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Repository containing raw code, detailed description and figures for Nanopore-based native RNA sequencing of prokaryotes


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Exploring prokaryotic transcription, operon structures, rRNA maturation and modifications using Nanopore-based native RNA sequencing

Felix Grünberger1, Robert Knüppel2, Michael Jüttner2, Martin Fenk1, Andreas Borst3, Robert Reichelt1, Winfried Hausner1, Jörg Soppa3, Sébastien Ferreira-Cerca, and Dina Grohmann

1 Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, Single-Molecule Biochemistry Lab & Biochemistry Centre Regensburg, University of Regensburg, Universitätsstraße 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany

2 Biochemistry III – Institute for Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology, University of Regensburg, Universitätsstraße 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany.

3 Goethe University, Institute for Molecular Biosciences, Max-von-Laue-Str. 9, D-60438, Frankfurt, Germany

° Corresponding authors

Information about this repository

This is the repository for the manuscript “Exploring prokaryotic transcription, operon structures, rRNA maturation and modifications using Nanopore-based native RNA sequencing”, which can be found on bioRxiv. It contains a description of the bioinformatical tools used to process native RNA sequencing data and the downstream analysis mostly based on custom Rscripts.

The repository is currently actively developed.

Active Development

Data generation

Libraries for Nanopore sequencing were prepared from poly(A)-tailed RNAs according to the SQK-RNA001 Kit protocol (Oxford Nanopore, Version: DRS_9026_v1_revP_15Dec2016) with minor modifications for barcoded libraries. In this case, Agencourt AMPure XP magnetic beads (Beckman Coulter) in combination with 1 µl of RiboGuard RNase Inhibitor (Lucigen) were used instead of the recommended Agencourt RNAclean XP beads to purify samples after enzymatic reactions. For the barcoded libraries, the RTA adapter was replaced by custom adapters described in and reverse transcription (RT) was performed in individual tubes for each library. After RT reactions, cDNA was quantified using the Qubit DNA HS assay kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and equimolar amounts of DNA for the multiplexed samples were used in the next step for ligation of the RNA Adapter (RMX) in a single tube. Subsequent reactions were performed according to the protocols recommended by ONT. The libraries were sequenced on a MinION using R9.4 flow cells and subsequently, FAST5 files were generated using the recommended script in MinKNOW.

Data analysis

Before starting a sequencing run, different running options can be selected in MinKNOW. In case reads are stored in multi-FAST5-containing files (e.g. 4000 reads per file), files can be converted to single-read FAST5 files using the ont_fast5_api, as some workflows (e.g. nanopolish and tombo) rely on single-FAST5 files for further analysis.
After a run, reads are stored in two folders (fast5_failed, fast5_passed). To prevent actual good reads from beeing discarded we included all reads from both folders in the following steps of the analysis.
First, we converted multi-FAST5-files with the multi_to_single_fast5 command from the ont_fast5_api:


# set input_path, save_path, search in all folders for fast5 files, set number of threads
multi_to_single_fast5 \
    --input_path <path folder containing multi_read_fast5 files> \
    --save_path <path to folder where single_read fast5 files will be output> \
    --recursive <recursively search sub-directories> \
    --threads <number of CPU threads to use>

The output will be single-read FAST5 files in the save_path folder with one subfolder per multi-read input file.


We managed our folders in the following way:

├── data/
|   ├── genome_data
|   ├── tidy_data
|   ├── summary_data
|   ├── mapped_data
|   ├── guppy_data
|   ├── fastq_data
|   ├── coverage_data
|   ├── meme_data
|   ├── enolase_data
|   ├── poly_data
|   ├── tombo_data
|   └── operon_data
├── Rscrips
├── figures
├── tables/
|   ├── tss_tables
|   ├── tts_tables
|   ├── tu_tables
|   └── counts_tables

Relative paths in the custom R and bash scripts are included for the complete analysis.

Demultiplexing using poreplex

Multiplexed libraries (how to is described here: can be demultiplexed using poreplex. Following this approach four direct RNA sequencing libraries can be barcoded, pooled and sequenced together. Poreplex can demultiplex the libraries into separate folders with:


# trim adapters, basecall using albacore, de-multiplex, create symbolic fast5 link, increase number of working processes, sort reads to folders according to barcodes
poreplex \
    -i <path/to/fast5> \
    -o <path/to/output> \
    --trim-adapter <trim 3′ adapter sequences from FASTQ outputs> \
    --barcoding <sort barcoded reads into separate outputs> \
    --basecall <call the ONT albacore for basecalling on-the-fly> \
    --symlink-fast5 <create symbolic links to FAST5 files in output directories even when hard linking is possible> \
    --parallel <number of worker processes>

Reads can be basecalled automatically during demultiplexing using albacore, the outdated basecaller of ONT. As we observed dramatic differences in the detected read qualities and number of reads that can be mapped, we chose to only sort the reads based on poreplex and used guppy (Version 3.0.3) for basecalling. In this case the poreplex can be shortened to: poreplex -i <input> -o <output> --barcoding --parallel.

Basecalling using guppy

Demultiplexed raw FAST5 files and other raw FAST5 files that have not been barcoded (raw MinKNOW output) can be basecalled (translated in FASTQ data) using guppy, the ONT-developed basecaller (available in the ONT Community). We used version 3.0.3 for basecalling of all of our reads:


guppy_basecaller \
    --flowcell FLO-MIN106 <flowcell-version> \
    --kit SQK-RNA001 <sequencing-kit> \
    --input $input <path to input FAST5 files> \
    --save_path $output <path to output> \
    --recursive <search input folders recursively> \
    --reverse_sequence yes <as RNA is sequenced from 3´to 5´> \
    --hp_correct 1 <enable homopolymer correction> \
    --enable_trimming <trim RNA reads> \
    --cpu_threads_per_caller <set number of threads> \
    --calib_detect <detect RCS spike in>

Demultiplexed files from fast5_failed and fast5_passed folders can be basecalled seperately. Final output files from guppy are merged with:


### e.g. for BC1 failed and passed folders
cat $dir/guppy_data/BC1_fail/*.fastq $dir/guppy_data/BC1_pass/*.fastq > $dir/fastq_data/BC1_combined.fastq

# Sequencing summary
### e.g. for BC1 failed and passed folders
cat $dir/guppy_data/BC1_fail/sequencing_summary.txt $dir/guppy_data/BC1_pass/sequencing_summary.txt > $dir/summary_data/BC1_sequencing_summary.txt

Mapping using minimap2

Mapping of reads to reference genomes

FAST5 passed and FAST5 failed reads that have been demultiplexed using poreplex and basecalled using guppy can now be mapped to the reference genomes using minimap2(Li 2018). Release 2.17-r941 was used for our analysis. Output alignments in the SAM format were generated with the recommended options for noisy Nanopore Direct RNA-seq (-ax splice, -uf, -k14) and also with (1) -p set to 0.99, to return primary and secondary mappings and (2) with –MD turned on, to include the MD tag for calculating mapping identities. Alignment files were further converted to bam files, sorted and indexed using SAMtools (Li et al. 2009). Strand-specific wig and bigwig files were finally created using bam2wig (Version 1.5,


# set file paths
genome_fasta=<path_to_fasta_file>(downloaded from NCBI)

# map using minimap2 | convert using samtools and bam2wig
for file in $dir/fastq_data/*_combined.fastq # path to all of the merged .fastq files
  minimap2 -p 0.99 -ax splice -k14 --MD -uf $genome_fasta $file > $out_dir/$filename".sam" # map using minimaps2
  samtools flagstat $out_dir/$filename".sam" > $out_dir/$filename"_stats.txt" # calculate mapping statistics
  samtools view -bS $out_dir/$filename".sam" -o $out_dir/$filename".bam" # sam to bam
  samtools sort $out_dir/$filename".bam" -o $out_dir/$filename"_sorted.bam" # bam to sorted bam 
  samtools index $out_dir/$filename"_sorted.bam" # index sorted bam file 
  samtools view -h -F 16 $out_dir/$filename".bam" > $out_dir/$filename"_forward.bam" # create strand specific bam files
  samtools view -h -f 16 $out_dir/$filename".bam" > $out_dir/$filename"_reverse.bam" # strand specific bam files
  samtools sort $out_dir/$filename"_forward.bam" -o $out_dir/$filename"_forward_sorted.bam" # sort 
  samtools sort $out_dir/$filename"_reverse.bam" -o $out_dir/$filename"_reverse_sorted.bam" # sort
  samtools depth -a -d 0 $out_dir/$filename"_forward_sorted.bam" >  $out_dir/$filename"_forward_sorted_depth.txt" # calculate number of reads for each position in a strand specific way (no threshold set) and write to bed-like txt file
  samtools depth -a -d 0 $out_dir/$filename"_reverse_sorted.bam" > $out_dir/$filename"_reverse_sorted_depth.txt" # calculate number of reads for each position in a strand specific way (no threshold set) and write to bed-like txt file
  ./bam2wig $out_dir/$filename"_sorted.bam" # create wig files from bam files, all reads
  ./bam2wig -s top $out_dir/$filename"_sorted.bam" # create wig files from bam files, top strand
  ./bam2wig -s bottom $out_dir/$filename"_sorted.bam" # create wig files from bam files, bottom strand
  echo $filename "mapping finished" 

Mapping of reads to spike-in control

Guppy filters out the calibration reads (make sure to enable --calib_detect) that can be mapped to the enolase gene to perform quality control analysis.


# set file paths

# before mapping merge failed and passed files
cat $dir/guppy_data/BC1_fail/calibration_strands/*.fastq $dir/guppy_data/BC1_pass/calibration_strands/*.fastq > $dir/enolase_data/BC1_calibration.fastq

# map using minimap2
for file in $dir/enolase_data/*calibration.fastq
  minimap2 -ax splice -k14  --MD -uf $genome_fasta $file > $out_dir/$filename".sam"
  samtools flagstat $out_dir/$filename".sam" > $out_dir/$filename"_stats.txt"
  samtools view -bS $out_dir/$filename".sam" | samtools sort -o $out_dir/$filename"_sorted.bam"
  samtools index $out_dir/$filename"_sorted.bam"
  samtools depth -a -d 0 $out_dir/$filename"_sorted.bam" > $out_dir/$filename"_depth.txt"
  echo $filename "mapping finished"!  

Poly(A)-tail analysis using nanopolish

Poly(A) tail length was estimated by nanopolish following the recommended workflow (Version 0.10.2, (Loman, Quick, and Simpson 2015).
The workflow includes indexing of the reads using the nanopolish index module and mapping of the reads using minimap2. The poly(A)-tail length estimator can then be run on mapped files with nanopolish polya, with genome fasta, fastq read file and mapped bam file as input. The output is stored in a .tsv file that was analyzed using a custom R script.

Gene expression analysis using featurecounts

We calculated transcript abundances for long-read Nanopore native RNA reads using featurecounts(Liao, Smyth, and Shi 2019) with the following command in R:

featureCounts(allowMultiOverlap = T, 
              files = input_bam_file, 
              annot.ext = input_gff_file, 
              isGTFAnnotationFile = T, 
              GTF.featureType = name, <name argument was used multiple times for CDS, rRNA and tRNAs>
              GTF.attrType = "ID", 
              isLongRead = T)

Number of counts for each gene were added to the metadata information, the Rscript for the complete analysis can be found in the next section.

Summarise metadata information on single-read level

For each data set one matrix including raw-read, mapped-read and count information was prepared using the tidy_data script. Following files are needed as input:

  • sequencing_summary.txt from guppy
  • genome fasta file
  • genome gff file
  • Sorted .bam file from minimap2 output

Files are stored as R files, but can also be exported as tables (commented in the code). As each line represents one single read or sometimes one read refers to multiple lines (multimapping of rRNA reads to multiple loci) these tables can become quite large.

Quality control

Quality control of sequencing runs was performed at the raw-read level (unmapped reads from guppy output) and at the mapped-read level (after minimap2 mapping and tidy_data conversion).

Analysis of raw reads

Raw read plots and statistics were generated from guppys sequencing_summary.txt files and are shown in the raw_read_plots script.
To control for problems during loading (air bubbles, …) an interactive heatmap output of MinKNOW can be rebuild using following script: animated_qc.

In a similar way the total cumulative throughput over time can be animated using the ’animted_qc` script:

Analysis of mapped reads

Mapped read analysis was performed using the mapped_read_plots script. The number of reads mapping to different genomic features was calculated with featurecounts, visualized using the featurecounts_categories script and are stored in the counts_table files.

Run statistics

Supplementary Table 1 in the manuscript based on raw and mapped features was calculated using the following script: calculate_run_statistics.

Detection of transcriptional units (TU)

The detection of transcriptional units is a two-step process:

The clusters for each genome are saved in the tu_tables section.
Comparison to databases (manuscript Supplementary Figures 10a-c) were plotted using the tu_comparison_database script.

Prerequisites for the TU annotation, like sequencing of full-lenght transcripts and coverage bias towards 3´ end was evaluated based on the scripts fraction_full_length and coverage_drop_3prime.

Annotation of transcription start sites (TSS)

The detection of transcription start sites (TSS) was based on the detection of transcriptional units and is described in transcription_start_sites.
A transcriptional start site table for each organism can be found here: tss_tables

Annotation of transcription termination sites (TTS)

Transcription termination sites mapping was performed in a similar way as TSS detection and is described in the transcription_termination_sites script. Additionally, single-gene tracks were analysed using the tts_single_gene script.
A transcriptional termination site table for each organism can be found here: tts_tables

Single-read analysis

Single-read analysis was used to look at long 3´UTRs and processing events on the 16S and 23S rRNAs during ribosomal maturation.


Examples are shown in Supplementary Fig. 8 of the manuscript and were plotted using the single_reads_pilin_hvo and single_reads_alba_pfu scripts.


Reads for plotting of Figure 4 were plotted using the single_reads_rrnac script.

Detection of rRNA processing sites and classification of rRNA intermediates

To detect processing sites in archaeal and bacterial rDNA operons we performed enrichment analysis of read start and end positions. Code is provided for the E. coli analysis in rRNA_read_boundaries_ecoli.
Next, co-occurence analysis was performed by (i) categorizing reads according to enriched and literature-expected 5´ positions, (ii) selecting all reads that start within +/-1 from the relevant 5´ position and (iii) analysing the respective read ends (rRNA_read_coocurence_ecoli).
Exemplary reads of selected categories with enriched connected terminal positions were visualised in a genome browser-like view utlizing scripts similar to the single_reads_rrnac Rscript. Circular rRNA precursor in archaea were initially observed in a subset of reads, which end near/at the 5´cleavage site of the bulge-helix-bulge (BHB), but are extensively left-clipped. To investigate circ rRNA in more detail, we mapped reads to a permuted linear sequence that contained joined 3´BHB/5´-BHB ends.

# in R

#...................................haloferax genome/fasta information
gff <- read.gff(here("data/genome_data/hvo.gff")) %>%
  dplyr::filter(type == "rRNA")

fasta <- readDNAStringSet(here("data/genome_data/hvo.fasta"))

# > 1598084 5´end BHB
# > 1599741 3´end BHB

#...................................write permuted 16S circ-rRNA sequence
circ16_junc_open <- paste(fasta$chr[(gff$end[1]-500):(1599741)],
                          sep = "")

write.fasta(sequences = circ16_junc_open, 
            names = "circ_16S_open",
            file.out = here("data/nanopore_reanalysis/hvo/circ16S.fasta"))

Reads were mapped using minimap2, sorted and indexed using samtools. BAM files were imported again in R and read start and end positions visualised using the geom_linerange option in ggplot2 (circ_read_plotting).

Modified base detection

We estimated the amount of modified bases using two different approaches:

We used Tombo (Version 1.5, to identify modified bases based on a comparison to a theoretical distribution (de novo model) and based on the comparison to a reference data set (sample-compare model)(compare Stoiber et al. 2016). The different steps include preprocessing, resquiggling and plotting of the raw signals at specific genomic coordinates and are well-described in the documentation.
The probability of modified bases was calculated using the detect_modification de_novo command, written to .wig files using the text_output browser_files command and added to the plot genome_locations plot using the tombo_fractions_positions script. For Fig. 6g the signals were calculated for both samples (wildtype and deletion mutant) and compared using the control-fast5-basedirs and overplot Boxplot option. For Fig 7b in the manuscript a reference data set was created by sorting the reads mapping to the 16S rRNA based on the position of the read start (before or after gene start), thereby dividing the data set in reads that belong to mature and unprocessed 16S rRNAs (script see here: filter_rrna_reads_for_tombo). The selected reads can be extracted using the custom Rscript or using the fast5_subset module of the ont_fast5_api. Minion read names of reads that fulfill certain criteria therefore have to be written to a read_id_list. Probabilities were calculated for the sample-compare model for all read categories and plotted using custom R-scripts (tombo_intermediates).

Pileup mapping assignments

For calculating the frequency of correct, deleted, inserted and wrong nucleotides at a genomic position pysamstats ( was used.


#...................................PILEUP BASES FREQUENCY

pysamstats -D 8000000 -S nofilter --window-size=1 -t variation_strand -f $dir/genome_data/hvo.fasta $dir/reanalysis_tombo/hvo/mapped_data/primary_pre_rRNA_wt_sorted.bam > $dir/pileups/primary_pre_rRNA_wt_pileup.tsv

pysamstats -D 8000000 -S nofilter --window-size=1 -t variation_strand -f $dir/genome_data/hvo.fasta $dir/reanalysis_tombo/hvo/mapped_data/closed_circ_rRNA_wt_sorted.bam > $dir/pileups/closed_circ_rRNA_wt_pileup.tsv

pysamstats -D 8000000 -S nofilter --window-size=1 -t variation_strand -f $dir/genome_data/hvo.fasta $dir/reanalysis_tombo/hvo/mapped_data/open_circ_rRNA_wt_sorted.bam > $dir/pileups/open_circ_rRNA_wt_pileup.tsv

pysamstats -D 8000000 -S nofilter --window-size=1 -t variation_strand -f $dir/genome_data/hvo.fasta $dir/reanalysis_tombo/hvo/mapped_data/mature_rRNA_wt_sorted.bam > $dir/pileups/mature_rRNA_wt_pileup.tsv

Plots were generated using custom R scripts (pileup_mod_bases). The results were compared to known modification sites in 16S rRNA for H. volcanii (Grosjean et al. 2008) and P. furiosus. Note that the positions of modified RNA base modifications for P. furiosus are derived from a recently published study in P. abyssi.

Data availability

Raw sequencing files

The raw sequencing data in fast5 format have been submitted to the NCBI sequence read archive (SRA) under BioProject accession number PRJNA632538.


This project is under the general MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Grosjean, Henri, Christine Gaspin, Christian Marck, Wayne A. Decatur, and Valérie de Crécy-Lagard. 2008. “RNomics and Modomics in the halophilic archaea Haloferax volcanii: Identification of RNA modification genes.” BMC Genomics 9: 1–26.

Li, Heng. 2018. “Minimap2: Pairwise alignment for nucleotide sequences.” Bioinformatics.

Li, Heng, Bob Handsaker, Alec Wysoker, Tim Fennell, Jue Ruan, Nils Homer, Gabor Marth, Goncalo Abecasis, and Richard Durbin. 2009. “The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools.” Bioinformatics 25 (16): 2078–9.

Liao, Yang, Gordon K. Smyth, and Wei Shi. 2019. “The R package Rsubread is easier, faster, cheaper and better for alignment and quantification of RNA sequencing reads.” Nucleic Acids Research.

Loman, Nicholas J., Joshua Quick, and Jared T. Simpson. 2015. “A complete bacterial genome assembled de novo using only nanopore sequencing data.” Nature Methods 12 (8): 733–35.

Stoiber, Marcus H, Joshua Quick, Rob Egan, Ji Eun Lee, Susan E Celniker, Robert Neely, Nicholas Loman, Len Pennacchio, and James B Brown. 2016. “De novo Identification of DNA Modifications Enabled by Genome-Guided Nanopore Signal Processing.” bioRxiv, 094672.


Repository containing raw code, detailed description and figures for Nanopore-based native RNA sequencing of prokaryotes







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