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Prepare Individual Items
This is the fine grained method. To begin, initialize the AutoRoutePrepare class with the location of the AutoRoute executable, the path to your elevation raster, and the path to your stream network shapefile.
from AutoRoutePy.prepare import AutoRoutePrepare
import os
autoroute_executable_location = '/AutoRoute/src/autoroute'
input_dir = '/autoroute-io/input/watershed_directory/sub_folder'
stream_info_file = os.path.join(input_dir,'stream_info.txt')
river_network_file = '/path/to/river_network.shp'
arp = AutoRoutePrepare(autoroute_executable_location,
os.path.join(input_dir, 'elevation.dt2'),
Next, to connect the elevation DEM to the stream network, you need to rasterize the stream network based on the elevation DEM.
out_rasterized_streamfile = os.path.join(input_dir, 'rasterized_streamfile.tif')
stream_id='HydroID') #the attribute name of the stream ID used for RAPID
Then, create your stream info file and add stream direction and slope to it.
search_radius=1) #distance to search for stream direction in meters
arp.append_slope_to_stream_info_file('HydroID', #the attribute name of the stream ID used for RAPID
'Avg_Slope') #the attribute name of the stream slope
Based on a land use raster and a land use table, you can generate a Manning’s N raster to use with AutoRoute.
WARNING: The land use raster must be in the same projection as your elevation raster! If it is not in the same projection, either reproject using a GIS tool or use this script.
from AutoRoutePy.reproject_raster import reproject_lu_raster
dem_raster = '/autoroute-io/input/watershed-directory/sub_area-directory/elevation.img'
land_use_raster = '/autoroute_prepare/watershed-directory/NLCD2011_LC.tif'
reprojected_land_use_raster = '/autoroute_prepare/watershed-directory/NLCD2011_LC_repr.tif'
reproject_lu_raster(dem_raster, land_use_raster, reprojected_land_use_raster)
Once your land use raster is in the correct projection, use this process to generate the manning n raster.
from AutoRoutePy.prepare import AutoRoutePrepare
import os
autoroute_executable_location = '/AutoRoute/src/autoroute'
input_dir = '/autoroute-io/input/watershed-directorysub_area-directory'
reprojected_land_use_raster = '/autoroute_prepare/watershed-directory/NLCD2011_LC_repr.tif'
land_use_to_mannning_n_table = '/AutoRoute/mannings_n_tabes/AR_Manning_n_for_NLCD_LOW.txt'
arp = AutoRoutePrepare(autoroute_executable_location,
os.path.join(input_dir, 'elevation.dt2'))
#Method to generate manning_n file from DEM, Land Use Raster, and Manning N Table with new AutoRoute
output_manning_n_raster=os.path.join(main_dir, 'manning_n.tif'),
This is the code that starts the process off:
from AutoRoutePy.prepare import AutoRoutePrepare
import os
input_dir = '/autoroute-io/input/watershed-directorysub_area-directory'
reprojected_land_use_raster = '/autoroute_prepare/watershed-directory/NLCD2011_LC_repr.tif'
river_network_file = '/path/to/river_network.shp'
arp = AutoRoutePrepare("", #autoroute_executable_location, - don't need for this step
"", #dem path - don't need for this step
os.path.join(input_dir, 'stream_info.txt')
From there, you have three options:
This function grabs the peak within the specified time period. If no time period is specified, it searches the whole dataset.
from datetime import datetime
rapid_output_file = '/path/to/Qout_file.nc'
#OPTION 1: Search for Peak with Date Search
#NOTE: Date search will only work with CF compliant RAPID files
date_peak_search_start = datetime(1980,5,1)
date_peak_search_end = datetime(1980,8,30)
date_peak_search_start, #optional
date_peak_search_end) #optional
#OPTION 2: Search for Peak in Entire Time Series
If you created a return period file from RAPIDpy, you can add the peak flows from each return period to the stream_info.txt.
NOTE: Valid return period options: return_period_20, return_period_10, return_period_2, max_flow
return_period_file = "/path/to/return_periods.nc"
return_period = "return_period_20"
If you already have a shapefile with the flow associated with each river segment, you can use that as a method for input into the stream_info.txt file.
stream_id_field = "HydroID"
streamflow_field = "StreamFlow"