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This repository contains a collection of pre-configured solutions for the KubeRocketCI Kubernetes Cluster deployments. It follows the GitOps methodology and utilizes the ArgoCD App of Apps pattern for streamlined configuration and deployment.


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Cluster Add-ons Repository


This repository contains a collection of pre-configured solutions (add-ons) for Kubernetes cluster. It follows the GitOps methodology and utilizes the ArgoCD App of Apps pattern for streamlined configuration and deployment.

The repository offers a variety of Kubernetes add-ons that can be easily integrated into Kubernetes cluster, whether running on Openshift or any other Managed Kubernetes distribution. These add-ons enhance cluster capabilities and provide additional functionalities for the KubeRocketCI Platform.

Using ArgoCD, one can leverage the repository to expedite the setup process of the KubeRocketCI Platform and cluster components. The repository provides ready-to-use configurations for add-ons, simplifying deployment and reducing complexity.

Explore this repository to access a comprehensive collection of Kubernetes add-ons for your Kubernetes. Simplify deployment, enhance cluster capabilities, and stay up-to-date with the evolving landscape of Kubernetes.

Repository structure

  • argo-cd - contains the Helm chart for main Argo CD
  • clusters - contains the configuration files for the add-ons that are specific to the cluster
├── argo-cd
│   ├── Chart.yaml
│   ├──
│   ├── templates
└── clusters
    ├── core
    │   ├── apps
    │   │   ├── templates
    │   │   |   ├── argo-cd.yaml
    │   │   |   ├── atlantis.yaml
    │   │   |   ├── ...
    │   │   ├── Chart.yaml
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── values.yaml
    │   ├── addons
    |   |   ├── argo-cd
    |   |   ├── atlantis
    |   |   ├── ...
    │   ├── bootstrap-addons.yaml
    ├── prod

How to enable an add-on

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. To init add-ons onboarding process, deploy main Argo CD instance by running the following command:
helm install argocd argo-cd -n argocd --create-namespace
  1. To get access to the Argo CD UI run port-forward command.
  2. Configure integration with the forked repository by adding credential template to the Argo CD.
  3. Apply the clusters/core/bootstrap-addons.yaml application to the Argo CD.
  4. Enable the add-on by setting the enable field to true in the clusters/core/apps/values.yaml file.
  5. To change the application namespace, update the namespace field in the clusters/core/apps/values.yaml file.

Available add-ons

Check out the list of available add-ons in the chart directory.

make update-readme
Component version appVersion namespace createNamespace enable
argo-cd 7.7.11 v2.13.2 krci False False
atlantis 5.8.0 v0.30.0 atlantis False False
aws-efs-csi-driver 1.5.7 1.5.7 kube-system N/A False
awx-operator 2.19.1 2.19.1 awx-operator False False
capsule 0.5.3 0.4.2 capsule-system False False
capsule-tenant N/A N/A capsule-system N/A False
cert-manager 1.17.1 1.17.1 cert-manager False False
defectdojo 1.6.168 2.42.1 defectdojo False False
dependency-track 0.26.0 v4.12.4 dependency-track False False
external-secrets 0.14.2 0.14.2 external-secrets False False
fluent-bit 0.46.11 3.0.7 logging False False
harbor 0.1.0 1.12.2 harbor False False
harbor-ha 1.13.0 2.9.0 harbor False False
harbor-ha-okd 1.13.0 2.9.0 harbor False False
ingress-nginx 4.11.3 1.11.3 ingress-nginx False False
ingress-nginx-external 4.11.3 1.11.3 ingress-nginx-external False False
jaeger-operator 2.53.0 1.52.0 jaeger-operator False False
karma-dashboard 2.9.3 v0.120 monitoring False False
karpenter-np 0.1.0 0.1.0 karpenter False False
karpenter 1.0.8 1.0.8 karpenter False False
keda-tenants 0.1.0 0.1.0 keda False False
keda 2.15.2 2.15.1 keda False False
keycloak 2.3.0 24.0.4 security False False
keycloak-postgresql 0.1.1 1.0 security False False
keycloak-operator 1.23.0 1.23.0 keycloak-operator False False
krakend 0.1.36 2.7.2 krakend False False
kuberocketci-pipelines N/A N/A krci False False
kuberocketci-rbac 0.1.0 0.1.0 security False False
kuberocketci 3.10.2 3.10.2 krci False False
minio-operator 0.1.0 5.0.5 minio-operator False False
nexus 61.0.3 3.70.3 nexus False False
nexus-operator 3.3.0 3.3.0 nexus False False
oauth2-proxy 7.6.0 v7.6.0 oauth2-proxy False False
opensearch 2.26.1 2.17.1 logging False False
opentelemetry-operator 0.62.0 0.102.0 opentelemetry-operator False False
postgres-operator 0.1.0 5.7.0 postgres-operator False False
prometheus-operator 65.5.1 v0.77.2 monitoring False False
redis-operator 0.1.0 3.2.8 redis-operator False False
report-portal 5.10.0 23.2 report-portal False False
sonar 8.0.2 9.9.2 sonar False False
sonar-operator 3.1.1 3.1.1 sonar False False
storage-class N/A N/A N/A N/A False
tekton-cache 0.4.0 0.4.0 tekton-cache False False
tekton N/A N/A tekton-pipelines False False
tekton-custom-task 0.1.0 0.1.0 krci False False
tekton-dashboard 0.52.0 0.52.0 krci False False
vault-kms 0.25.0 1.14.0 vault False False
vault-okd 0.25.0 1.14.0 vault False False
vault 0.24.1 1.13.1 vault False False


This repository contains a collection of pre-configured solutions for the KubeRocketCI Kubernetes Cluster deployments. It follows the GitOps methodology and utilizes the ArgoCD App of Apps pattern for streamlined configuration and deployment.




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