- Intro
- This is a step by step java(j2se) open source program. You can checkout each commit and find the building procedure.
- It is a MVC practice using javax.swing package as View, util.mvc.controller as Controller and some class of specifi function as Model.
- It works as a diction program.
- This dictation program extracts words from any texts and put them in a word repository which will be the source of dictation.
- How to run
- Pre-install: Eclipse + Java SE Development Kit
- Clone/fork/download this project from github to your local storage.
- Open Eclipse -> File -> Import... -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> Select root directory (this means you need to choose the directory where you just put this project in step 1) -> Finish
- Run the "LetUsProunce" class inside program packge as a java application.
- How to use
File -> Open File... (Select any txt file from disk)-> Add or Remove(Add the chosen files to word repo or remove some of them that is unnesessary. Please select these unwanted files from the left list then press remove button, multi-selection is enabled) -> Dictate -> Start -> Go -> Yes or No(yes, if you know the word; otherwise, no) - Others
- You can find a UML sketch in "UML plan.mdj", this "mdj" suffix might confuse you a bit, however, it is the default file type used by a cross-platform UML tool StarUML. You should play with it, strongly recommanded. It's free and easy to use.
- "MVC design ideas.txt" is where I wrote my thoughts when I was trying to practice MVC framework. You can read it if you wish or JUST IGNORE it :).
- "Dictation_Program.sublime-workspace", "text.txt", "class" and "source" are built from the very beginning where I tried to use Sublime to manage this project, but it turned out Eclipse is just more professional for developing java. So, if you checkout the several very first commits you will find that I was working with Sublime and doing some development on basic ideas like, how to extract words from a txt file, and what kind a word repository will fullfill my future needs. If you only want to see the MVC part, you may not waste your time on them.
- Questions & Discussions
I am happy to share my thoughts on any questions you may have. Please reach me via: fengxueem@gmail.com
- 简介
这是一款用Java编写的听写软件,是我第一次使用MVC的思路完成的。期间用了比较密集的commit,因此可以通过依序查看commit来跟踪整个程序的编写过程。它的主要功能是选择本地txt文件,将其中的所有单词加入单词库中,然后随时可以开始听写。 - 如何运行
- 预安装: Eclipse + Java SE Development Kit
- Clone/fork/下载该github项目至本地目录A.
- 打开 Eclipse -> File -> Import... -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> Select root directory (选择第一步中的本地目录A) -> Finish
- 运行program包中的*"LetUsProunce"*类.
- 如何使用
File -> Open File... (在磁盘上选择你想要听写的txt文件,例如我下载马丁路德金的《I have a dream》放在桌面叫做“I_have_a_dream.txt”)-> Add 或者 Remove(按下Add后会将刚选中的所有文件导入单词库,按下Remove可以将不需要的文件从白色列表框中删除,先选中列表中不需要的文件后点击Remove,支持多选) -> Dictate -> Start -> Go -> Yes or No(如果这个单词你认识,yes!如果不熟悉,那就老老实实no吧!) - 备注
- "UML plan.mdj" 里面包含了软件的类结构图,请用StarUML打开,它是在这款软件设计中使用的一款跨平台UML工具。安利一下,很好用。
- "MVC design ideas.txt" 里面是一些设计思路,可以忽略啦~比较早期的设计思路
- "Dictation_Program.sublime-workspace", "text.txt", "class" and "source" 是我一开始用Sublime 时的一些文件,在最开始的几次commit当中你可以发现我并没有选择用Eclipse进行开发,事后证明,Eclipse还是要比Sublime做Java来的容易。哈哈,不试不知道嘛~另外,这些里面不包含任何MVC有关内容。
- 讨论
十分欢迎来邮件讨论: fengxueem@gmail.com