All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
send | POST /api/1/send | Send |
send_fee | GET /api/1/send_fee | Estimate send fees |
SendResponse send(amount, currency, address, description=description, message=message, external_id=external_id, has_destination_tag=has_destination_tag, destination_tag=destination_tag, memo=memo, is_forex_send=is_forex_send, is_drb=is_drb, forex_notice_self_declaration=forex_notice_self_declaration, account_id=account_id)
Send assets from an Account. Please note that the asset type sent must match the receive address of the same cryptocurrency of the same type - Bitcoin to Bitcoin, Ethereum to Ethereum, etc. Sends can be made to cryptocurrency receive addresses. Note: This is currently unavailable to users who are verified in countries with money travel rules. Permissions required: Perm_W_Send
import luno_openapi
from luno_openapi.models.send_response import SendResponse
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = luno_openapi.Configuration(
host = ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with luno_openapi.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = luno_openapi.SendApi(api_client)
amount = '1.5' # str | Amount to send as a decimal string.
currency = 'XBT' # str | Currency to send.
address = '1AbbJJzevwFFVBKvZRtQHHFgrJyYTKaMw2' # str | Destination address or email address. <b>Note</b>: <ul> <li>Ethereum addresses must be <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">checksummed</a>.</li> <li>Ethereum sends to email addresses are not supported.</li> </ul>
description = 'My description' # str | User description for the transaction to record on the account statement. (optional)
message = 'My message' # str | Message to send to the recipient. This is only relevant when sending to an email address. (optional)
external_id = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000' # str | Optional unique ID to associate with this withdrawal. Useful to prevent duplicate sends in case of failure. This supports all alphanumeric characters, as well as \"-\" and \"_\". (optional)
has_destination_tag = true # bool | Optional boolean flag indicating that a XRP destination tag is provided (even if zero). (optional)
destination_tag = 12345 # int | Optional XRP destination tag. Note that HasDestinationTag must be true if this value is provided. (optional)
memo = 'Test:TEST-test ?;lsbjaciuq12712837519*T*&$^572' # str | Optional memo string used to provide account information for ATOM, etc. where it holds \"account\" information for a generic address. (optional)
is_forex_send = true # bool | Only required for Foreign Exchange Notification under the Malaysia FEN rules. IsForexSend must be true if sending to an address hosted outside of Malaysia. (optional)
is_drb = true # bool | Only required for Foreign Exchange Notification under the Malaysia FEN rules. IsDRB must be true if the user has Domestic Ringgit Borrowing (DRB). (optional)
forex_notice_self_declaration = true # bool | Only required for Foreign Exchange Notification under the Malaysia FEN rules. ForexNoticeSelfDeclaration must be true if the user has exceeded his/her annual investment limit in foreign currency assets. (optional)
account_id = 5998716001549232000 # int | Optional source account. In case of multiple accounts for a single currency, the source account that will provide the funds for the transaction may be specified. If omitted, the default account will be used. (optional)
# Send
api_response = await api_instance.send(amount, currency, address, description=description, message=message, external_id=external_id, has_destination_tag=has_destination_tag, destination_tag=destination_tag, memo=memo, is_forex_send=is_forex_send, is_drb=is_drb, forex_notice_self_declaration=forex_notice_self_declaration, account_id=account_id)
print("The response of SendApi->send:\n")
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling SendApi->send: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
amount | str | Amount to send as a decimal string. | |
currency | str | Currency to send. | |
address | str | Destination address or email address. <b>Note</b>: <ul> <li>Ethereum addresses must be <a href="\" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">checksummed</a>.</li> <li>Ethereum sends to email addresses are not supported.</li> </ul> | |
description | str | User description for the transaction to record on the account statement. | [optional] |
message | str | Message to send to the recipient. This is only relevant when sending to an email address. | [optional] |
external_id | str | Optional unique ID to associate with this withdrawal. Useful to prevent duplicate sends in case of failure. This supports all alphanumeric characters, as well as "-" and "_". | [optional] |
has_destination_tag | bool | Optional boolean flag indicating that a XRP destination tag is provided (even if zero). | [optional] |
destination_tag | int | Optional XRP destination tag. Note that HasDestinationTag must be true if this value is provided. | [optional] |
memo | str | Optional memo string used to provide account information for ATOM, etc. where it holds "account" information for a generic address. | [optional] |
is_forex_send | bool | Only required for Foreign Exchange Notification under the Malaysia FEN rules. IsForexSend must be true if sending to an address hosted outside of Malaysia. | [optional] |
is_drb | bool | Only required for Foreign Exchange Notification under the Malaysia FEN rules. IsDRB must be true if the user has Domestic Ringgit Borrowing (DRB). | [optional] |
forex_notice_self_declaration | bool | Only required for Foreign Exchange Notification under the Malaysia FEN rules. ForexNoticeSelfDeclaration must be true if the user has exceeded his/her annual investment limit in foreign currency assets. | [optional] |
account_id | int | Optional source account. In case of multiple accounts for a single currency, the source account that will provide the funds for the transaction may be specified. If omitted, the default account will be used. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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SendFeeResponse send_fee(amount, currency, address)
Estimate send fees
Calculate fees involved with a crypto send request. Send address can be to a cryptocurrency receive address, or the email address of another Luno platform user. Permissions required: MP_None
import luno_openapi
from luno_openapi.models.send_fee_response import SendFeeResponse
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = luno_openapi.Configuration(
host = ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with luno_openapi.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = luno_openapi.SendApi(api_client)
amount = '1.5' # str | Amount to send as a decimal string.
currency = 'XBT' # str | Currency to send.
address = '1AbbJJzevwFFVBKvZRtQHHFgrJyYTKaMw2' # str | Destination address or email address. <b>Note</b>: <ul> <li>Ethereum addresses must be <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">checksummed</a>.</li> <li>Ethereum sends to email addresses are not supported.</li> </ul>
# Estimate send fees
api_response = await api_instance.send_fee(amount, currency, address)
print("The response of SendApi->send_fee:\n")
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling SendApi->send_fee: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
amount | str | Amount to send as a decimal string. | |
currency | str | Currency to send. | |
address | str | Destination address or email address. <b>Note</b>: <ul> <li>Ethereum addresses must be <a href="\" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">checksummed</a>.</li> <li>Ethereum sends to email addresses are not supported.</li> </ul> |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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