The official Falu .NET library, supporting .NET Standard 2.1+.
Using the .NET Core command-line interface (CLI) tools:
dotnet add package Falu
Using the NuGet Command Line Interface (CLI):
nuget install Falu
Using the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package Falu
From within Visual Studio:
- Open the Solution Explorer.
- Right-click on a project within your solution.
- Click on Manage NuGet Packages...
- Click on the Browse tab and search for "Falu".
- Click on the
package, select the appropriate version in the right-tab and click Install.
For a comprehensive list of examples, check out the API documentation.
You can create an instance of the client manually as shown below:
public class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var apiKey = "<put-you-key-here>";
var options = Options.Create(new FaluClientOptions { ApiKey = apiKey, });
var client = new FaluClient(new HttpClient(), options);
// .... do whatever you wish
Often it is recommended that you make use of an IoC container to control the lifetime of dependencies created. This is the case in ASP.NET Core but can also be done in background jobs. First, you would put the API Key in your secret:
"Falu": {
"ApiKey": "<put-you-key-here>",
"Retries": 3, // defaults to 2
To setup the secret via cli, use the command:
dotnet secrets add "Falu:ApiKey" "<put-you-key-here>"
Next add the client to you instance of IServicesCollection
in Startup.cs or Program.cs:
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add client
// The sample service we'll use to demonstrate usage
// It is recommended the service be consumed in a service with scoped or transient lifetime and not in a singleton one
// If you have to consume in a singleton service, inject an instance of IServiceProvider and get an instance from there when needed
Our sample service would then make use of the FaluClient
as follows:
private readonly FaluClient client;
public MyService(FaluClient client)
this.client = client ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client));
public async Task DoSomethingAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// utilize as shown in the simple example above
All of the service methods accept an optional idempotency key.
var request = new IdentityVerificationCreateRequest
// omitted for brevity
var ro = new RequestOptions { IdempotencyKey = "SOME STRING", };
await client.IdentityVerifications.CreateAsync(request: request, options: ro);
With FaluClient
you can verify your user's identity from a documentation perspective. Below is a sample of how to do verify the user's phone number against a name or id card.
FaluClient client; // omitted for brevity
var request = new IdentityVerificationCreateRequest
Type = "document", // can also be "id_number" or "document_and_selfie" or "document_and_video"
Options = new IdentityVerificationOptions
AllowUploads = true,
Document = new IdentityVerificationOptionsForDocument { },
ReturnUrl = "https://my-app.com/verify/waiting?userId=123456",
var response = await client.IdentityVerifications.CreateAsync(request);
response.EnsureSuccess(); // might throw an exception (FaluException)
var url = response.Resource.Url; // use this URL to complete verification
var clientSecret = response.Resource.ClientSecret; // pass this to Android/iOS apps using the official SDK
With FaluClient
you can send both transactional and bulk messages to customers. You can use pre-created templates to streamline sending of your messages. Below is a sample of how to create a template then used it to send a message.
FaluClient client; // omitted for brevity
// Creating message template (only needs to be done once)
await client.MessageTemplates.CreateAsync(new TemplatePatchModel
Description = "Sample Template",
Alias = "sample-template",
Body = "This is my template {{var1}} and {{var2}}"
// Sending of templated messages
var message = new MessageCreateRequest
To = "+254722000000",
Template = new MessageTemplate
Alias = "sample-template",
Model = new { var1 = "test", var2 = "test2" },
// Send message, delivery shall be relayed via webhooks
var response = await client.Messages.CreateAsync(message);
response.EnsureSuccess(); // might throw an exception (FaluException)
Templates should be created only once before use. Store the template ID or the Alias in your application and use either to reference the template.
Below is a sample of how to request money from a customer via MPESA STK Push (a.k.a. Popup, Checkout, etc.).
FaluClient client; // omitted for brevity
var request = new PaymentRequest
Amount = 1000,
Currency = "kes",
Mpesa = new PaymentRequestMpesaStkPush
Phone = "+254722000000",
Reference = "<put-payment-reference-here>",
Paybill = true, // false to tills (a.k.a Buygoods)
Destination = "<put-short-code-here>", // required for specificity
// Initiate the payment, completion shall be relayed via webhooks
var response = await client.Payments.CreateAsync(request);
response.EnsureSuccess(); // might throw an exception (FaluException)
Your incoming account for MPESA must be configured in your Workspace settings before you can initiate an outgoing payment to a customer.
With FaluClient
you can send and receive money to and from customers or businesses via multiple payment providers. Below is a sample of how to send money to a customer via MPESA.
FaluClient client; // omitted for brevity
var request = new TransferRequest
Amount = 1000,
Currency = "kes",
Purpose = "business", // can also be "salary"
Mpesa = new TransferRequestMpesa
Customer = new TransferRequestMpesaToCustomer
Phone = "+254722000000",
Source = "<put-short-code-here>", // required for specificity
// Initiate the transfer, completion shall be relayed via webhooks
var response = await client.Transfers.CreateAsync(request);
response.EnsureSuccess(); // might throw an exception (FaluException)
Your outgoing account for MPESA must be configured in your Workspace settings before you can initiate an outgoing payment to a customer.
For any requests, bug or comments, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
The Library is licensed under the MIT license. Refer to the LICENSE file for more information.