This is a practice project on fetching data from the API. The API used is from a restaurant finder called Zomato. The app searches for restaurants in the selected category and city, and displays restaurants available for the chosen category in the city.
- java script
- Webpack
- Bootstrap
- Zomato API
Open your terminal or text editor and use next command
git clone
cd ejokaRestaurantFinder
After if you want to do any changes please create new branch, after changes open pull request. Happy coding!
👤 Author
- Github: emmanuelkamala
- Twitter: ejkamala
- Linkedin: emmanuelkamala
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- The odin project
- Microverse tips
This project is MIT licensed.