Binaries are distributed via Github:
Building the Biotracker 3 needs:
- opencv build (>3.0)
- QT build (>= 5.4)
- Boost build
- CMake GUI (any version should be OK, but boost detection may vary)
Following example will use Visual Studio 2015, OpenCv 3.2, QT 5.9 and boost_1_64, all x64. You will need to tell CMake where to find the libraries. You can do this via GUI when asked or set enviromental variables.
- QT_DIR_CMAKE64, E.g. E:\Software\Libraries\QT\5.9\msvc2015_64\lib\cmake\Qt5
- CV_DIR_CMAKE64, E.g. E:\Software\Libraries\opencv\build
- BOOST_LIBRARYDIR, E.g. E:\Software\Libraries\boost_1_65_1\stage64\lib
- BOOST_ROOT, E.g. E:\Software\Libraries\boost_1_65_1
Note that your path's and library version may differ.
Building with NVEnc is comming soon. Meanwhile ignore "HMNVLibDir=Not Found", it will build with CPU encoding only.
Now configure, generate, open and build for Debug/Release. The build is dynamically linked, which means you will need to supply the DLL's to your newly build binary. Qt offers the windeployqt utility. Usage sample, console:
C:\Users\Hauke>E:\Software\Libraries\QT\5.9\msvc2015_64\bin\windeployqt.exe E:\Development\Hauke\biotracker_core\BioTracker\CoreApp\BioTracker\Release\Biotracker_core.exe
OpenCv does not come with such a utility and you need to copy the DLL's manually from e.g.:
E:\Software\Libraries\opencv\build\bin\Release (or Debug, respectively)
Boost libraries are not needed to be copied.
Congratulations! You build the Biotracker 3!
Having set all the library paths you can build it just like any cmake project:
git clone
cd biotracker_core
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../BioTracker
Technically the Biotracker should build using the CMake toolchain and run on OSX. This is not officially supported, though.