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Knative workflows via Apache Airflow

This fork of Apache Airflow executes DAGs similarly to the Kubernetes Executor shipped with stock Apache Airflow. However, instead of creating and deleting Kubernetes pods to execute tasks, it uses Knative services.

These Knative services must be created ahead of time. However, due to how Knative works, this does not mean that a worker pod is running constantly. Instead, Knative creates/scales/deletes the pods automatically as needed. Moreover, instead of looking up task arguments in the database used by Airflow, this fork directly sends them in the RPC to the Knative services Likewise, the HTTP response by the Knative services includes the return value of the task.

Setting up and running an example

First, set up a cluster of one or more nodes with the stock-only configuration as described in vHive Quickstart. Do not start vHive, as it is not needed. The relevant commands for a single-node cluster are reproduced here.

git clone --depth=1
cd vhive
mkdir -p /tmp/vhive-logs
./scripts/cloudlab/ stock-only  # this might print errors, ignore them

The script might print some errors, don't worry about them and continue.

sudo screen -d -m containerd
./scripts/cluster/ stock-only
cd ..

Now, the Kubernetes cluster and Knative should be ready. It is time to deploy this fork of airflow with the following commands:

git clone --single-branch --branch integrate-knative --depth 1
cd airflow

The script will create the namespace airflow and deploy all resources to that namespace.

After running the setup script, airflow should be up and running. Verify by running kubectl -n airflow get pods, the output should look similar to what is shown below.

airflow-create-user-jw7t8                                         0/1     Completed     1          2m23s
airflow-postgresql-0                                              1/1     Running       0          2m23s
airflow-run-airflow-migrations-xldsv                              0/1     Completed     0          2m23s
airflow-scheduler-cdcc9b98b-dqkrn                                 2/2     Running       0          2m23s
airflow-statsd-59895f6c69-p4rbg                                   1/1     Running       0          2m23s
airflow-triggerer-7d5f6d85b8-6pptm                                1/1     Running       0          2m23s
airflow-webserver-5c58849cd9-mvkgx                                1/1     Running       0          2m23s

You can also check that the Knative services are ready with kn service list -n airflow. Again, the output should look similar to this.

NAME                                           URL                                                                                  LATEST                                               AGE     CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
airflow-avg-worker-distributed-compute-count   airflow-avg-worker-distributed-compute-count-00001   5m58s   3 OK / 3     True
airflow-avg-worker-distributed-compute-sum     airflow-avg-worker-distributed-compute-sum-00001     5m50s   3 OK / 3     True
airflow-avg-worker-distributed-do-avg          airflow-avg-worker-distributed-do-avg-00001          5m39s   3 OK / 3     True
airflow-avg-worker-distributed-extract         airflow-avg-worker-distributed-extract-00001         5m28s   3 OK / 3     True
airflow-workflow-gateway                                    airflow-workflow-gateway-00001                       5m23s   3 OK / 3     True

Now all that's left to do is to deploy and run a workflow.

GATEWAY_URL="$(kn service list -o json -n airflow | jq -r '.items[] | select("airflow-workflow-gateway").status.url')"
curl -u admin:admin -X POST -H 'application/json' --data '{"input": [1,2,3,4]}' "$GATEWAY_URL"/runWorkflow/compute_avg_distributed

Running the workflow will take some time (~20s) but if all went well, it should return {"output":2.5}. The reason it takes so long for a simple computation is that the workflow is artificially split into small steps, and each of them must start a Knative service.

Deploying new workflows

A workflow (Apache Airflow also calls them DAGs) consists of the following files:

  • A python file that defines the DAG using Airflow Taskflow.
  • YAML files that define the Knative services for each function in the workflow.

Examples can be found in the workflows directory. For instance, contains a workflow that computes the average of its inputs. The corresponding YAML files that define the Knative services for each function in the workflow can be found in workflows/avg_distributed.

Since the DAGs are baked into the function and airflow images, it is a bit tedious to deploy new DAGs. However, the below step-by-step guide should make it easier.

  1. Place your python workflow file in workflows/image/airflow-dags
  2. Run scripts/ This will build two images: airflow and airflow-worker.
  3. Tag and push these images, e.g.
    docker tag airflow:latest
    docker tag airflow-worker:latest
    docker push
    docker push
    Don't forget to adjust the registry.
  4. If you previously followed the setup guide above, run
    kubectl delete namespace airflow
    This removes the namespace airflow and all resources in that namespace. It might take a while.
  5. Modify configs/values.yaml to point to your new image, i.e. replace references to with the name of your airflow image. Also adjust the tag if needed.
  6. Adjust the template for Knative services in workflows/knative_yaml_builder/knative_service_template.yaml to point to your airflow-worker image. Then run scripts/ This will generate Knative service definitions in workflows/knative_yamls for all dags in workflows/image/airflow-dags.
  7. Run scripts/
  8. Run scripts/ dag_id, replacing dag_id with the id of your dag. Look in workflows/knative\_yamls if you are not sure what the id of your dag is.
  9. Airflow should now be up and running (check with kubectl -n airflow get pods) and a Knative service for each function of your workflow should be available, which can be verified with kn service list -n airflow.
  10. Execute your dag with
    GATEWAY_URL="$(kn service list -o json -n airflow | jq -r '.items[] | select("airflow-workflow-gateway").status.url')"
    curl -u admin:admin -X POST -H 'application/json' --data '{"input": [1,2,3,4]}' "$GATEWAY_URL"/runWorkflow/"$DAG_ID"
    Make sure to replace <dag_id> with the id of your DAG. Modify the --data parameter as needed.

Sending input to workflows

To send input (i.e. arguments of the root function) to a workflow, you must send them under the "input" key to the /runWorkflow/<dag_id> endpoint. Set up the root function to accept a single argument params. The input data you sent will then be accessible via params["data"].

Example: If you send {"input": "foo"} to /runWorkflow/<dag_id>, then params["data"] == "foo" in the first function of your workflow.


If you started a workflow, but it is crashing or does not terminate, you might need to inspect the logs. The most likely place to find useful information are the logs of Airflow's scheduler, which can be accessed as shown below.

scheduler="$(kubectl -n airflow get pods | grep scheduler)"
kubectl -n airflog logs "$scheduler" scheduler

If you need access to the logs of a function, you will need to find its pod id with kubectl -n airflow get pods. Then kubectl -n airflow logs <pod_id> user-container will give you the logs of the webserver that handles function invocations. To get the logs of the function execution, you can open a shell in the pod with

kubectl -n airflow exec <pod_id> -- bash

and then navigate to the ./logs directory.

Airflow's web interface might also be helpful. You can expose it at http://localhost:8080 with the below command. Log in with username admin and password admin.

screen -d -m kubectl -n airflow port-forward deployment/airflow-webserver 8080:8080

The last component that might be worth checking is the workflow-gateway. Since it is a Knative service, you will need to find its pod id with

kubectl -n airflow get pods

Since it is a Knative service, there will only be a pod if there were recent requests to it. With the pod id, run

kubectl -n airflow logs <pod_id>


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