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Merge pull request #758 from ScorexFoundation/v5.0-finalize
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Release Candidate v5.0
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aslesarenko authored Oct 12, 2022
2 parents b513c0e + f100992 commit 79c6f6f
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# ErgoScript compiler and ErgoTree interpreter

This repository contains implementations of ErgoScript compiler and ErgoTree
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46 changes: 43 additions & 3 deletions common/src/main/scala/scalan/util/CollectionUtil.scala
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Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object CollectionUtil {

/** @deprecated shouldn't be used other than for backwards compatibility with v3.x, v4.x. */
def concatArrays[T](xs: Array[T], ys: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val len = xs.length + ys.length
val result = (xs match {
case arr: Array[AnyRef] => new Array[AnyRef](len)
case arr: Array[AnyRef] => new Array[AnyRef](len) // creates an array with invalid type descriptor (i.e. when T == Tuple2)
case arr: Array[Byte] => new Array[Byte](len)
case arr: Array[Short] => new Array[Short](len)
case arr: Array[Int] => new Array[Int](len)
Expand All @@ -30,6 +31,21 @@ object CollectionUtil {

/** Concatenates two arrays into a new resulting array.
* All items of both arrays are copied to the result using System.arraycopy.
* This method takes ClassTag to create proper resulting array.
* Can be used in v5.0 and above.
def concatArrays_v5[T:ClassTag](arr1: Array[T], arr2: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
val l1 = arr1.length
val l2 = arr2.length
val length: Int = l1 + l2
val result: Array[T] = new Array[T](length)
System.arraycopy(arr1, 0, result, 0, l1)
System.arraycopy(arr2, 0, result, l1, l2)

def deepHashCode[T](arr: Array[T]): Int = arr match {
case arr: Array[AnyRef] => util.Arrays.deepHashCode(arr)
case arr: Array[Byte] => util.Arrays.hashCode(arr)
Expand All @@ -50,6 +66,10 @@ object CollectionUtil {

/** Group the given sequence of pairs by first values as keys.
* @param kvs sequence of values which is traversed once
* @return a multimap with ArrayBuffer of values for each key.
def createMultiMap[K,V](kvs: GenIterable[(K,V)]): Map[K, ArrayBuffer[V]] = {
val res = HashMap.empty[K, ArrayBuffer[V]]
kvs.foreach { case (k, v) =>
Expand All @@ -62,12 +82,17 @@ object CollectionUtil {

// TODO optimize: using cfor and avoiding allocations
/** Perform relational inner join of two sequences using the given key projections. */
def joinSeqs[O, I, K](outer: GenIterable[O], inner: GenIterable[I])(outKey: O=>K, inKey: I=>K): GenIterable[(O,I)] = {
val kvs = createMultiMap( => (inKey(i), i)))
val res = outer.flatMap(o => {
val ko = outKey(o)
kvs(ko).map(i => (o,i))
kvs.get(ko) match {
case Some(inners) => => (o,i))
case None =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,6 +207,21 @@ object CollectionUtil {

implicit class TraversableOps[A, Source[X] <: GenIterable[X]](val xs: Source[A]) extends AnyVal {

/** Returns a copy of this collection where elements at `items(i)._1` are replaced
* with `items(i)._2` for each i.
def updateMany(items: Seq[(Int, A)])(implicit tA: ClassTag[A]): Seq[A] = {
val res = xs.toArray
val nItems = items.length
var i = 0
while (i < nItems) {
val item = items(i)
res(item._1) = item._2
i += 1

def filterCast[B:ClassTag](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Source[A], B, Source[B]]): Source[B] = {
val b = cbf()
for (x <- xs) {
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101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions common/src/main/scala/sigmastate/VersionContext.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
package sigmastate

import sigmastate.VersionContext.JitActivationVersion

import scala.util.DynamicVariable

/** Represent currently activated protocol version and currently executed ErgoTree version.
* This parameters, once set in DynamicVariable can be accessed everywhere on the current
* thread.
* @param activatedVersion Currently activated script version == Block.headerVersion - 1
* @param ergoTreeVersion version of the currently executed ErgoTree
* @see
case class VersionContext(activatedVersion: Byte, ergoTreeVersion: Byte) {
require(ergoTreeVersion <= activatedVersion,
s"In a valid VersionContext ergoTreeVersion must never exceed activatedVersion: $this")

/** @return true, if the activated script version of Ergo protocol on the network is
* greater than v1. */
def isJitActivated: Boolean = activatedVersion >= JitActivationVersion

/** @return true, if the version of ErgoTree being executed greater than v1. */
def isErgoTreeVersionGreaterV1: Boolean =
ergoTreeVersion >= JitActivationVersion

object VersionContext {
/** Maximum version of ErgoTree supported by this interpreter release.
* See version bits in `ErgoTree.header` for more details.
* This value should be increased with each new protocol update via soft-fork.
* The following values are used for current and upcoming forks:
* - version 3.x this value must be 0
* - in v4.0 must be 1
* - in v5.x must be 2
* etc.
val MaxSupportedScriptVersion: Byte = 2 // supported versions 0, 1, 2

/** The first version of ErgoTree starting from which the JIT costing interpreter must be used.
* It must also be used for all subsequent versions (3, 4, etc).
val JitActivationVersion: Byte = 2

private val _defaultContext = VersionContext(
activatedVersion = 1/* v4.x */,
ergoTreeVersion = 1

/** Universally accessible version context which is used to version the code
* across the whole repository.
* The default value represent activated Ergo protocol and highest ErgoTree version.
private val _versionContext: DynamicVariable[VersionContext] =
new DynamicVariable[VersionContext](_defaultContext)

/** Returns the current VersionContext attached to the current thread.
* Each thread can have only one current version context at any time, which can be
* changed using `withVersions` method.
* @see withVersions()
def current: VersionContext = {
val ctx = _versionContext.value
if (ctx == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"VersionContext is not specified on thread ${Thread.currentThread().getId}")

/** Executes the given block under the given version context attached to the current thread.
* The typical usage is to use `VersionContext.withVersions(activatedVersion,
* treeVersion) {...}` when the block of code needs to be executed with the given
* versions.
* For example, sigmastate.Interpreter uses it to execute operations according to the
* necessary versions of Ergo protocol and ErgoTree.
* @param activatedVersion Currently activated script version == Block.headerVersion - 1
* @param ergoTreeVersion ErgoTree version to be set on the current thread
* @param block block of code to execute
* @return result of block execution
def withVersions[T](activatedVersion: Byte, ergoTreeVersion: Byte)(block: => T): T =
_versionContext.withValue(VersionContext(activatedVersion, ergoTreeVersion))(block)

/** Checks the version context has the given versions*/
def checkVersions(activatedVersion: Byte, ergoTreeVersion: Byte) = {
val ctx = VersionContext.current
if (ctx.activatedVersion != activatedVersion || ctx.ergoTreeVersion != ergoTreeVersion) {
val expected = VersionContext(activatedVersion, ergoTreeVersion)
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Global VersionContext.current = ${ctx} while expected $expected.")

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions common/src/main/scala/sigmastate/util.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package sigmastate

import scalan.util.CollectionUtil

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object util {
/** Maximum length of an allocatable array. */
val MaxArrayLength: Int = 100000

private def checkLength[A](len: Int)(implicit tA: ClassTag[A]) = {
if (len > MaxArrayLength)
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Cannot allocate array of $tA with $len items: max limit is $MaxArrayLength")

/** Allocates a new array with `len` items of type `A`.
* Should be used instead of `new Array[A](n)` or `Array.ofDim[A](n)`
final def safeNewArray[A](len: Int)(implicit tA: ClassTag[A]): Array[A] = {
new Array[A](len)

/** Concatenate two arrays checking length limit of the resulting array.
* Should be used in implementation of Coll operations of v5.0 and above. */
final def safeConcatArrays_v5[A](arr1: Array[A], arr2: Array[A])(implicit tA: ClassTag[A]): Array[A] = {
checkLength[A](arr1.length + arr2.length)
CollectionUtil.concatArrays_v5(arr1, arr2)
47 changes: 43 additions & 4 deletions common/src/test/scala/scalan/util/CollectionUtilTests.scala
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Expand Up @@ -9,16 +9,31 @@ class CollectionUtilTests extends BaseTests {
import scalan.util.CollectionUtil._
import java.lang.{Byte => JByte, Integer}

test("updateMany") {
val xs: Seq[Byte] = Array[Byte](1,2,3)
xs.updateMany(Seq.empty) shouldBe xs
xs.updateMany(Seq(0 -> 2)) shouldBe Seq(2, 2, 3)
xs.updateMany(Seq(0 -> 2, 2 -> 2)) shouldBe Seq(2, 2, 2)
an[IndexOutOfBoundsException] should be thrownBy {
xs.updateMany(Seq(3 -> 2))

test("concatArrays") {
val xs = Array[Byte](1,2,3)
val ys = Array[Byte](4,5,6)
val zs = concatArrays(xs, ys)
assertResult(Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))(zs)

// val jxs = Array[JByte](new JByte(1), new JByte(2), new JByte(3))
// val jys = Array[JByte](new JByte(4), new JByte(5), new JByte(6))
// val jzs = concatArrays(jxs, jys)
// assertResult(Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))(jzs)
val pairs =
// this reproduces the problem which takes place in v3.x, v4.x (ErgoTree v0, v1)
an[ClassCastException] should be thrownBy(concatArrays(pairs, pairs))

// and this is the fix in v5.0
concatArrays_v5(pairs, pairs) shouldBe Array((1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6), (1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6))

val xOpts =
concatArrays_v5(xOpts, xOpts) shouldBe Array(Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), Some(1), Some(2), Some(3))

def join(l: Map[Int,Int], r: Map[Int,Int]) =
Expand All @@ -28,6 +43,30 @@ class CollectionUtilTests extends BaseTests {
def joinPairs(l: Seq[(String,Int)], r: Seq[(String,Int)]) =
outerJoinSeqs(l, r)(l => l._1, r => r._1)((_,l) => l._2, (_,r) => r._2, (k,l,r) => l._2 + r._2)

test("joinSeqs") {
def key(p : (Int, String)): Int = p._1

val res = CollectionUtil.joinSeqs(
outer = Seq(1 -> "o1", 1 -> "o1"),
inner = Seq(1 -> "i1", 2 -> "i2"))(key, key)
res shouldBe Seq(
(1 -> "o1") -> (1 -> "i1"),
(1 -> "o1") -> (1 -> "i1")

{ // same as above, but swapping inner and outer
val res = CollectionUtil.joinSeqs(
outer = Seq(1 -> "o1", 2 -> "o2"),
inner = Seq(1 -> "i1", 1 -> "i1"))(key, key)
res shouldBe Seq(
(1 -> "o1") -> (1 -> "i1"),
(1 -> "o1") -> (1 -> "i1")

test("outerJoin maps") {
val left = Map(1 -> 1, 2 -> 2, 3 -> 3)
val right = Map(2 -> 2, 3 -> 3, 4 -> 4)
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87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions common/src/test/scala/sigmastate/VersionTesting.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
package sigmastate

import spire.syntax.all.cfor

import scala.util.DynamicVariable

trait VersionTesting {

protected val activatedVersions: Seq[Byte] =
(0 to VersionContext.MaxSupportedScriptVersion).map(_.toByte).toArray[Byte]

private[sigmastate] val _currActivatedVersion = new DynamicVariable[Byte](0)
def activatedVersionInTests: Byte = _currActivatedVersion.value

/** Checks if the current activated script version used in tests corresponds to v4.x. */
def isActivatedVersion4: Boolean = activatedVersionInTests < VersionContext.JitActivationVersion

val ergoTreeVersions: Seq[Byte] =
(0 to VersionContext.MaxSupportedScriptVersion).map(_.toByte).toArray[Byte]

private[sigmastate] val _currErgoTreeVersion = new DynamicVariable[Byte](0)

/** Current ErgoTree version assigned dynamically. */
def ergoTreeVersionInTests: Byte = _currErgoTreeVersion.value

/** Executes the given block for each combination of _currActivatedVersion and
* _currErgoTreeVersion assigned to dynamic variables.
def forEachScriptAndErgoTreeVersion
(activatedVers: Seq[Byte], ergoTreeVers: Seq[Byte])
(block: => Unit): Unit = {
cfor(0)(_ < activatedVers.length, _ + 1) { i =>
val activatedVersion = activatedVers(i)
// setup each activated version
_currActivatedVersion.withValue(activatedVersion) {

i => i < ergoTreeVers.length && ergoTreeVers(i) <= activatedVersion,
_ + 1) { j =>
val treeVersion = ergoTreeVers(j)
// for each tree version up to currently activated, set it up and execute block


/** Helper method which executes the given `block` once for each `activatedVers`.
* The method sets the dynamic variable activatedVersionInTests with is then available
* in the block.
def forEachActivatedScriptVersion(activatedVers: Seq[Byte])(block: => Unit): Unit = {
cfor(0)(_ < activatedVers.length, _ + 1) { i =>
val activatedVersion = activatedVers(i)

/** Helper method which executes the given `block` once for each `ergoTreeVers`.
* The method sets the dynamic variable ergoTreeVersionInTests with is then available
* in the block.
def forEachErgoTreeVersion(ergoTreeVers: Seq[Byte])(block: => Unit): Unit = {
cfor(0)(_ < ergoTreeVers.length, _ + 1) { i =>
val version = ergoTreeVers(i)

val printVersions: Boolean = false

protected def testFun_Run(testName: String, testFun: => Any): Unit = {
def msg = s"""property("$testName")(ActivatedVersion = $activatedVersionInTests; ErgoTree version = $ergoTreeVersionInTests)"""
if (printVersions) println(msg)
try testFun
catch {
case t: Throwable =>
if (!printVersions) {
// wasn't printed, print it now
throw t


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