HeroZone is an interactive app where users can explore a vast collection of Marvel characters, comics, and related information. Additionally, users can create their own custom superheroes with unique abilities and attributes.
Client Repo here
Server Repo here
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React
- Backend: Node.js
- API: Marvel API
- Libraries: Axios, React Router, Bootstrap
- Comics Search Filter: Add advanced search filters for comics (by year, writer, etc.).
- Community Heroes: Showcase the top custom superheroes created by the community.
404 Page: Users encounter a visually appealing 404 page when navigating to a non-existent page, providing clarity and a touch of creativity.
Homepage: The homepage presents an engaging introduction to the app and the Marvel universe.
Character List: Users can easily browse through an extensive list of all Marvel characters available in the app, enhancing their exploration experience.
Character Detail: Detailed information about selected Marvel characters is readily accessible, enriching user knowledge and engagement.
Comic List: Users enjoy the ability to browse all comics with comprehensive details available for each one, making comic exploration seamless.
Create Custom Superhero: Users experience the excitement of creating their own superhero, complete with custom powers and unique attributes.
Edit Superhero: Users can effortlessly customize and refine the superheroes details, enhancing their overall experience and connection to their imagination.
Delete Superhero: Users can easily remove their custom superhero if they choose, providing full control over their creations. .
Method | Endpoint | Purpose | Description |
GET | /newsuperheroes | Fetch New Superheroes | Fetch new superheroes from JSON server |
POST | /newsuperhero | Create New Superhero | Create a new superhero and store it on the JSON server |
PUT | /newsuperhero/:newsuperheroid | Edit New Superhero | Edit a superhero that already exists in the JSON server |
DEL | /newsuperhero/:newsuperheroid | Delete New Superhero | Delete a superhero that already exists in the JSON server |
GET | /v1/public/characters | Fetch Marvel Superheroes | Fetch list of all characters from the Marvel API |
GET | /v1/public/comics | Fetch Marvel Comics | Fetch list of all comics from the Marvel API |
GET | /v1/public/characters/:id | Fetch Marvel Superheroes by ID | Fetch a character from the Marvel API by ID |
GET | /v1/public/comics/:id | Fetch Marvel Comics by ID | Fetch a comic from the Marvel API by ID |
- Navbar: Contains links to the homepage, search character filter, new superheroes, comic list, create character, about us.
- Footer: Displays app credits, social media links, and other resources.
- Developer 1: Clara Seijo LinkedIn
- Developer 2: Emma Martinez Garcia LinkedIn