Searches facebook for profiles that might be trying to impersonate you
To properly work, dupehunter needs:
- python 2.x (
- pHash (Open Source perceptual hash library,
- py-pHash (Python bindings for libpHash,
- Facebook python SDK (
- A facebook access token with the "user_photos" permission (can be grabbed from
- Replace FACEBOOK_OAUTH_TOKEN with an actual token within the script
- Run the script
- Profit!
The most common way you get impersonated is by someone using a profile with your name and profile picture. However, it's very likely there's a lot of people with your same name in Facebook, so comparing that is not an option. This script will compare all profiles matching your name and will look for a profile picture matching ANY of the pictures you ever used as profile picture. You will be alerted if anyone's picture closely resemble any of yours.