markov - Markov algorithms interpreter and their largest library
Markov algorithms is a turing-complete string rewriting system. Hereafter, the description relates specifically to the Markov algorithms alteration implemented in this software.
A word is defined as a finite sequence of alphanumericals (i. e. A-Z, a-z and 0-9). An empty word is defined as a word with no alphanumericals. An empty word is denoted by ^.
A word S is said to be a subword of a word W, if W = XSY. For any word W, W = ^W.
A substitution rule is defined as two words separated with either space-dot-space or space-comma-space. The first one is called a terminal substitution rule, while the second one is called non-terminal substitution rule. In these terms, "substituion" can be ommited and it is hereafter. An execution result of a rule L . R or L , R on the word W is defined as a word W, in which the very first, leftmost subword L is substituted with R. If an execution result of a rule L . R or L , R on a certain word W is equal to the W itself (i. e., if L is not a subword of W), it is said that this execution rule is unworkable on word W.
A Markov algorithm is a finite list of rules, one per line. Its execution on word W is described as follows:
- If each rule is unworkable on word W, the word W is the result of the current Markov algorithm execution.
- If at least one rule is not unworkable on word W, execute the very first of them on word W.
- If an executed rule was terminal, its result is also the result of the current Markov algorithm execution.
- If an executed rule was non-terminal, process its result as a word W.
┌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┬╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┬╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ Out1
╎ 2 ╎ 2 ╎ 2
In ┏╍╍╍╍╍┷╍╍╍╍╍┓ 1 ┏╍╍╍╍╍┷╍╍╍╍╍┓ 1 1 ┏╍╍╍╍╍┷╍╍╍╍╍┓ 1
╌┬╌╌╌╌┨ L1 x R1 ┠╌╌╌┨ L2 x R2 ┠╌╌╌ ╸╸╸╌╌╌┨ Ln x Rn ┠╌╌╌ Out2
│ ┗╍╍╍╍╍┯╍╍╍╍╍┛ ┗╍╍╍╍╍┯╍╍╍╍╍┛ ┗╍╍╍╍╍┯╍╍╍╍╍┛
│ ╎ 3 ╎ 3 ╎ 3
[ 31K] markov
!! [ 753] LICENSE.txt
~~ [ 5.8K]
~~ [ 225] interp.awk
~~ [ 6K] markov.1
++ [ 6.1K]
-- [ 10K] algorithms
~~ ~~ [ 22] binary_to_preunary
~~ ~~ [ 6.6K] decimal_to_dekimal
~~ ~~ [ 1.7K] dekimal_to_decimal
~~ ~~ [ 135] dekimal_to_unary
~~ ~~ [ 118] division
~~ ~~ [ 77] factorial
~~ ~~ [ 49] greatest_common_divisor
~~ ~~ [ 366] lenght
~~ ~~ [ 87] multiplication
~~ ~~ [ 46] neumann
~~ ~~ [ 98] power
~~ ~~ [ 6] prefix
~~ ~~ [ 29] substraction
~~ ~~ [ 300] suffix
~~ ~~ [ 6] summation
~~ ~~ [ 42] unary_compare
~~ ~~ [ 503] unary_to_dekimal
-- [ 1.8K] sequences
~~ ~~ [ 124] binary_to_decimal
~~ ~~ [ 101] compare
~~ ~~ [ 190] division
~~ ~~ [ 235] factorial
~~ ~~ [ 187] greatest_common_divisor
~~ ~~ [ 196] multiplication
~~ ~~ [ 213] power
~~ ~~ [ 176] substraction
~~ ~~ [ 173] summation
30 files, 3 directories
git clone -q && \
cd markov && \
chmod ugo+x
./ [-V|--version] [-u|--usage]
[-?|-h|--help] [-rc|--reset-config]
./ [-nc|--no-colors] algorithm-file ...
./ [-nc|--no-colors] -s|--sequence
algorithm-sequence-file ...
-V, --version
Display a version message and exit immediately.
-u, --usage
Display a usage message and exit immediately.
-?, -h, --help
Display a help message and exit immediately.
-rc, --reset-config
Set a configuration file data automatically.
-nc, --no-colors
Disable font colors and styles.
They are disabled whether or not this option is set, if any of these are true:a) markov output is not directed into the terminal
b) user echo can not process escape-sequences
-s, --sequence
Process each passed file as an algorithm sequence rather than an algorithm.
The configuration allows each following option to be set or unset if not passed as an argument:
Configuration is done by editing the configuration file.
In line 4 of the absolute path of the configuration file
is set.
In the unmodified, this absolute path is
The configuration file is set automatically once is launched, if any of these are true:
a) option -rc|--reset-config is passed
b) the configuration file is empty
c) the configuration file is not present\
In lines 10 of, the data of the configuration file that
is thus set can be modified.
In the unmodified, this data is NO_COLORS=0;
With such configuration file data, each corresponding option is unset if
not passed as an argument.
1 written respectively in the configuration file will give the
opposite result for an option.