A modern, opinionated frontend workflow for building a static website and blog.
- Author: Phil Lennon
- Source: github.com/fephil/garrus
- Issues and Suggestions: github.com/fephil/garrus/issues
- Download: https://github.com/fephil/garrus/releases
- Twitter: @frontendphil
- Email: enquiry@frontendphil.com
Garrus is an 'all-in-one' workflow designed to quickly build a static website and blog using modern techniques in Frontend development. Use Garrus as a base, fork it and tailor to your specific needs.
This workflow contains:
- Gulp,
- Metalsmith (with Handlebars templates, JSON metadata, Blog and Markdown support)
- Webpack with jQuery integration,
- Babel with ES2015 support,
- Javascript Unit Testing with Mocha & Chai,
- SASS & PostCSS,
- Critical inlined CSS,
- Sass-mq & Susy grid system,
- Image minification,
- SVG spriting,
- HTML minification,
- StandardJS linting,
- CSS Stylelinting,
- Tota11y accessibility checking integration,
- Easy to use with simple Gulp tasks & configuration.
Comments, suggestions & pull requests are always welcome. See the issues list for more information about future enhancements and changes.
Download the latest stable release from GitHub. Once this has been done:
- Install Node V4 LTS or Node V6,
- Run in Terminal:
npm i gulp-cli -g
(Gulp does not need to be installed globally), - Navigate to the workflow folder in command line Terminal,
- Run:
npm i
(if Yarn is installed).
Please note that there are a large amount of development dependencies to install, due to the 'all in one' nature of the workflow. It could possibly take a long time to install all the required modules.
In your code editor of choice, the following plugins are recommended but not required. Note the plugin names might be slightly different depending on your editor.
- editorconfig,
- linter,
- linter-handlebars,
- linter-js-standard,
- linter-stylelint.
Run these tasks in your command line Terminal:
gulp [--production] [--debug]
gulp deploy [--production] [--debug]
gulp auditcode
gulp audita11y
- The
task builds the website, watches for changes and starts up a sever, - The
gulp deploy
task builds the website without watching for changes or running the server, - The
gulp auditcode
task runs various linting checks on the project source files, - The
gulp audita11y
task builds the website and adds tota11y for accessibility checking, - The
flag builds minified assets with no sourcemaps, - The
flag shows the files being created in each task (if the task has a pipe).
More documentation is in progress.
- Print styles from the HTML5 Boilerplate,
- Sample images come from Unsplash,
- Sample icons come from the Street Support project.