The cure for all your standup woes.
A highly customizable and automated way to keep track of daily standups in markdown files.
You can view the documentation here.
I've now been at two separate companies where we post our daily standups in a chat client, such as Slack, Mattermost, or Riot. Typing out my standup every day became tedious, as I'd have to look up what I did the day before, copy and paste yesterday's work into a new entry, and add today's tasks. This gem automates most of this process, along with providing means of opening the file in your editor, and finding and displaying entries from the command line.
In a nutshell, calling standup
from the command line will open a standup file
for the current month in your preferred editor. If an entry for today is already
present, no text will be generated. If an entry for today doesn't exist, one
will be generated with your preferred values. When generating, if a previous
entry exists, it will be added to today's entry as your previous day's work. See
example. There's also a very robust API if you'd like to use
this in your own code somehow.
If you don't have the permissions to install system-wide gems, you're probabaly also running an older version of ruby. I recommend installing rbenv, and then installing an up-to-date version of ruby.
Just install the gem!
gem install standup_md
To include in your project, add the following to your Gemfile
gem 'standup_md'
From your terminal, clone the repository where you want it, and use rake
install the gem.
git clone
cd standup_md
# Use rake to build and install the gem.
rake install
For the most basic usage, simply call the executable.
This opens the current month's standup file. If an entry already exists for today, nothing is added. If no entry exists for today, the previous "Current" is placed in the "Previous" section of a new entry. The format of this file is very important; you may add new entries, but don't change any of the headers. Doing so will cause the parser to break. If you want to customize the headers, you can do so in the configuration file.
For example, if the standup entry from yesterday reads as follows:
# 2020-04-13
## Previous
- Did something else.
## Current
- Write new feature for `standup_md`
- Fix bug in `standup_md`
## Impediments
- None
The following scaffolding will be added for current entry at the top of the file:
# 2020-04-14
## Previous
- Write new feature for `standup_md`
- Fix bug in `standup_md`
## Current
## Impediments
- None
There are also flags that will print entries to the command line. There's a full list of features below, but as a quick example, you can copy today's entry to your clipboard without even opening your editor.
standup -p | pbcopy
You can add an entry for today without even opening your editor. Note that, if you have multiple entries, you must separate them with a comma and no spaces.
standup --no-edit --current "Work on this thing","And another thing"
You can create a file in your home directory called ~/.standuprc
. Settings
located in this file will override default behavior. This file can also have
settings overwritten at runtime by the use of options. You can view my config
as an example. Any setting in this file can still be overridden at runtime by
passing flags to the executable.
You'll notice, a lot of settings don't have the ability to be changed at runtime when calling the executable. This is because the file structure is very important, and changing values that affect formatting will cause problems with the file parser. If you don't want to use a default, make the change in your config file before you start editing standups. There is an open issue for handling this for the user, but they're not available yet.
There are no options to change the headers at runtime because it uses the headers to detect tasks from previous entries. If changed at runtime, this would cause errors. For this reason, if you don't like the default headers, change them in your configuration file after installation, and then try to not change them again.
For command-line usage, this file needs to be named ~/.standuprc
. To use in a
rails project, create an initializer (config/initializers/standup_md.rb
StandupMD.configure do |c|
# Defaults for how the file is formatted.
# See
c.file.header_date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
c.file.header_depth = 1
c.file.sub_header_depth = 2
c.file.current_header = 'Current'
c.file.previous_header = 'Previous'
c.file.impediments_header = 'Impediments'
c.file.notes_header = 'Notes'
c.file.sub_header_order = %w[previous current impediments notes] = ::File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.cache', 'standup_md')
c.file.bullet_character = '-'
c.file.name_format = ''
c.file.create = true
# Defaults for entries
# See
c.entry.current = ["<!-- ADD TODAY'S WORK HERE -->"]
c.entry.previous = []
c.entry.impediments = ['None']
c.entry.notes = []
# Defaults for executable runtime behavior.
# See =
c.cli.editor = 'vim' # Checks $VISUAL and $EDITOR first, in that order
c.cli.verbose = false
c.cli.edit = true
c.cli.write = true
c.cli.print = false
c.cli.auto_fill_previous = true
c.cli.preference_file = ::File.expand_path(::File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.standuprc'))
Any options not set in this file will retain their default values. Note that if
you change file_name_format
, and don't use a month or year, there will only
ever be one standup file. This could cause issues long-term, as the files will
get large over time and possibly cause performance issues.
Some of these options can be changed at runtime. They are as follows.
--current ARRAY List of current entry's tasks
--previous ARRAY List of precious entry's tasks
--impediments ARRAY List of impediments for current entry
--notes ARRAY List of notes for current entry
--sub-header-order ARRAY The order of the sub-headers when writing the file
-f, --file-name-format STRING Date-formattable string to use for standup file name
-E, --editor EDITOR Editor to use for opening standup files
-d, --directory DIRECTORY The directories where standup files are located
-w --[no-]write Write current entry if it doesn't exist. Default is true
-a --[no-]auto-fill-previous Auto-generate 'previous' tasks for new entries
-e --[no-]edit Open the file in the editor. Default is true
-v, --[no-]verbose Verbose output. Default is false.
-p, --print [DATE] Print current entry.
If DATE is passed, will print entry for DATE, if it exists.
DATE must be in the same format as file-name-format
If you already have a directory of existing standup files, you can use them, but they must be in a format that the parser can understand. The default is:
# 2020-05-01
## Previous
- task
## Current
- task
## Impediments
- impediment
## Notes
- notes, if any are present
The order, words, date format, and header level are all customizable, but the
overall format must be the same. If customization is necessary, this must be
done in ~/.standuprc
before execution, or else the parser will error.
For example, if you wanted the format to be as follows:
## 05/01/2020
### Today
* task
### Yesterday
* task
### Hold-ups
* impediment
### Notes
* notes, if any are present
Your ~/.standuprc
should contain:
StandupMD.configure do |c|
c.file.header_depth = 2
c.file.sub_header_depth = 3
c.file.current_header = 'Today'
c.file.previous_header = 'Yesterday'
c.file.impediments_header = 'Hold-ups'
c.file.bullet_character = '*'
c.file.header_date_format = '%m/%d/%Y'
c.file.sub_header_order = %w[current previous impediments notes]
The API is fully documented in the RDoc Documentation.
This was mainly written as a command line utility, but the API is very robust, and is available for use in your own projects. A quick example of how to write a new entry via code could look like the following:
require 'standup_md'
StandupMD.configure do |c|
c.file.current_header = 'Today',
file = StandupMD::File.find_by_date(
entry = StandupMD::Entry.create { |e| e.current = ['Stuff I will do today'] }
file.entries << entry
The above example was written as such to show how the different pieces of the API fit together. The code can actually be simplified to the following.
require 'standup_md'
StandupMD.configure do |c|
c.file.current_header = 'Today',
c.entry.current = ['Stuff I will do today']
require 'standup_md'
date =, 04, 15)
file = StandupMD::File.find_by_date(date).load
entry = file.entries.find(date)
While there's no official support for vim, you can add this to your vimrc
file, or something like ~/.vim/plugin/standup.vim
command! -complete=custom,<SID>StandupCompletion -nargs=? -bang Standup
\ call <SID>OpenStandupFile(<bang>0, <f-args>)
function! s:StandupCompletion(...) abort
let l:dir = get(g:, 'standup_dir', $HOME . '/.cache/standup_md') . '/'
if !isdirectory(l:dir) | return '' | endif
return join(map(glob(l:dir . '*.md', 0, 1), "fnamemodify(v:val, ':t')"), "\n")
function! s:OpenStandupFile(split, ...)
let l:dir = get(g:, 'standup_dir', $HOME . '/.cache/standup_md') . '/'
let l:file = a:0 ? a:1 : get(g:, 'standup_file', strftime(''))
call system('standup --no-edit')
execute a:split ? 'vsplit' : 'split' l:dir . l:file
This makes the :Standup
command, which opens the standup file in a split,
while :Standup!
opens it in a vertical split. If a file is passed to the
command, that file will be opened. There's tab completion for this. Lastly,
it allows for a few variables to be set for customization.
g:standup_dir = $HOME . '/.cache/standup_md' " the directory where your file are
g:standup_file = strftime('') " the file format to use
If you have an idea or find a bug, please create an issue. Just make sure the topic doesn't already exist. Better yet, you can always submit a Pull Request.
I do these projects for fun, and I enjoy knowing that they're helpful to people. Consider starring the repository if you like it! If you love it, follow me on Github!