Lamtez is Domain-Specific Language for smart contracts, and its compiler to Michelson, Tezos' virtual machine for smart contracts execution.
It is released under the MIT license, with no guaranty of any kind (among other, there's no proof that it compiles to sound nor correct Michelson code). I'm interested in feedbacks anyway, if you experiment with it.
The compiler is written in OCaml; the build process relies on ocamlbuild
and it depends on the parser generator menhir.
If opam is installed on your system, opam install ocamlbuild menhir
should be enough to get a building environment. If you
compiled Tezos from sources, Lamtez requirements are a subset of Tezos'.
If you would rather look at source code examples first, before reading the fine manual, you can go and check It reimplements contract exmaples from [] and the Michelson specification.
For a quick summary of the language syntax and main features, a PDF two-pages summary is available as
The language is strongly influenced by ML dialects OCaml and Haskell: mostly functional, relying heavily on sum-types and product-types, statically typed with type inference. It also composes with some limitations in Michelson. Most of the limitations in Michelson language follow from the following assumptions:
Most useful smart contracts will be rather simple, commpared to typical programs written be profesionnal developers in general-purpose languages;
A very high level of confidence in contracts correctness will be required. Given how finding and exploiting bugs in smart contracts can be turned into tokens and actual money, every contract handling significant amounts of money will be thoroughly reviewed and attacked by black-het hackers, several of them smarter than the contract's author and white-hat reviewers.
Tezos being self-amending, it's better to start with a very limited language and progressively add empirically needed features, rather than start with many bells and whistles: some of them might prove less secure than anticipated, or not as useful as it first seemed, but each of them making formal proofs more tedious or complicated to produce.
Michelson closely ressembles a simply-typed lambda calculus, without native recursivity nor proper closures; drastic limitations also exist on the ability for a contract to call other contracts.
Compared to hand-written Michelson, Lamtez contracts offer higher-level features:
Sum and product types of arbitrary size and with arbitrary field/case names. In Michelson, sums with more than two alternatives and products with more than two fields have to be encoded with nested alternatives and pairs, thus quickly becoming hard to read for humans.
lexically scoped variables: keeping track of what is at which level of the stack is cumbersome when writing a program, and it makes reading someone else's contracts dreadful. Being able to name things rather than shuffling them on a stack greatly improves contract readability.
Limited support for closures: a function can use variables declared outside of it. It is done by either compiling functions as a pair of a
with a tuple capturing its environment from the stack, by beta-reducing the closures when possible, or by reimplementingMAP
operations withLOOP
when the function needs its environment. Some cases remain, though, where Lamtez is not able to compile a closure. -
type inference: as most ML dialects, lamtez uses a variant of the W algorithm to guess types with very little user annotations. However, contrary to ML, it expects the final contract not to be polymorphic, as Michelson doesn't support it. So you might get some "Add more type annotations" errors. Annotating function parameters is sufficient, although often not necessary, to ensure a monomorphic contract type. (inner polymorphic functions are technically possible, but NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
storage management: instead of manually managing the storage, variables prefixed with
are declared and stored in it, and can be updated in the contract through a simple and readable syntax (under some conditions). An option is provided to declare and extract an initial storage value from the contract source file. -
, the act of calling another contract, can only be done under very strict conditions in Michelson (the stack must be empty). This restriction is partially lifted in Lamtez: it will dedicate a field in the storage to save the stack before calling, and restore it after it returns.
(note: currently, the stack is saved rather naively: a big sum type is
reserved in the storage, one per invocation of TRANSFER_TOKEN
, and
the whole stack is saved in it. First the stack could be pruned before
saving, as some slots won't be used after the contract call anymore,
and two invocations with the same stack types above them should share
their slot)
Lamtez is mostly functional. It has two kinds of side effects: storage updates and calls to other contracts. Normally, functional programming languages will only let you touch side effects with a ten foot pole. They typically call that pole a "monad"; wielding a monad towards unfamiliar developers scares them about as much as doing so with an actual ten foot pole.
Lamtez doesn't explicitly supports monads, but it enforces some (coarser) constraints about where side effects are accepted. Namely, these operations can't happen in an inner function (we couldn't keep track of them without monads then), nor in places where evaluation order isn't intuitively obvious: not in tuples/products, not in function arguments.
Whitespaces are not significant except to separate tokens, indentation is not
significant, comments start with a #
sign and run until the end of the
current line.
Lamtez is not proved correct in any way; the proper way to ensure any correctness property is by working directly on the generated Michelson code. It is annotated and commented, among other with the stack's state after each instruction, in order to help analysis.
A contract is composed of:
a series of type declarations: it creates type structures, with arbitrary sizes, arbitrary labelled fields and alternative cases.
a series of stored variables: those variables, starting with a
symbol, are kept between contract calls in the blockchain's storage. They can optionally be given an initial value; if all stored variables in the contract have an initial value, then one can extract a data initialization value from the contract, which can be directly passed to the tezos client. (In the future it will be possible to compile storage values from separate files; but the contract's type declarations are needed to properly encode sum and product values). -
a function, taking a parameter and returning a result. This function can also, under controlled conditions, perform two kinds of effects: calling other contracts, and updating the content of stored variables.
In languages inspired by lambda calculus, functions are introduced by
a fun
keyword; we tolerate also the backslash \\
, visually more similar,
used by Haskell, more concise, but which might make the code look more
cryptic at first sight.
The complete syntax for a function is fun x: body
. Parameters can be
annotated with types, through the ::
infix operator: fun x :: nat: body
. The result type can also be specified, although it can normally
be inferred by the compiler: fun x :: nat :: unit: body
Lamtez supports multi argument functions, but contrary to ML-inspired languages, they are encoded through tuples rather than through currying (nested functions returning functions, a standard idiom in λ-calcullus inspired languages). Currying is mainly useful for partial applications, and their usefulness is not demonstrated for Tezos smart contracts. They can always be encoded through eta-expansion if needed. Finally, currying leads to cumbersome code at best, in a target language that doesn't support closures.
Functions are syntactically applied the ML/λ-calculus way, by putting
the arguments after the function, without parentheses nor separating
commas, i.e. what's written f(x, y)
in C-inspired syntaxes is
written f x y
, and equivalent to f(x, y)
, the application of
function f
to the pair (x, y)
. Parentheses are still needed for
nested function applications, e.g. what would be written f(g(x), g(y))
in C would give f (g x) (g y)
in Lamtez, as in most ML
Lamtez performs type inference, i.e. if there are enough hints in the
code, it will correctly guess the types which the user omitted to
write. However, unlike most other ML-family languages, polymorphism is
not allowed, because the underlying Michelson VM doesn't support it
(TODO: inner lambdas could be polymorphic, as long as it doesn't show
on the outside type. Not sure hwo useful that would be in
practice). So if the type inference algorithm determines that a
function's best type is, say, ∀a: list a -> nat
, the compiler will
emit an error and demand more type annotations rather than accepting
fun x: x
fun x y: x + y
fun x :: nat, y ::nat: x - y
fun x :: nat, y: x * y
fun parameter: ((), map-update parameter (Some self-amount) @store)
For instance, the simplest contract, identity, which does nothing, just takes a unit parameter and returns a unit result, is written below:
fun p :: unit: p
The barely more interesting one, which adds one to its parameter, is:
fun p :: nat: p + 1
Lamtez supports the same literals as Michelson:
to distinguish naturals from positive integers, the later have to be prefixed with a
sign, so42
is a natural number and+42
is typed as an integer. Beware therefore thatf+1
is the application of functionf
to signed integer+1
, and not an addition to numberf
. -
dates are represented with the ISO format, without surrounding quotes:
Tez amounts are represented with a
prefix and optional cents:tz1
(TODO: support_
characters). If there are cents, they must be two digits long:tz0.
are illegal. -
Signatures are represented with a
prefixing the base58 hash. -
Key hashes are written directly, without surrounding quotes; they are by their
followed by a base58 hash.
Variable names must start with a lowercase letter or an underscore;
they are allowed to contain a -
: this is currently used to sort
primitive functions into pseudo-namespaces. As a result, it's important to
leave spaces around -
when used as a substraction infix operator.
Examples: foo, bar0, contract-call, _foo, foo_bar, fooBar
(In the future I might get rid of dashes in names, if there's a decent namespace system instead)
ML-style local variables, let x=a; b
evaluates b
with x
set to a
Equivalent, execution-wise, to (\x:b) a
let x = 32;
let y = 10;
x + y
Lamtez being mostly functional, you can't update the value stored in a variable; however, and as often done in ML dialect, you can shadow a variable with a new variable of the same name:
let x = 10;
let x = 20; # From here you can't refer to the first `x` variable anymore
do_stuff_with x
Whereas Michelson supports pairs, Lamtez supports tuples of length bigger than 2 (and encodes them as nested pairs). Contrary to many ML dialects, tuples are mandatorily surrounded with parentheses to avoid misleading precedence issues; elements are separated with commas.
Elements are extracted from a tuple with the suffix .n
, where n
is a
litteral positive integer, 0-indexed. The extractor suffix binds tighter than
function application (same as most ML-family languages).
Tuples are encoded as balanced trees, i.e. so that the length of paths in
-products grows as log2(n)
. This can easily be changed if desired
(left-folded or right-folded accessors have o(n)
access and update times,
but might lead to simpler proofs).
let triplet = (32, 5, 5);
triplet.0 + triplet.1 + triplet.2
For larger composite structures, it's easier to refer to individual elements by user-given names, rather than by number. This requires to declare a product type before using it. Labels are like identifiers except that they start with a capital letter.
Type declarations happen at the beginning of the contract (cf. infra);
labelled product types are sequences of labels and types separated by *
Litteral product types are sequences of labels and types, separated by commas and surrounded by braces.
Access to product fields are made with a .Label
suffix, which binds as
tightly as unlabelled product accessors.
Finally, one can generate a product from another: a product which is equal to
except that field F
has value 42
can be created through the syntax
p <- F: 42
type coordinates = Latitude: int * Longitude: int
let p = {Latitude: 43500, Longitude: 1500 };
let i_miss_trigonometry = p.Latitude * p.Latitude + p.Longitude * p.Longitude;
let p_2_degrees_north = p.Latitude <- p.Latitude+2;
let p_south_west =
p <- Latitude: p.Latitude - 1
<- Longitude: p.Longitude + 1;
(p, p_2_degrees_north, p_south_west)
Equivalent of labelled unions, they are a generalization of the
Michelson operators with an arbitrary number of labels,
freely named.
Types have to be declared; they are declared the same way as products,
except that cases are separated with +
instead of *
A label can only belong to one sum type; for instance, it's illegal to
have both type a = A: int + B: string
and type b = A: int + C: bool
Each case has one and only one associated value type. Make it a unit
if you don't use it, make it a tuple or a product if you need several
values. Syntactically, unit arguments can be omitted, though.
Sum expressions are built with a label followed by an expression. It binds as tightly as a function application.
Sum accessors, equivalent to ML's match/with
or Michelson IF_LEFT
are of the form case expression | Label_0 v_0: e_0 |... | Label_n v_n: e_n end
. the variables v_n
can be omitted when they're not
used in the corresponding e_n
. In sum cases, unit values can be
omitted too.
Booleans are encoded as type bool = False unit | True unit
, so
if/then/else operations can be encoded as sum accessors, as shown
in the example below.
Option types Some x + None
, binary alternatives Left/Right
list constructors Nil/Cons
are also predeclared as sum types.
type operation = Withdrawal tez + GetBalance unit + Deposit tez
fun amount operation storage:
case operation
| Withdrawal a: (None, storage - a)
| GetBalance: (Some storage, storage)
| Deposit: (None, storage + a)
self-now > date ? True: "OK" | False: "Not yet"
Some syntax sugar is proposed for boolean cases, which allows to chain several
if / then / else if * / else
if <cond>: <body0> end
is equivalent tocase <cond> | True: <body0> | False: () end
. -
if <cond>: <body0> | else: <body1> end
is equivalent tocase <cond> | True: <body0> | False: <body1> end
. -
if <cond_0>: <body_0> | ... | <cond_n>: <body_n> else: <body_e> end
is equivalent to nested if/then/elseif statements:case <cond_0> | True: <body_0> | False: case <cond_1> | True: <body_1> | False: case <cond_2> | ... | False: <body_e> end ... end
There are native syntaxes to enter lists, sets and maps:
l = (list 1 2 3 4)
s = (set "a" "b" "c" "d")
m = (map 1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "three")
Lists can also be built out of Cons
and Nil
sum types.
Expressions can be annotated with their types, with the ::
infix operator.
It serves several purposes: compiler-checked hint for contract readers,
helping the compiler resolve a polymorphic type, or helping it produce a more
precise error message when facing an unsound program.
Michelson contracts have a storage value; it is stored on the blockchain, passed as a parameter to contracts when they execute, and contracts return an updated storage object which is stored back on the blockchain.
As non-trivial programs often store multiple values, the store is generally a
product type. Since Lamtez might need to store additional fields in the store,
contract developpers are expected to declare and use the field they need
through a dedicated @
a sequence of
@name :: type
declarations after type declarations declare every storage field type and name; -
optionally, a value can be associated, e.g.
@n :: nat = 42
. If all stored values have such an initial value, a data initializer can be extracted from the contract, and passed to the tezos client. -
in the code,
returns the current content of fieldname
. -
fields can be updated with the syntax
@name <- expr
Storage fields cannot be updated anywhere: you can't update them inside functions, in tuple or product elements, in function arguments.
If you want to update them inside a function, make the function return the updated value and perform the update from outside:
@n :: int
let f = fun x :: int: @n <- x + 1; () # Illegal
f 3
let f = fun x :: int: x + 1;
@n <- f 3 # Legal
Instead of performing storage updates in function arguments or products,
perform them before in a let
Loops are not very functional; however, in a languge that doesn't
fully support closures and doesn't support contract calls from inside
lambdas, access to the LOOP
Michelson primitive is
necessary. Although this isn't implemented, my intention is to
introduce a syntax of the form loop (<var*>) = (<expr*>) while <condition> else (<expr*>)
- the
lists have the same sizes; - at step 0, the variables are assigned the values after the
; - as long as
is true, an iteration of the loop is performed:- the expressions before the
are evaluated, with the current assignments for<var*>
; - the result is assigned to
, before a new condition checking, and maybe iteration, is performed.
- the expressions before the
As an example, here's what factorial would look like with the loop operator:
let fact = fun n:
let loop (acc, i) = (1, n) then (acc*i, i-1) while i > 0
Some syntactic permissiveness might be granted for the order in which loop
and else
elements are ordered:
fun n: let (fact, _) = loop (acc, i) = (acc*i, i-1) while i > 0 else (1, n)
fun n: let (fact, _) = while i > 0 loop (acc, i) = (acc*i, i-1) else (1, n)
fun n: let (fact, _) = else (1, n) while i > 0 loop (acc, i) = (acc*i, i-1)
The first and second versions seem more naturally readable, the last one follows "natural evaluation order" more closely.
It might also be sensible to accept let loop (vars) = XXX while C else X0
as a shortcut for let (vars) = loop (vars) = XXX while C else X0
Types can be created at the beginning of the contract file. We've
already seen the syntax to create labelled product types type name = Label_0 field_type_0 * ... * Label_n field_type_n
, and sum types
type name = Label_0: case_type_0 * ... * Label_n: case_type_n
. Type
aliases can also be created, with the notation type name = type
Type can be polymorphic, i.e. take type parameters. Beware, however,
that since Michelson is not polymorphic, some valid Lamtez programs
will be rejected by the compiler. Type parameters are passed between
the name and the =
sign. Lists are encoded that way in Lamtez.
type option a = None unit + Some a # Actually predeclared
type pair a b = (a * b) # Actually predeclared
type assoc_list k v = list (pair k v)
Type annotations can be the following:
an identifier, i.e. the name of an alias, a sum type, a product type or a primitive.
if an identifier is polymorphic, as the
example above, it must receive the corresponding number of parameters after it. For instance,nat
is a valid type, so islist int
orlist (pair string int)
, butlist
orpair int
are not valid. -
Tuples are represented as types, separated with
and surrounded by parentheses, e.g.(int * int)
or(int*list a*tez)
. -
functions types are denoted
parameter_type -> result_type
. The arrow is right associative, and multi-parameter functions are encoded as curried (nested) lambda terms. For instance, a function from two ints to a string has typeint -> int -> string
A contract with parameter type p
, and result type r
is represented in a
file as a sequence of type declarations, then a sequence of store field
declarations, then an expression of type p -> r
. The
type operation = Withdrawal tez + GetBalance unit + Deposit tez
@store :: tez
fun amount operation:
case operation
| Withdrawal a: @store <- @store - a; None
| GetBalance: Some storage
| Deposit: @store <- @store + self-amount
The primitives are listed here, with their corresponding Michelson opcode as a title.
is the equivalent of TRANSFER_TOKEN
, and as this
opcode, it can only be called within very specific constraints,
enforced by Michelson to make some classes of error harder to write:
It cannot be in a function, and no variable existing before the call
canbe used after.
contract-call: ∀ param result: contract param result → param → tez → result
type zero = (+)
type unit = (*)
type option a = None+Somea
type bool = False + True
type list a = Nil + Cons (a * (list a))
type account = (contract unit unit)
val contract-call :: ∀ param result:
contract param result -> param -> tez -> result
val contract-create :: ∀ param storage result:
key -> option key -> bool -> bool -> tez ->
(param * storage) -> (result * storage) -> storage -> contract param result
val contract-create-account :: key -> option key -> bool -> tez -> account
val contract-get :: key -> account
val contract-manager :: ∀ param storage: contract param storage -> key
val crypto-check :: key -> sig -> string -> bool
val crypto-hash :: ∀ a: a -> string
val fail :: fail
val list-map :: ∀ a b: list a -> (a -> b) -> list b
val list-reduce :: ∀ a acc: list a -> acc -> (a -> acc -> acc) -> acc
val map-get :: ∀ k v: k -> map k v -> option v
val map-map :: ∀ k v0 v1: map k v0 -> (k -> v0 -> v1) -> map k v1
val map-mem :: ∀ k v: k -> map k v -> bool
val map-reduce :: ∀ k v acc: map k v -> acc -> (k -> v -> acc -> acc) -> acc
val map-update :: ∀ k v: k -> option v -> map k v -> map k v
val self-amount :: tez
val self-balance :: tez
val self-contract :: ∀ param result: contract param result
val self-now :: time
val self-source :: ∀ param result: contract param result
val self-steps-to-quota :: nat
val set-map :: ∀ a b: set a -> (a -> b) -> set b
val set-mem :: ∀ elt: set elt -> elt -> bool
val set-reduce :: ∀ elt acc: set elt -> acc -> (elt -> acc -> acc) -> acc
val set-update :: ∀ elt: elt -> bool -> set elt