Releases: finkef/react-native-tailwind.macro
Releases · finkef/react-native-tailwind.macro
Release 1.3.3
Release 1.3.2
Release 1.3.1
Release 1.3.0
Breaking Changes ⚠️
Since replacing react-native-media-query with our own implementation, we moved from data-media
to our own data-tw
prop in order to avoid clashing. This means, your code needs to be changed to the following:
const styles = useTailwindStyles(tw => ({ /* ... */ }))
- return <View style={} dataSet={{ media: }} />
+ return <View style={} dataSet={{ tw: }} />
- Merge pull request #5 from finkef/feature/media-queries (2fac7fd)
- docs: update readme (d98a8a6)
- feat: handle css media queries internally (40fc17b)
- feat: implement media queries with web selector support (ec3be84)
- fix: merge responsive ids for array styles (800a353)
- chore: upgrade eslint, pin prettier version (0107b11)
- docs: update toc (6f4d372)
Release 1.2.0
- feat: allow passing in custom tailwind config path (7f469ab)
Release 1.1.5
Release 1.1.4
- build: run clean before building for release (f63c3ad)
Release 1.1.3
1.1.2 (2021-11-20)
Release 1.1.1
- chore: add back nested package README (36ab70d)
Release 1.1.0
1.1.0 (2021-11-20)
Bug Fixes
- example: remove leftover comma from metro config file (67bfc38)
- fix build:module script (5f9c858)
- fix import replacement for jsx elements (35adec3)
- pull checkPlatform out of macro-imported code (9a9f8e2)
- rename root package name to prevent jest-haste-map issues (bdac17b)
- add base typescript declarations (b51325c)
- add placeholder exports (ee0af07)
- base createUseTailwindStyles implementation (08098af)
- converter: added convert and checkplatform function (a0bc74a)
- handle lib imports, apply convert function (9a6a0d2)
- handle useTailwindStyles hook usage (ab92cb2)
- implemented two functions which convert tw-styles and checks platform (ab3b58a)
- macro: add base macro implementation, fix eslint issues (fdcccc7)
- macro: add styles to useTailwindStyles dependencies (cd45574)
- memoize useTailwindStyles wrapper output (eb74679)
- move addImport call outside traversal (4ee9fde)
- replace tailwind-rn with twrnc, enable parentheses in styles (1c510af)
- resolve tailwind config (d35f188)