This repo provides a devstack plugin to try and hack opencontrail + openstack.
For now, ubuntu trusty (14.04) and xenial (16.04) is the only supported distributions.
As it'll be running openstack + opencontrail, the target system needs at least 6Gb RAM and 20 Gb disk to run all services.
8Gb RAM and more will be more comfortable if you intend to run some VMs.
Install a fresh environment (with git), and pull devstack sources:
git clone
cd devstack
It may be safer to use a stable version of devstack & openstack
git checkout stable/queens
Note: If you want to apply a patch to the build you can specifying git patch
command to apply by appending the following line to your local.conf
CONTRAIL_PATCHES='cd $CONTRAIL_DEST/controller && git fetch refs/changes/10/20010/4 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD'
Copy sample local.conf
into devstack directory, and enable this plugin
cp samples/local.conf .
echo "enable_plugin contrail" >> local.conf
That's all, you can now launch devstack
While the first run will probably take a couple of hours to fetch dependencies and build contrail, subsequent runs of should be mush faster!
All parameters related to this plugin are defined in devstack/settings, they may be overwritten in your local.conf, for example:
# Use R4.1 contrail branch
# Provide a custom list of enabled services (by default dns and webui would be enabled in addition to the following list)
enable_service contrail-vrouter contrail-api contrail-svc contrail-schema contrail-control contrail-collector contrail-analytics contrail-query
# or by disabling unwanted services
disable_service contrail-ui-webs contrail-ui-jobs contrail-named contrail-dns
By default, plugin will attempt to plug vrouter on default interface (the one used to reach the default gateway). If you intent to use another interface, or if plugin fails to retrieve it, you can specify it in local.conf:
Interface configuration and default gateway should be retrieved by plugin, if you want to overload it, use following parameters:
Devstack creates a couple of network by default (public
and private
), for
convenience, public
network prefix (defined by FLOATING_RANGE
parameter) is
routed through contrail virtual gateway interface. This prefix is masqueraded
on the host in order to allow seamless external connectivity.