Created as part of the Europeana Media Project
Install package dependencies:
npm install
Run a development environment
npm run dev
This will start a webpack-dev-server serving dev/index.html on port 8080, alternatively specify a custom port:
npm run dev -- --port [CUSTOM_PORT]
Insert a IIIF manifest url of the item you want to view and click on "Load in player". Find some manifest examples below
To lint-check the .js
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix
To lint-check the .scss
npm run lint:style
npm run lint:style:fix
Run unit tests with either of:
npm run test
npm test
Generate a coverage report with:
npm run test:coverage
Run end-to-end tests with:
npm run test:e2e
(defaults to chrome) or with the browser-specific commands:npm run test:e2e:chrome
npm run test:e2e:firefox
npm run test:e2e:chrome:headless
npm run test:e2e:firefox:headless
npm run test:e2e:headless
npm run test:e2e:all
npm run build:production
- on releases publishes to npm using a web-action
The player has unbundled dependencies on jQuery and jQuery-UI that have not been packed into this library. For jQuery-UI also themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css and themes/base/jquery.ui.slider.css are required in order to show slider buttons.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""></link>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""></link>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Further dashjs is needed if you plan to stream MPEG DASH videos.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
To embed the player please firstyourself first make sure to include the Europeana Media Player Library
import EuropeanaMediaPlayer from 'europeanamediaplayer';
const EuropeanaMediaPlayer = require("europeanamediaplayer");
The constructor of the Europeana Media Player is
var player = new EuropeanaMediaPlayer(container, videoObject[, options]);
The constructor accepts the following parameters
Name | Type | Description |
container | DOM Element | the DOM element in which to create the player, mandatory |
videoObject | JSON Object | the object containing the video properties, mandatory |
options | JSON Object | an optional object containing the player options |
The videoObject accepts the following properties
Name | Type | Description |
manifest | String / JSON Object | the url of the IIIF manifest for the media item or the manifest itself as JSON object, mandatory |
canvasId | String | the canvasId of the canvas to show, can be used when having a manifest with multiple canvases, optional |
The options accepts the following properties
Name | Type | Description |
editor | String | url, allows to configure an external editor so that embedding and other editorial options can be done on that page, optional |
language | String | 2 character iso 639-1 language code, all official languages of the European Union are supported. The default language is English, optional |
This basic example contains only the required parameters.
var container = document.body;
var videoObj = { manifest : "" };
new EuropeanaMediaPlayer(container, videoObj);
This example sets the editor to show the editorial option menu in the player.
var container = document.body;
var videoObj = { manifest : "" };
var options = { editor: "" };
new EuropeanaMediaPlayer(container, videoObj, options);
This example sets besides the editor the player interface language to Dutch
var container = document.body;
var videoObj = { manifest : "" };
var options = { editor: "", language: "nl" };
new EuropeanaMediaPlayer(container, videoObj, options);
This example loads a manifest containing multiple canvas elements and loads the second canvas element (p2) on initialisation
var container = document.body;
var videoObj = { manifest : "", canvasId: "" };
new EuropeanaMediaPlayer(container, videoObj);
This example loads a manifest containing multiple canvas elements and loads the second canvas element(p2) when invoking the setCanvas() call
var container = document.body;
var videoObj = { manifest : "" }
var emp = new EuropeanaMediaPlayer(container, videoObj);
This example loads a manifest containing multiple canvas elements each containing a media item and loads the canvas containing the provided media item on initialisation
var container = document.body;
var videoObj = { manifest : "", mediaItem: "" };
new EuropeanaMediaPlayer(container, videoObj);
This example loads a manifest containing multiple canvas elements each containing a media item and loads the canvas containing the provided media item when invoking the setMediaItem() call
var container = document.body;
var videoObj = { manifest : "" }
var emp = new EuropeanaMediaPlayer(container, videoObj);
Licensed under the EUPL v1.2.
For full details, see