Android specific
- Native part of fixing ANR when having an inverted FlatList on android API 33+ (6d206a3f54 by @hannojg)
- For targeting SDK 34 - Added RECEIVER_EXPORTED/RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED flag support in DevSupportManagerBase (177d97d8ea by @apuruni)
- Bump cli and metro (40ea8ffcc7 by @lunaleaps)
- Hermes bump for hermes-2023-08-07-RNv0.72.4-813b2def12bc9df026 (e9ea926ba3 by Luna Wei)
- Bump CLI to 11.3.6 (a3cfdf0a08 by @szymonrybczak)
- Allow string
style in TypeScript (2558c3d4f5 by @NickGerleman) - Fix missing Platform in VirtualizedList (7aa8cd55be by Luna Wei)
- Mount react devtools overlay only when devtools are attached (03187b68e5 by @hoxyq)
Android specific
- Remove option to paste rich text from Android EditText context menu (b1ceea456d by @fabriziobertoglio1987)
- Fixed ScrollView not responding to Keyboard events when nested inside a KeyboardAvoidingView (c616148a05 by @andreacassani)
- ANR when having an inverted FlatList on android API 33+ (3dd816c6b7 by @hannojg)
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this discussion.
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the upgrade helper ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the changelog.md file.