Find your perfect outdoor experience
The app is an MVP of an online Peer-to-Peer marketplace, for hosting outdoor activities.
At the moment Users can browse through the listings, sign up / log in, update their profile photo, and apply to become a host.
Approved hosts can do all of the above plus create their own listings.
To become a host Users need to fill out the 'Become a host' form. After that, they will receive an email letting them know that their application was successful. And then, the Outxplore team reviews the application and notifies the User accordingly.
Once a User is approved they can then create their own listings.
- Host contact information
- Wishlist
- Listing search
- Testing
- Do you have any ideas?
The frontend of the app is built with React and Redux, and the backend is an API built with Ruby on Rails
Link to the Backend repository: Outxplore API
Live version of the project: Outxplore
Project Link: Outxplore App
- React Slickreact-loader-spinner
- react-loader-spinnerreact-icons
- React Iconsnpm
git clone
npm install
npm start
npx eslint .
npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}"
A feature that I plan to implement in the future.
- Personal website:
- Github: @ermin-cahtarevic
- Twitter: @ErminCahtarevic
- Linkedin: Ermin Cahtarevic
Give a star if you like this project!
- Microverse
- All of the images used for the project can be found on Unsplash