Cinema Database (CinDes) is an Android application that showcases a collection of movies and TV shows, with data sourced directly from the TMDB API. Users can easily browse through popular titles, access detailed information, and discover new content. CinDes features a user-friendly interface, designed to provide a smooth and engaging browsing experience.
- Browse Movies & TV Shows: Explore a vast collection of popular and top-rated movies and TV shows.
- Detailed Information: View comprehensive details about each title, including synopsis, release date, ratings, and more.
- Trending & Popular People: Discover trending and popular actors, directors, and other celebrities, with detailed profiles for each.
- Search Functionality: Quickly find specific movies, TV shows.
- Responsive UI: Enjoy a smooth and intuitive user interface, optimized for various screen sizes.
- Watchlist: Add movies and TV shows to your watchlist for easy access later.
- Offline Access: Access previously viewed content on the home screen even without an internet connection.
- Android Studio
- TMDB Api Key (If you have your own)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Add your TMDB Api Key:
- Obtain your API key from the TMDB Api.
- Add the following line to your
build.gradle.kts (Module:core)
buildConfigField("String", "API_KEY", "\"your api key here\"")
Build and Run the project
- Architecture: Clean Architecture (Data, Domain, and Presentation layers)
- Language: Kotlin
- Dynamic Feature: Implements a dynamic feature module for the Watchlist feature.
- Library Module: Core functionality is encapsulated within a reusable library module.
- Coroutines: Manages asynchronous programming.
- Data Stream (Coroutines Flow): Streams asynchronous data.
- Hilt: Dependency Injection framework for managing app components.
- Retrofit: Type-safe HTTP client for API communication.
- Room: Local database solution for managing app data.
- SQLCipher: Adds encryption to the local database for enhanced security.
- Jetpack Navigation Component: Manages in-app navigation, including Bottom Navigation.
- Glide: Image loading and caching library.
- ViewPager2: Enhanced ViewPager for swiping movies.
- Paging: Handles efficient data pagination for lists.
- ProGuard: Obfuscation tool used to protect the app code.
- Certificate Pinning: Ensures secure connections by pinning SSL certificates.
- Lottie: Library for rendering animations.
- Shimmer: Adds shimmer effects to UI components.
- LeakCanary: Tool for detecting memory leaks during development.
- ShowMoreText (by Sanjay Prajapat): Custom view for showing expandable text.
This project was developed as part of the capstone project for the Dicoding class - Becoming an Android Developer Expert (Dicoding - Menjadi Android Developer Expert). Special thanks to Dicoding for providing comprehensive learning resources and guidance throughout the course.