jVette is a native inspired off canvas library powered by jQuery.
- Small footprint (3.7k gzipped)
- Silky smooth CSS3 animations
- Unobtrusive; requires no structural markup changes
- Fully evented
- Perfect compliment to any responsive design
- hookr.io - The WordPress Hook/API Index
- lessify.io - A configurable CSS to LESS converter and LESS learning tool
- sassify.io - A configurable CSS to SCSS converter and SCSS learning tool
For installation & examples, checkout: http://jvette.io
This is included with the GitHub Repo http://explodybits.com/github/jvette/
Add the references to the jVette assets.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
<head xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<!-- jVette assets -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//path-to-your-css/vendor/jvette/jvette.css" />
<script src="//path-to-your-js/vendor/jvette/jvette.js"></script>
Add the data attribute data-jv-trigger
with a value of left | right | close
If jVette is enabled, the element(s) marked with data-jv-trigger
will open/close the targeted panel.
<!-- opens left panel -->
<button data-jv-trigger="left" />
<!-- opens right panel -->
<button data-jv-trigger="right" />
<!-- closes the open panel -->
<button data-jv-trigger="close" />
Learn more about element trigger(s).
Add the data attribute data-jv-content
with a value of left | right
to define which panel the content block belongs to.
<!-- content for left panel -->
<div data-jv-content="left">Left</div>
<!-- content for right panel -->
<div data-jv-content="right">Right</div>
<!-- specifying content order with data-jv-order attribute -->
<div data-jv-content="left" data-jv-order="1">Second</div>
Learn more about element content element(s).
jVette is a singleton and can be invoked with or without the new operator.
// passing options to jVette, this is only allowed once
jVette && jVette({
// slide speed
,slide: {
duration: 500
// event handler(s)
,open: function(e)
,close: function(e)
jVette default options:
var defaults = {
// enabled by default
disabled: false
,transforms: true
// animation
,slide: {
easing: 'swing'
,duration: 350
// TouchSwipe (if available) options
,swipe: {
threshold: 10
,allowPageScroll: 'vertical'
// events
,onenable: function(e) {}
,onenabled: function(e) {}
,ondisable: function(e) {}
,ondisabled: function(e) {}
,onopen: function(e) {}
,onopened: function(e) {}
,onclose: function(e) {}
,onclosed: function(e) {}
,onchanged: function(e) {}