Parses a list of comments from an ECMAScript (JavaScript) source file. 0 dependencies, 482 bytes minified + gzipped.
npm install es-comments
const parseESComments = require('es-comments');
const someSourceCode = `
// Some single line comment
console.log('hello world');
const comments = parseESComments(someSourceCode);
/* Outputs:
"value": "// Some single line comment",
"start": 9,
"end": 36
Benchmarks run on a mid-2015 MacBook Pro. Benchmarks compare running time to other similar npm packages.
| │ es-comments (this package) │ extract-comments │ get-comments │ comment-regex |
| jQuery 1.7.2 │ 49.36 ops/sec │ 9.27 ops/sec │ 22.05 ops/sec │ 1,474 ops/sec |
tl;dr: If location information is not necessary, and some misses are ok, use a RegExp. Otherwise, this package is a good alternative.