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config bot.json setup

Unknown66 edited this page Nov 14, 2016 · 13 revisions


develop branch ONLY

Configures the admins which are able to whitelist users. (and use this bot)
If it's disabled all users will be able to use the bot.
Using the UserName of the user. (patient it's case sensitive)

  • disabled
  • enabled one admin
	"LIST_OF_ADMINS": ["UserName"],
  • enabled multiple admins
	"LIST_OF_ADMINS": ["UserName", "UserName1"],


Write to the @botfather on telegram, create a new bot and COPY THE TOKEN in the place of TOKEN


there are 4 options:


there are three options:

  • sqlite (most common one)
  • mysql
  • webhook


  • in case of SQLite you should place the pogom folder path, it should be something like /home/user/pogom or /home/user/PokemonGo-Map

  • in case of MySQL should have the following syntax: "DB_CONNECT": "mysql://root:mysqlpassword@localhost:3306/databasename",

  • in case of Webhook you should set the port to listen on, it should be something like: "DB_CONNECT": "6000", Don't forget to add the webhook to pokemongo-map config file!


It can be

  • en
  • de
  • fr
  • ja
  • pt_br
  • ru
  • zh_cn
  • zh_hk
  • zh_tw


can be true or false, it determines if the bot sends only the location or also a message with pokemon name for fast notification reading


It is recommended to disable a lot of pokemons from the encounter blacklist in order to mitigate ban chanches, the blacklisted encounter pokemons are triggering a notification if this value is set to true


PokemonGO-Map develop branch ONLY

If IVs are available you're able with this list to specify the minimum pokemon IV to get a notification for. The list can be empty or filled with one or more pokemonids.

For example if you want to get notified of all snorlax(143) but only for evee(133) with at least 80.1% IV and for aerodactyl(142) with at least 40% IV.

the configuration should look like one of the following:

  • Short Version:
		"133": 80.1,
		"142": 40
  • Long Version:
		"133": 80.1,
		"142": 40,
		"143": 0