This is a PHP wrapper for the BracketCloud API. BracketCloud integrates easy-to-use tournament generation, management and social tools in one platform accessible from any computer, phone or tablet you use.
- You must have a BracketCloud user account to use the API.
- You must read and agree to the BracketCloud API Terms of Service.
- Learn about the REST API from the documentation pages.
This library is under development. Matches and participant interactions coming soon!
* Replace API_KEY with your BracketCloud API Key.
$request = new BracketCloudAPIRequest(API_KEY);
// ... do something with $request!
* Let's try searching for tournaments using addArgument() and execute().
* addArgument() can be chained as seen below.
* For more details about arguments, check out the API docs!
$tournaments = $request->addArgument('type', 'bracket')
->addArgument('sort', 'title-desc')
* We now have an array of full tournament objects in $tournaments.
foreach ($tournaments as $tournament) {
echo $tournament->title;
* All request methods will return FALSE if there was an API error.
* You can access details about the error from $request->error;
if ($tournament = $request->getTournament(123)) {
echo $tournament->title;
else {
echo 'API error returned: ' . $request->error;
$params = array('type' => 'bracket', 'title' => 'My first tournament');
if ($tournament = $request->createTournament($params)) {
echo $tournament->title . ' created successfully!';
$params = array('title' => 'My new title', 'signup' => FALSE);
if ($tournament = $request->updateTournament(123, $params)) {
echo $tournament->title . ' updated successfully!';
if ($request->deleteTournament(123)) {
echo 'Tournament deleted successfully!';