This is an experimental BeeFree integration for Mautic
- 06/28/2020 alpha0 release
- 06/30/2020 alpha1 release
- 07/10/2020 beta0 release
- UTF-8 chars with js atob (resoved with unescape/URIDEcode workaround) - resolved
- Language support for beefree plugin - resolved
- cd MAUTIC_DIR/plugins && git clone (or unzip the release)
- app/console cache:clear --env=prod
- app/console mautic:plugins:reload
- Go to, create an account and an application. Get API_KEY et API_SECRET
- Navigate to /s/plugins (Configuration > Plugins ) and enable BeeFree integration
- Fill in the field API_KEY and API_SECRET in features tab && Save
- app/console cache:clear --env=prod
- php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Just go to email create new/edit and click to Launch builder BEEFREE button. Should open new popup iframe with BeeFree plugin. You can also select one of the template from Template tab.
- Launch Beefree builder with save and close button
- Save button
- Create new email
- Edit email
- Save versions
- Use template library
- Email clone support
- Integration with landing pages
- beefree user added to plugin configuration in order to limit files access through the media library
- Save as template
- Automatically download images from Beefree servers and replace links (template and html)
- Integrate premium features
- Integrate external storage
- Add mautic tokens support (form/dynamic content/unsubscribe_url etc ...)
Goto With phpmyadmin on table beefree-theme, add json / name / preview (blob as jpeg image)
I've added an export of my theme table with 3 templates. You can edit the sql to fit your requirement (MAUTIC_PREFIX) You can find it in the Sql Folder from the repo