This is a tutorial introduction to the EPIC-KITCHENS-55 egocentric action dataset.
We'll introduce you to EPIC and some tools like Snakemake, a python build tool, for managing the process
- Downloading RGB frames, Optical flow frames, and action metadata.
- Integrating the metadata and frames into a format suitable for using a model training loop.
- Get your environment setup with Conda
- Download and process the dataset with Snakemake
- Explore the dataset and learn how to load frames and labels in Jupyter notebooks
In this section we'll set up a virtual environment with all the tools and libraries you need, allowing you to easily work with EPIC.
We provide a conda
file describing the environment you need to work with EPIC
If you don't have conda, go and install it, either miniconda or anaconda will be fine.
Download the repository, and create the conda virtual environment:
$ git clone epic
$ cd epic
$ conda env create -n epic -f environment.yaml
$ conda activate epic
In this section we'll download EPIC and perform some processing steps to transform it into a format suitable for working with in a model training loop.
We use Snakemake, a build tool
similar to make
, to manage the downloading of all media and metadata,
segmentation of frames into action segments, and ingestion of data into GulpIO, a
high performance format for video storage for machine learning.
To download the EPIC action segment labels, and build a new pickled dataframe
for the train and test sets you can run snakemake data/processed/{test_{,un}seen,train}_labels.pkl
You have now built data/processed/train_labels.pkl
, and
, which contain the train and test labels
of EPIC stored as a pickled
You can now open up a python session and inspect the labels with
You should now build the gulp directories that contain all the flow and RGB frames which are used in the second notebook, and to be used for training purposes.
NOTE: If you are running on a machine where you have separate fast storage and
are reading from a parallel network file system, you might want to set
the tmp_dir
variable in config.yml
to a path residing on that file system. This
will instruct Snakemake where to extract the frames and where to gulp the
files to disk.
$ snakemake -p gulp_all
This will download the RGB (220GB) and flow (100GB) frames, segment them using
the test/train labels, and finally gulp the data.
WARNING: The final few steps which involve gulping the frames will take a very long
time if you aren't using a SSD - as such, we recommend that you locate the data
directory on a SSD and
symlink the directory here.
You should also download the class CSVs that describe the mapping between verbs/nouns and their numerical classes.
$ snakemake -p download_metadata
In this section we'll investigate the actions within EPIC and learn how to
use the EPIC-KITCHENS-55
that provides software for common use cases. Ensure you have run snakemake -j $(nproc) all
before using these notebooks as they use files created from the
Both RGB frames and flow are encoded as JPEG files. Individual files to be slow to read from disk so we suggest employing GulpIO for storing the data in a manner suitable for training.
We typically structure the files like so:
|--- rgb-segments
| |--- P01
| | |--- P01_01
| | |--- ...
| | |--- P01_19
| ...
|--- flow-segments
| |--- P01
| | |--- P01_01
| | | |--- u
| | | |--- v
| | |--- ...
| | |--- P01_19
| ...
Inside each of these folders are named segments in the form
(e.g. P01_01_0_open-door
<video_id> := regex(P\d\d_\d\d)
<uid> := regex(\d+)
<narration> := <word>[-<word>]*
<word> := [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
If you don't wish to use Snakemake to download the data, you can choose to manually download it yourself.
- Original videos (1920x1080, 60 FPS, 701 GB), train download script, test download script
- RGB frames (456x256, 60 FPS, 220 GB), download script
- Dense Optical flow frames (456x256, TVL1, 96 GB), download script
- RGB frames for object detection (1920x1080, 2FPS), download script