The files in this repository allow you to emulate an gamepad to Original Xbox using a USB-capable Arduino microcontroller.
Follow the official instructions for adding third party boards and adding boards to the Arduino IDE.
Add the following line to the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" list:
If you've done this correctly, the OGXBOX boards packages will be available within the Boards Manager. Install the "OGXBOX AVR Boards" package to add these boards to the IDE.
Connect the board to your computer using a USB cable, and make sure you have the proper board selected in the IDE's 'boards' menu (with or without OGXBOX).
- Adafruit Circuit Playground 32u4
- Arduino Esplora
- Arduino Industrial 101
- Arduino Leonardo
- Arduino Leonardo ETH
- Arduino Micro
- Arduino Robot Control / Motor
- Arduino Yún
- Arduino Yún Mini
- LilyPad Arduino USB
- Linino One
Unfortunately boards such as the Uno, Nano, or Mega that do not have native USB support will not work.
Libraries used: