A Telegram Bot based on plugins using tg.
Name | Description |
bot.lua | Plugin to manage channels. Enable or disable channel. |
commands.lua | Plugin to get info about what the bot can do. |
(language)_lang.lua | Plugin to install a language in your redis db. |
export_gban.lua | Plugin to export an installer (gban_installer.lua) or a list of all your bot gbans. |
giverank.lua | Plugin to manage ranks (admins, mods and guests). |
id.lua | Plugin to get info about telegram accounts. |
moderation.lua | Plugin to manage users from chats. Kick, add, ban, unban, gban, ungban, kickme all of this with action by reply, by id and by username. |
plugins.lua | Plugin to manage other plugins. Enable, disable or reload. |
rules.lua | Plugin to get chat rules. |
settings.lua | Plugin to administrate a group/supergroup, you can disable photos, stickers, gifs, links, arabic, flood, spam, lock channel members, audios... |
spam.lua | Plugin to manage spam at groups and supergroups. When someone write a Telegram link to another group or channel, automatically (for example), plugin delete that user from the channel, and delete his message. Then, send a report to all sudo users in a private message with user info, text message and the name and id of that channel. |
version.lua | Shows bot version |
#Commands Usages
Plugin | Usage |
bot.lua | #bot on: enable bot in current channel. #bot off: disable bot in current channel. |
commands.lua | #commands: Show all commands for every plugin. #commands [plugin]: Commands for that plugin. |
export_gban.lua | #gbans installer: Return a lua file installer to share gbans and add those in another bot in just one command. #gbans list: Return an archive with a list of gbans. |
gban_installer.lua | #install gbans: add a list of gbans into your redis db. |
giverank.lua | #rank admin (reply): add admin by reply. #rank admin /: add admin by user ID/Username. #rank mod (reply): add mod by reply. #rank mod /: add mod by user ID/Username. #rank guest (reply): remove admin by reply. #rank guest /: remove admin by user ID/Username. #admins: list of all admin members. #mods: list of all mod members. #members: list of all channel members. |
id.lua | #id: Return your ID and the chat id if you are in one. #ids chat: Return the IDs of the current chat members. #ids channel: Return the IDs of the current channel members. #id : Return the member username ID from the current chat. #whois /: Return username. #whois (reply): Return user id. |
rules.lua | #rules: shows chat rules you set before or send default rules. #setrules : set chat rules. #remrules: remove chat rules and return to default ones. |
moderation.lua | #add: replying to a message, the user will be added to the current group/supergroup. #add /: adds a user by its ID/Username to the current group/supergroup. #kick: replying to a message, the user will be kicked in the current group/supergroup. #kick /: the user will be kicked by its ID/Username in the current group/supergroup. #kickme: kick yourself. #ban: replying to a message, the user will be kicked and banned in the current group/supergroup. #ban /: the user will be banned by its ID/Username in the current group/supergroup and it wont be able to return. #unban: replying to a message, the user will be unbanned in the current group/supergroup. #unban /: the user will be unbanned by its ID/Username in the current group/supergroup. #gban: replying to a message, the user will be kicked and banned from all groups/supergroups. #gban /: the user will be banned by its ID/Username from all groups/supergroups and it wont be able to enter. #ungban: replying to a message, the user will be unbanned from all groups/supergroups. #ungban /: the user will be unbanned by its ID/Username from all groups/supergroups. #mute: replying to a message, the user will be silenced in the current supergroup, erasing all its messages. #mute /: the user will be silenced by its ID/Username inthe current supergroup, erasing all its messages. #unmute: replying to a message, the user will be unsilenced in the current supergroup. #unmute /: the user will be unsilenced by its ID/Username in the current supergroup. #rem: replying to a message, the message will be removed. |
settings.lua | #settings stickers enable/disable: when enabled, all stickers will be cleared. #settings links enable/disable: when enabled, all links will be cleared. #settings arabic enable/disable: when enabled, all messages with arabic/persian will be cleared. #settings bots enable/disable: when enabled, if someone adds a bot, it will be kicked. #settings gifs enable/disable: when enabled, all gifs will be cleared. #settings photos enable/disable: when enabled, all photos will be cleared. #settings audios enable/disable: when enabled, all audios will be cleared. #settings kickme enable/disable: when enabled, people can kick out itself. #settings spam enable/disable: when enabled, all spam links will be cleared. #settings setphoto enable/disable: when enabled, if a user changes the group photo, the bot will revert to the saved photo. #settings setname enable/disable: when enabled, if a user changes the group name, the bot will revert to the saved name. #settings lockmember enable/disable: when enabled, the bot will kick all people that enters to the group. #settings floodtime : set the time that bot uses to check flood. #settings maxflood : set the maximum messages in a floodtime to be considered as flood. #setname : the bot will change group title. #setphoto : the bot will change group photo. #lang : it changes the language of the bot. #setlink : saves the link of the group. #link: to get the link of the group. #muteall: mute all chat members. #muteall : mute all chat members for time. #unmuteall: remove mute restriction. #creategroup: create a group with your bot in a command. #tosupergroup: upgrade your chat to a channel. #setdescription: change your channel description. |
plugins.lua | #plugins: shows a list of all plugins. #plugins / [plugin]: enable/disable the specified plugin. plugins / [plugin] chat: enable/disable the specified plugin, only in the current group/supergroup. #plugins reload: reloads all plugins. |
version.lua | #version: shows bot version. |
# Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, for other OSs check out https://github.com/yagop/telegram-bot/wiki/Installation
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ libjansson-dev libpython-dev expat libexpat1-dev
# After those dependencies, lets install the bot
cd $HOME #Do not write this if you are using c9 or not root accounts
git clone https://github.com/Josepdal/DBTeam.git
cd DBTeam
./launch.sh install
./launch.sh # Will ask you for a phone number & confirmation code.
You can also use this command to install the bot in just one step.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ libjansson-dev libpython-dev expat libexpat1-dev -y && cd $HOME && rm -rf DBTeam && rm -rf .telegram-cli && git clone https://github.com/Josepdal/DBTeam.git && cd DBTeam && ./launch.sh install && ./launch.sh
Then, you have to install a bot language like this:
#install english_lang
#lang en
Enable more plugins
See the plugins list with !plugins
Enable a disabled plugin by !plugins enable [name]
Disable an enabled plugin by !plugins disable [name]
Those commands require a privileged user, privileged users are defined inside data/config.lua
(generated by the bot), stop the bot and edit if necessary.
If your Linux/Unix comes with upstart you can run the bot by this way
$ sed -i "s/yourusername/$(whoami)/g" etc/telegram.conf
$ sed -i "s_telegrambotpath_$(pwd)_g" etc/telegram.conf
$ sudo cp etc/telegram.conf /etc/init/
$ sudo start telegram # To start it
$ sudo stop telegram # To stop it
You can contact us in groups said before but if you have an issue please open one.