1D Uniaxial Finite Strain, FEM-DEM Heirarchical Multiscale Modeling Code with Particle Fracture Model
- MPI/OpenMP Formulation
- DEM - ellip3D, 600 particle assembly from Colorado Mason sand
- Simulates Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar experiments
- Particle fracture model developed by Drs. Boning Zhang and Richard Regueiro
---> +----+----+----+----+----|
d(t) el <--dof 0
- Applied strain rate from Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Experiments (Dr. Hongbing Lu, UT Dallas).
- Other side fixed in space.
d(0) = v(0) = a(0) for all degrees of freedom
./bin - contains pre-compiled programs required for ellip3D
./include - hooks for armadillo library required for FEM
./inputs - input files for FEM and DEM
./lib - aramdillo library files
./outputs - simulation outputs populated from PBS submissions
./source - source code
Four input files are required to run the code all found in ./inputs:
- dem_input - input parameters for the ellip3D
- fem_input - input parameters for the FEM code
- input_particle_file - provides the initial assembly of DEM particles
- input_boundary_file - provides the initial location of the DEM assembly boundarys
$Particle Overlap
Maximum Overlap - overlap over which the force-displacement relationship is allowed to increase during particle-to-particle contact
$DEM Constitutive
Young's Modulus - elasticity parameter for the DEM particles
Poisson's Ratio - elasticity parameter for the DEM particles
$Time Paramters
dt - DEM timestep
$Particle Contact
Damping - Interparticle damping ratio
$FEM Constitutive
lambda - elasticity paramter for the FEM (not used)
mu - elasticity parameter for the FEM (not used)
rho - density of the FEM (not used)
gravity - acceleration due to gravity
$FEM Geometry
diameter - Diameter of the specimen
L/D - Ratio of the length to the diameter of the specimen
$DEM Geometry
length - length of the DEM assembly
width - width of the DEM assembly
height - height of the DEM assembly
$FEM Constants
numips - number of integration points per element
nstress - number of saved stress and strain values
nisv - number of internal state variables
ndof - number of global degrees of freedom
nel - number of elements
neldof - number of element degrees of freedom
$Time Parameters
t0 - start time of the simulation
dt - global timestep
iterations - number of DEM timesteps per global timestep
print - number of DEM snapshots per global timestep
time total - end time of the simlation
$Strain Rate
rate - strain rate of the split Hopkinson pressure bar experiment
$Mass Damping
alpha - mass proportional damping value
Output files will be generated in ./outputs in the directory ./outputs/<PBS Name>/<Job Number>. <PBS Name> is the name of the simulation specified in the PBS script, and <Job Number> is the job number assigned by the PBS queue.
To compile the code, "cd" into ./source, and run ./Make_Script.sh. "Make_Script.sh" takes the platform as an argument. Current platforms are "topaz" and "excalibur":
./source/Make_Script.sh <platform>
To submit the code to the PBS queue system of the specified platform, run ./Submit_Script.sh. "Submit_Script.sh" takes two arguments: the platform and the name of the PBS script. Curent platforms are "topaz" and "excalibur", and the PBS scripts are created and stored in ./source/<platform>/. Each PBS script needs to specify the queue, number of nodes, walltime, job code, your email, and location of each input file.
./Submit_Script.sh <platform> <PBS Script>
#PBS -N <PBS Name>
#PBS -l select=<Number of Nodes>:ncpus=32:mpiprocs=1
#PBS -l walltime=<walltime>
#PBS -l place=scatter:excl
#PBS -q <queue>
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -A <job code>
#PBS -m be
#PBS -M <email>
#--- USER INPUT ---
export PREFIX=$PBS_JOBNAME #PBS_JOBNAME is the name of the job that's been submitted
export LOCAL_DIR=$PBS_O_WORKDIR #the directory where the script was run
export TMPD=$WORKDIR #my personal work directory on excalibur - data here is temp (15 days after run done)
JOBNUM=echo ${PBS_JOBID} | cut -d "." -f 1
#create variable out of job number PBS assigns this job
export NSLOTS=wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE | cut -f1 -d" "
export EXE=${LOCAL_DIR}/source
export BIN=${LOCAL_DIR}/bin
export LIB=${LOCAL_DIR}/lib
export INP=${LOCAL_DIR}/inputs
export OUT=${LOCAL_DIR}/outputs
export TMP_DIR=${TMPD}/${JOBNUM} #create directory to run the job in $WORKDIR/$JOBNUM
mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR}
mkdir -p ${OUT}/${PREFIX}/${JOBNUM}
cp -r ${EXE}/hu_code ${TMP_DIR} #copies everything from the place this script is run into the work dir
cd ${TMP_DIR}
ln -s ${TMP_DIR} ${OUT}/${PREFIX}/${JOBNUM}/${JOBNUM} #create link to the work dir
module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
module list
echo Simulation started at date
aprun -n
echo Simulation finished at date