz
$ fhcli --version
fhcli [action] [parameters] [command]
Submits a change event to the FH APIexecute
Executes a command and submits a corresponding change event to the FH APIinit
Configures the client for subsequent invocations
- Environment Name
- Service
- API Key
- Config file
- Identities
- Event name or
- Command This command is run in a subshell, automatically instrumented with a duration and the result is submitted to the FH API
We also accept a YAML configuration file, specified with -config
or passed in as an environment variable. If none is specified, the following paths will be checked in order for a configuration file.
- /etc/firehydrant.cfg
- $HOME/firehydrant.cfg
- /tmp/firehydrant.cfg
The following examples assume that FH_API_KEY
is set in your environment.
fhcli event --environment "production" "hourly reconciliation task"
fhcli event --environment "staging" --identities "CI build succeeded"
fhcli execute --environment "staging" --identities revision=a0a0a0 -- docker build .
To configure firehydrant and write a config file (defaults to /tmp/firehydrant.cfg) for subsequent invocations of the tool:
fhcli --config /etc/firehydrant.cfg --apiKey fhb-a0b010 --environment=production --service=monolith init